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I made with you, you have taken things that were destined to be destroyed, you have stolen them and hidden them and put them among your baggage. The voice grew louder, That is why you could not resist your enemies, because you, too, were condemned to be destroyed, and I will not take your side again until you destroy that which, though condemned to destruction, is still in your possession, up, joshua, and summon the people, the man who is found to have taken those things will be burned along with everything he has, family and goods. Early the next morning, joshua gave orders for the people to come before him, household by household. Questions, enquiries and denunciations finally led him to a man called achan, the son of carmi, the son of zabdi, the son of serah, of the tribe of judah. Joshua addressed him in gentle, mellifluous tones, saying, My son, give glory to the lord and make confession to him, tell me what you have done, hide nothing from me. Cain, who was watching along with the others, thought, They're sure to pardon him, joshua wouldn't speak to him like that if he was going to condemn him. Meanwhile, achan was saying, It's true, I have sinned against the lord god of israel, Speak, tell me everything, joshua urged him, When I saw among the spoils a beautiful babylonian cloak, and nearly two hundred shekels of silver and a wedge of gold nearly fifty shekels in weight, then I coveted them and took them, Tell me, where are those things now, asked joshua, They are buried in the earth beneath my tent, and the silver under them. Having wheedled this confession out of him, joshua sent some men to search the tent where they found the stolen items, with the silver underneath, just as achan had said. They took them and brought them to joshua and to all the israelites and placed them before the lord, or, rather, before the ark of the covenant that stood for him. Joshua then took achan with the silver, the cloak and the wedge of gold, along with his sons and daughters, and his oxen and his asses and his sheep, his tent and all that he had, and led them to the valley of achor. When they arrived, joshua said, You were the cause of our misfortune, because of you, thirty-six israelites died, may the lord now be the cause of your misfortune. Then the other israelites stoned achan and threw him into the fire, together with his family and all that they had. Then they raised over him a great heap of stones which is there to this day. For that reason, the place was called the valley of achor, which means misfortune. The lord's anger was assuaged, but, before the people dispersed, his stentorian voice rang out again, Be warned, he who offends me will pay, for I am the lord.

In order to take the city, joshua chose thirty thousand men of valour and instructed them as to the ambush they should prepare, a strategy that, this time, would meet with success, first, a ruse to divide the forces in the city and then an unstoppable attack on two fronts. Twelve thousand men and women died that day, the whole population of ai, for no one escaped and there was not one survivor. Joshua ordered the king of ai to be hanged from a tree until eventide. At sunset, he ordered his carcass to be taken down from the tree and deposited at the entrance to the city. They raised upon him a great heap of stones, which is also there to this day. Despite the many years that have passed, one might still perhaps find a few pebbles, one here, another over there, that will serve to confirm the truth of this regrettable story, drawn from very ancient documents. After what had just happened and remembering what had happened before, the destruction of sodom and gomorrah and the attack on jericho, cain made a decision and went to tell his boss, the farrier, I'm leaving, he said, I can't bear the sight of so many deaths, so much blood spilled, so much wailing and gnashing of teeth, give me back my donkey, I need him for the journey, You're making a mistake, from now on, the cities will fall one after the other, it will be more like a triumphal procession, and as for the donkey, if you were minded to sell him to me, I would be delighted to buy him, No, said cain, as I said, I need him, I wouldn't get very far on foot, What if I were to find you another one, for free, No, I came here with my donkey and I will leave with him, said cain, and putting his hand inside his tunic, he drew out a knife, I want that donkey now, this instant, otherwise, I'll kill you, But you would die too, We would both die, but you would die first, Wait for me here, I'll go and fetch him, said the farrier, Don't try any tricks on me, you know very well that you wouldn't come back alone, we'll both go, you and I, but remember, one wrong word from you and you'll feel this knife slip in between your ribs. The farrier was afraid that cain's anger might cause him to move from threat to deed, and it would be foolish to lose one's life over a donkey, however handsome a beast it might be. The two of them went together, they saddled up the donkey, cain was given some of the food being prepared for the soldiers, and when his saddlebags were good and full, he said to the farrier, Up you get, this will be your last ride on my donkey. Surprised, the man had no option but to obey, then cain jumped up behind him, and, in no time at all, they had left the encampment. Where are you taking me, asked the farrier anxiously, As I said, answered cain, for a ride. They rode and rode and when the tents were almost out of sight, cain said, Off you get. The farrier obeyed, but when he saw that cain was spurring the donkey on to continue his journey, he asked in alarm, What about me, what shall I do, Do what you like, but, if I were you, I'd go back to the encampment, It's a very long way, You won't get lost, just follow the columns of smoke that continue to rise from the city. And with that victory, cain's military career came to an end. He missed the conquest