"Barney Gibson?"
He said, "Uh huh."
"Do I have to get that bare?"
He said, "No."
The girl sighed. "Well, I will. I have been in the employ of Barney Gibson."
"Who else have you been in the employ of?"
Her gaze fell. "Anyone who has the price, I guess," she admitted.
"And what is the price?"
She said, "Depends on the job."
"What is the nature of the work?"
Both eyes narrowed as Bolan asked her, "You telling me you're a private eye?"
She threw her head back and laughed, as though grateful for the break. "Not really. I'm not licensed." The eyes flashed wickedly and she added, "But I have a law degree and I once worked for Mr. Hoover."
Bolan groaned.
She asked him, "You have something against Mr. Hoover?"
He replied, "Just his womenfolk. I think women's lib must have pulled a secret coup on the federal level. Do you know how many federal dolls I've..."
Quickly she said, "I don't want to know, don't tell me. Anyway, I said I once worked for him. I've been freelancing for two years."
"Without license."
"Right, without license. I'm not public. A license would hamper me. I'm not a detective, Mack. I'm a spy."
He said, "Okay. What's the tie-in with Barney Gibson then? He paying you out of his own pocket?"
"Possibly. I wouldn't know if the city has a payroll code for paid informers."
He said, "I see."
"I've also been on Wo Fan's payroll, watching the operation at China Gardens."
"For what?"
"I don't know for what. I just watch and listen. Every night I file a written report of everything I've seen and heard."
"That business about the counterfeit art pieces?.."
She wrinkled her face and admitted, "I made that up."
The girl leaned forward suddenly and kissed him, lightly. It turned into a heavy one, and she pulled away gasping.
"Don't get me started again," she warned.
Bolan chuckled. He lightly caressed a silken arm and told her, "I don't have to trust you, Mary. I like you, and that's enough for now."
"Not for me," she said soberly. "What about instincts? Don't they count for anything? Can't you just know that I'm on your side now?"
He arched an eyebrow and said, "Now?"
She shrugged delicately. "I'm straighting it, I'll straight it all the way. I suspected that Wo Fan had an unholy interest in the Mafia even before I ran into you. Franco Laurentis tried to grab me by the rear one night. When I told him to get lost, he got real cute about our 'common interests' and he actually dropped Wo Fan's name on me. I mentioned the incident to Wo Fan the next day. He became very upset and started throwing out excited instructions, in Chinese, to his bully boys. I didn't know what he was saying, but..."
"You don't kapish Chinese?"
She smiled tolerantly. "Do you kapish Polish?"
He grinned back. "No. How'd you know about my Polack background?"
She told him, "I know a lot of things about you, Mack Bolan. Or I thought I did, until this morning. Anyway... the next time I ran into Franco Laurentis � it was a couple of nights later � he came over and made it a point to apologize to me for his behavior. Which, if you know anything about that dude, you'll know is way out of character. But he was using the apology as a cover up. His real purpose was to make me think he'd been kidding about Wo Fan. About 'common interests,' I mean."
Bolan said, "Okay, I see it."
"So... anyway... when I ran into you at the Gardens last night, I... Well, I'm a working girl, you know." She gave him a rueful-smile. "Have to pay the damn bills, you know. I guess I... had you in about the same running class as Laurentis and the rest. I mean..."
"I know what you mean," Bolan assured her, sighing.
"I knew that you'd been billed as the all-American folk hero, but I figured... well, you know what I figured. I know what these public relations people can do with an image, and the press is no different. I had you figured as a glory guy. You know. Soldier-of-fortune type, making a big name and a big game for yourself by running around making big noises at the mob."
"I know what you mean," he assured her.
"Will you please let me bare myself in my own way?"
He chuckled. "Right on."
"Well then I came into this... this place." She shivered. "I saw how you... how you had to make it. I mean, the super security, the constant grinding race to just keep that one step ahead of the world. Oh hell, Mack Bolan, I felt so miserable for you, I could have just cried!"
Bolan told her, "Hey, it's not all that bad."
She said, "The hell it's not. I know better. I know it now. And I almost... I almost set you up for them. Did you know that? I came within an inch of setting you up for Franco's assassins."
"What makes you think they weren't after you?"
"Well I..."
He said, "They wouldn't have come after me that way, Mary. I never have thought that they expected to find me there. That was supposed to be an easy hit, girl. Why do you think I insisted on dragging you out of there?"
She shivered again and said, "Well � damn, damn. Sure, Laurentis started worrying about his slip to me. I'll bet you're right."
He said, "Sure I am. And then you threw it back at me. Bugged out. I figured you as good as dead. Maybe that's why I..."
"Why you what?"
"Never mind. Why did you leave, Mary?"
"Conscience, I guess. Suddenly I just couldn't stand myself."
Bolan could appreciate that.
"I mean," she went on, "I just had to get out of here. I went back to my place, hoping that Captain couldn't locate Wo Fan anywhere. Then I got to thinking about Cynthie and Panda, and it worried me sick."
"What did?"
"The fact that they had seen you at my place.
Listen, Mack. Those girls work for Wo Fan. Indirectly, but they do. And they know it. It's part of the convenient marriage I mentioned. Wo Fan and Laurentis are entertwined in several ventures in this town. And I got to thinking..."
"Yeah," he prompted her.
"If they started talking it around about seeing you there... At my place. And Laurentis knew about my connections with Wo Fan. And if Wo Fan didn't want Laurentis to know that he was trying to arrange another marriage, with you. And if..."
Bolan was laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"Not funny," he said, "just entertaining. It's nice to watch a China doll's mind busily whirring out a web of intrigue. But I think you're probably right."
She jerked her head in an adamant affirmation. "Darned right I am, and those two empty kids could be in a whole lot of trouble."
"Yes, they could," Bolan mused. "I warned them to keep quiet. But they probably won't."
She agreed. "Anyway, I tried to find them. I called everywhere I thought they could have gone."
Bolan said, "She mentioned something about a houseboat. In Sausalito, I believe."
"They wouldn't have gone over there. They're shooting a picture. It's too hard for them to run back and forth when they're shooting. They crash around town all the time they're shooting."
"How'd you get mixed up with those kids, Mary?"
She sniffed. "They're not as bad as they talk it. Panda is pretty mixed up, about sex and what her's is, I mean, but... well, they're okay kids. I met them through Wo Fan, at a business bash he was hosting a few months ago. They were, uh, paid guests."