Email reply, history redacted
To: Lois Gale-Leinhart-Diaz
The Cali Department of Education
Agent, Enforcement Division
From: Magdalene Izzo
Izzo Farms of East Orosi
Head of Records
Date: June 30, 2031
Per guidelines established by University of California-Davis, automated software was installed on our business computer to automatically delete records in accordance with U-of-C-Davis record retention guidelines.
You have all of the records that are available to us.
Email reply, history redacted
To: Magdalene Izzo
Izzo Farms of East Orosi
Head of Records
From: Lois Gale-Leinhart-Diaz
The Cali Department of Education
Agent, Enforcement Division
Date: July 1, 2031
Mz Izzo:
Your file has been marked as “Hostile and non-cooperative.” Cali “Justice for All” Code 2022-1.4142.1356 is activated.
All computational devices (computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.) are subpoenaed and will be collected by bonded subcontractors at our convenience.
Withholding devices is a class one felony.
You have eight business day to comply with the records request before fines are levied.
Email, History redacted
To: Lois Gale-Leinhart-Diaz
The Cali Department of Education
Agent, Enforcement Division
From: Magdalene Izzo
Izzo Farms of East Orosi
Head of Records
Date: July 1, 2031
Your email dated July 1, 2031 explains the presence of the subcontractors who showed up June 30 and presented us with court orders demanding our computing devices.
All devices were handed over in compliance with the order.
To save you a little bit of time, our farm suffered a massive electrical storm with multiple, direct lightning strikes in 2028 that destroyed all electrical devices. The devices collected by the subcontractors were purchased new at that time and they contain no data from before then.
Also, since you collected all devices we are not able to comply with your demand for any records nor are we able to comply with Cali “Education Opportunity Law” 2021-3.1415.9265 record requirements regarding “Continuity of Records”.
What do you want me to do?
Email, History redacted
To: Lois Gale-Leinhart-Diaz
The Cali Department of Education
Agent, Enforcement Division
From: Magdalene Izzo
Izzo Farms of East Orosi
Head of Records
Date: July 2, 2031
We are approaching the July 4 Holiday weekend (Summer Solstice, celebrated) and I need to know what you want us to do to comply with your requirements.
Email reply, history redacted
To: Magdalene Izzo
Izzo Farms of East Orosi
Head of Records
From: Lois Gale-Leinhart-Diaz
The Cali Department of Education
Agent, Enforcement Division
Date: July 7, 2031
Mz Izzo:
The tenor of your communications and your continued intransigence has been duly noted in your file.
In light of your confession that you have no intention of complying with Cali “Education Opportunity Law” 2021-3.1415.9265, a court order has been issued mandating your presence in Sacramento the week of July 14, 2031 for administrative hearings and sentencing.
Chapter Four
The air conditioning was a problem for Mardi. She was wearing her yellow sundress and on the farm they no longer had AC so the now-unfamiliar feeling of conditioned air made her feel like she was sitting in a freezer. You cannot take much luggage when your ride to the bus station is on the back of an ancient Suzuki dirt bike so she didn’t have a sweater or warmer clothing. Chad had borrowed the Suzuki from their neighbor and had to return it, so she rode behind him as he navigated the cratered roads into Visalia.
The waiting room in the Cali Department of Education, Enforcement Division had a sign that read, “The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.” The staff of the Enforcement Division lived by that motto. Mardi logged into the kiosk at 7:45 am on Monday and sat with the huddled masses of supplicants all day Monday… and Tuesday… and Wednesday. Her name was finally called on Thursday at 10:30 am.
Mardi sat on the plain, vinyl covered chair across the table from the fabled Lois Gale-Leinhart-Diaz and her enforcer Terry Branch.
Lois was a fleshy woman—the buttons on her clothes creaked and strained like a wooden sailing vessel being driven by a storm. She shopped at the most exclusive, vanity boutiques. Even though her dress label said that she was a size fourteen (going on sixteen), the same dress from any other shop would have a twenty-two on the label.
Her face was florid, giving evidence to a penchant for, and access to, ample amounts of well marbled beef, sour cream and multiple carafes of chardonnay.
A slightly sour smell exuded from her in spite of the heroic efforts of the air conditioning.
Terry, the enforcer, was wearing a three-piece suit. Terry was pushing sixty and pushing it hard. He fancied himself a lady’s man and sported a big, bushy mustache. He radiated bullshit and belligerence and was given to over-arching statements. Lois found him a useful idiot.
Lois started out by placing a document on the table. She said, “This document was generated from the content of your emails. I know you have been away from your home for many days and I am sure you are eager to get back. You can be on your way back home if you sign this document.”
Mardi started to read the document.
Lois, thinking of lunch, said, “There is no reason to read it. It is exactly like I said. Just sign it.”
Mardi looked up. “I don’t see how a half-dozen short emails can take up twenty pages of text. I want to read it to see what got added.”
Mardi’s eyes returned to the document. She read, slowly.
Mardi started reading out loud.
“Do you have to do that?” Terry said. “It’s irritating.”
Mardi said, “Kind of irritates me, too.” And continued reading…
“Potential penalties for stated crimes include fines, incarceration, cede title of property to proxy of the Agent’s choosing, servitude even punishable by death…”
“Nope. I am not signing.” Mardi said. “I’m just a simple Polish girl from Cheboygan, Michigan but you don’t need a law degree to see this is a raw deal.”
“What can you tell me about these supposed violations you are accusing our operation of?” Mardi asked.