of the cities of makkedah, libnah, lachish, eglon, hebron and debir, where, once again, all the inhabitants were massacred, and to judge by the legend passed down from generation to generation until today, he also missed the greatest miracle of all times, when the lord made the sun stop so that joshua could win the battle, in daylight, against the five amorite kings. Apart from the inevitable and, by now, monotonous toll of deaths and casualties, apart from the usual destructions and even more usual fires, it's rather a fine story, illustrating the power of a god for whom, it would seem, nothing is impossible. All lies. The truth is that when joshua saw that the sun was going down and that the creeping shadows of the night would protect what remained of the amorite army, he raised his arms to heaven, with words ready prepared for posterity on his lips, but, at that moment, he heard a voice whisper in his ear, Silence, don't speak, say nothing, meet me alone, with no witnesses, in the tent of the ark of the covenant, we need to talk. Joshua obediently handed over operations to his second in command and hurried to the meeting place. He sat down on a stool and said, Here I am, lord, let me know thy will, You were probably thinking, said the lord, who was inside the ark, of asking me to stop the sun, Yes, lord, so that no amorite will escape us, Unfortunately, I cannot do as you ask. Joshua opened his mouth wide in amazement, You can't make the sun stop, he asked, and his voice trembled because he believed he was uttering a terrible heresy, No, I can't stop the sun because it's already stopped, it hasn't moved since I put it there, You are the lord, and therefore cannot be wrong, but that isn't what my eyes see, the sun is born over there, travels all day across the sky and disappears over the other side until it returns the following morning, Something moves, but it's not the sun, it's the earth, The earth doesn't move, lord, said joshua in a tense, desperate voice, Your eyes are deluding you, the earth does move, it turns on itself and also turns in space around the sun, In that case, order the earth to stop, it doesn't matter to me whether it's the sun that stops or the earth, just as long as I can destroy the amorites, If I were to stop the earth, not only the amorites would be destroyed, but the world itself, mankind, everything, all the creatures and every living thing on earth, even many trees, despite the roots that anchor them in the soil, everything would be hurled off like a stone from a sling, But I thought the workings of the world depended entirely on your will, lord, Yes, I've been using my will rather too much, as have others in my name, that's why there is so much discontent, people turning their backs on me, some even denying my existence, Punish them, They're beyond my jurisdiction, out of my control, the life of a god isn't as easy as you all think, a god cannot, as people imagine, simply say I want, I can and I command, and he can't always get what he wants straight away, but has to go round in circles first, it's true that I placed that mark on the forehead of cain, whom you've never seen and don't even know, but what I can't understand is why I don't have the power to stop him going where his will takes him and doing whatever he wishes, And what about us, now, asked joshua, his mind still fixed on the amorites, You will do exactly what you had already decided to do, I wouldn't want to take from you the glory of speaking directly to god, And what will you do, lord, Oh, I'll clear the sky of the clouds currently covering it, that's easy enough, but it's up to you to win the battle, With your encouragement, the battle will be over before the sun has set, Fine, given that I cannot do the impossible, I will do the possible. Interpreting these words as a dismissal, joshua got up from the stool, but the lord went on, Tell no one what has passed between us, the story that is told in the future should be ours and no other, joshua asked the lord to stop the sun and the lord did as he asked, that's all, My lips will remain sealed except to confirm that story, lord, Right, go and finish off those amorites for me. Joshua returned to the army, went up to the top of a hill and again raised his arms, O lord, he cried, lord of heaven, of the world and of israel, make the sun stand still in the west, so that your will can be done, give me one more hour of light, just one hour, so that the amorites cannot hide themselves like the cowards they are and so that your soldiers can find them in the darkness and administer your justice and take their lives. In reply, the voice of god thundered forth from the now cloudless sky, terrifying the amorites and emboldening the israelites, The sun will not move from where it is, in order to witness the battle of the israelites for the promised land, now, joshua, vanquish those five amorite kings defying me, and canaan will be the ripe fruit that will shortly fall into your hands, onwards then, and let no amorite survive the blade of the israelite sword. Some say that joshua's plea to the lord was simpler than that, more direct, that he said only, Sun, stand thou still upon gibeon, and thou, moon, in the valley of ajalon, which shows that joshua had accepted that he would have to fight after sunset and with only a pale moon to guide the points of sword and spear to the throats of the amorites. While this is an interesting version, it doesn't change the essence of the story, namely, that the amorites were roundly defeated and all credit for the victory went to the lord, who, having made the sun stop, did not need to wait for the moon. To every saint his candle, as is only right. Here is what was written in a book called just, whose whereabouts no one knows. The sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down for about a whole day, and there was no day like that before it or after it, that the lord hearkened to the voice of a man, for the lord fought for israel.