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A Young Augustus

The journey to Rome: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 13–14. Caligula’s first speech in the Senate: Dio, Roman History, 59.6.1–3. The first denunciation for conspiracy: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 15.4. Tiberius’s funeraclass="underline" Dio, Roman History, 59.3.7–8; Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 15.1. Tiberius’s bequests: Dio, Roman History, 59.2; Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 16.3. On the drills of the Praetorian Guard: Dio, Roman History, 59.2.1. Burial of Caligula’s mother and brothers: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 15.1; Dio, Roman History, 59.3.5. Honors for his family: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 15.2–3; Dio, Roman History, 59.3.3–4. Adoption of Gemellus: Philo, The Embassy to Gaius, 26–27; Dio, Roman History, 59.1.3. Renunciation of honors: Dio, Roman History, 59.3.1, 59.4.4, 59.6.5. Greeting rituaclass="underline" Dio, Roman History, 59.7.6.

Illness and Consolidation

Drusilla and Lepidus: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 24.1; Dio, Roman History, 59.22.6–7. Caligula’s illness: Philo, The Embassy to Gaius, 14; Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 14.2; Dio, Roman History, 59.8.1. The murder of Gemellus: Philo, The Embassy to Gaius, 23, 29–31; Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 23.3; Dio, Roman History, 59.8.1 and 3. The fall of Macro: Philo, The Embassy to Gaius, 58–61; Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 26.1; Dio, Roman History, 59.10.6–7 (Dio’s chronology is confused). M. Arrecinus Clemens: Prosopographia Imperii Romani2, A 1073. Execution of further supporters of Gemellus: Dio, Roman History, 59.8.1, 59.10.7–9. Avillius Flaccus: Philo, Against Flaccus, 9–10. Silanus: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 23.3; Dio, Roman History, 59.8.4–6. Reasons for aristocrats’ suicides: Tacitus, Annals, 6.29. The chronological order for the downfall of Macro and Silanus follows Philo’s account. Marriage: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 25.1; Dio, Roman History, 59.8.7–8 (where the bride’s name is given as Cornelia Orestina). New Year’s oaths, rationes imperii, works on history, the courts, the equestrian order: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 16.1–2; Dio, Roman History, 59.9.1–2 and 4–5. Reintroduction of popular elections: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 16.2; Dio, Roman History, 59.9.6, 59.20.3–6. Collegia: Dio, Roman History, 60.6.6. Games in the year 38: Dio, Roman History, 59.10.1–5; Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 18.1; cf. 21. Honors for Caligula: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 16.4. Agrippa’s close friendship with Caligula: Philo, The Embassy to Gaius, 268. Deaths of flatterers: Dio, Roman History, 59.8.3–4; Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 27.2.

Holding Power

Aristocratic households: Rilinger, “Domus und res publica.” Ceremony at the salutatio: Seneca, On Favors (De Beneficiis), 6.33–34. Bequests in Tiberius’s wilclass="underline" Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 37.3; Dio, Roman History, 59.2.6. Caligula’s buildings on the Palatine: Winterling, Aula Caesaris, 57–59. Presence of Agrippina and others at the salutatio: Philo, The Embassy to Gaius, 261–62, 267. Macro’s admonition at banquet: Philo, The Embassy to Gaius, 42–44. Order of seating at table: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 24.1, and Claudius, 8. Guests at Caligula’s banquets: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 55.2, 32.3, 36.1–2, and Vespasian, 2.3. Foods served: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 37.1. Expenditure by aristocrats: Pliny, Natural History, 9.117. Cleopatra: Pliny, Natural History, 9.119–20. Macro’s admonitions about behavior in public: Philo, The Embassy to Gaius, 45–46. Gaianum: Dio, Roman History, 59.14.6. Vitellius: Suetonius, Vitellius, 4, 17.2. Caligula as a gladiator: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 32.2, 54.1; Dio, Roman History, 59.5.5. Apelles and Mnester: Dio, Roman History, 59.5.2; Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 36.1, 55.1. Augustus at games: Suetonius, Augustus, 43.2–3. Caligula’s behavior at games: Dio, Roman History, 59.5.4, 59.13.5.

The Death of Drusilla

Caligula in mourning: Seneca, On Consolation (Ad Polybium de Consolatione), 17.4–5; Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 24.2. Posthumous honors for Drusilla: Dio, Roman History, 59.11; Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 24.2. Drusilla’s ascension to heaven: Seneca, Apocolocyntosis, 1.2; Dio, Roman History, 59.11.4. Caligula’s marriage to Lollia Paulina: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 25.2; Dio, Roman History, 59.12.1, 59.23.7; Tacitus, Annals, 12.2.2.

The Empire

Caligula’s journey to Sicily: Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, 19.205–6; Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 20, 21.1, 51.1. Fire in Rome: Dio, Roman History, 59.9.4. Aqueducts: Frontinus, On Aqueducts (De Aquaeductibus Urbis Romae), 13; Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 21. Campaign in Germania: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 43, and Galba, 6.2–3. Agrippa and Antiochus enthroned: Philo, Against Flaccus, 25, see also 40; Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, 18.237; Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 16.3; Dio, Roman History, 59.8.2. Royal coronations in the year 38: Dio, Roman History, 59.12.2. The palace of Polycrates and the Isthmus of Corinth: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 21. Quotation from Homer: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula, 22.1.