That afternoon she’d toyed with the idea of looking for a new job. She could walk out-that would show Lindy Lee. Reason quickly asserted itself. She couldn’t leave her job and survive financially. It could take her months to find a new one. And although this was an entry-level position, the chance to advance in the fashion world was an inducement she simply couldn’t reject that easily. She’d made friends at the office, too. Friends like Marsha, who’d willingly defended her to their employer.
Besides, if she left her job, there’d be dozens who’d leap at the opportunity to take her place. No, Holly would swallow her disappointment and ride this out until Mickey returned. Next Christmas would be different.
“Can Jake help decorate the Christmas tree?” Gabe asked.
Jake was sitting next to her and Holly felt him tense. His face was pale, his expression shocked.
“Jake.” Holly said his name softly and laid her hand on his forearm. “Are you okay?”
“Sure. Sorry, no decorating trees for me this year,” he said in an offhand way.
“Why not?” Gabe pressed. “It’s really fun. Aunt Holly said she’d make popcorn and we’d have cider. She has some ornaments from when she and my dad were kids. She won’t let me see them until we put up the tree. It’ll be lots of fun.” His young face pleaded with Jake to reconsider.
Holly gently placed her hand on her nephew’s shoulder. “Jake said another time,” she reminded him. Jake hadn’t participated in any of the usual Christmas traditions or activities in more than twenty years, ever since he’d lost his mother and sister.
“But there won’t be another time,” her nephew sulked. “I’ll be with my dad next year.”
“Jake’s busy,” Holly said, offering yet another excuse.
“Sorry to let you down, buddy,” Jake told Gabe. “We’ll do something else, all right?”
Gabe shrugged, his head hanging. “Okay.”
“How about if I take you ice-skating at Rockefeller Center? Would you like that?”
“Wow!” In his excitement, Gabe propelled himself off the sofa and landed with a thud on the living room carpet. “I wanted to go skating last Saturday but Aunt Holly doesn’t know how.”
“She’s a girl,” Jake said in a stage whisper. Then he looked at her and grinned boyishly. “Frankly, I’m glad of it.”
“As you should be,” she returned under her breath.
“When can we go?” Gabe wasn’t letting this opportunity slip through his fingers. He wanted to nail down the date as soon as possible. “I took skating lessons last winter,” he said proudly.
Jake hesitated. “I’ll need to get back to you once I see how everything goes at the store. It’s the Christmas season, you know, so we might have to wait until the first week of the new year. How about Sunday the second?”
“That long?”
“Yes, but then I’ll have more time to show you some classic moves. Deal?”
Gabe considered this compromise and finally nodded. “Deal.” They clenched their fists and bumped them together to seal the bargain.
The three of them sat side by side and watched a rerun of Everybody Loves Raymond for the next half hour. Jake was beside her, his arm around her shoulders. Gabe sat to her left with his feet tucked beneath him.
When the program ended, Gabe turned to Jake. “Do you want me to leave the room so you can kiss my aunt Holly?”
“Gabe!” Holly’s cheeks were warm with embarrassment.
“What makes you suggest that?” Jake asked the boy.
Gabe stood in the center of the room. “My dad emailed and said if you came to the apartment, I should dis-discreetly leave for a few minutes, only I don’t know what that word means. I think it means you want to kiss Aunt Holly without me watching. Right?”
Jake nodded solemnly. “Something like that.”
“I thought so. Okay, I’m going to go and get ready for bed.” He enunciated each word as if reading a line of dialogue from an unfamiliar play.
Jake winked at Holly. “Pucker up, sweetheart,” he said, doing a recognizable imitation of Humphrey Bogart.
Holly rolled her eyes and clasped her hands prayerfully. “Ah, sweet romance.”
As soon as the bedroom door closed, Jake pulled her into his arms. The kiss was everything she’d remembered and more. They kissed repeatedly until Gabe came back and stood in front of them. He cleared his throat.
“Should I go away again?” he asked.
“No, that’s fine,” Holly said. She had trouble speaking.
“Your timing is perfect,” Jake assured the boy.
Jake left shortly after that, and once she’d let him out of the apartment, Holly leaned against the door, still a little breathless. Being with Jake was very nice, indeed, but she had something else on her mind at the moment-Intellytron the SuperRobot and how she was going to afford one before Christmas.
It’s hard to stumble when you’re down on your knees.
– Shirley, Goodness and Mercy, friends of Mrs. Miracle
Holly gave the situation regarding Gabe and the robot careful thought during the sleepless night that followed their dinner. She’d asked Jake about it when Gabe was out of earshot.
“There are still plenty left,” he’d told her.
“But they’re selling, aren’t they?”
“Yes, sales are picking up.”
That was good for him but unsettling for her. If she couldn’t afford to pay for the robot until closer to Christmas, then she’d need to make a small deposit and put one on layaway now. She didn’t know if Finley’s offered that option; not many stores did anymore. She’d have to check with Jake. She dared not take a chance that Intellytron would sell out before she had the cash.
While she was dead set against letting Jake purchase the robot for her, she hoped he’d be willing to put one aside, even if layaway wasn’t a current practice at higher-end department stores. If she made their lunches, cut back on groceries and bought only what was absolutely necessary, she should be able to pay cash for the robot just before Christmas.
Tuesday morning she packed a hard-boiled egg and an apple for lunch. For Gabe she prepared a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, adding an apple for him, too, plus the last of the sugar cookies. Gabe hadn’t been happy to take a packed lunch. He much preferred to buy his meal with his friends. But it was so much cheaper for him to bring it-and, at this point, necessary, although of course she couldn’t tell him why. The leftover Chinese food figured into her money-saving calculations, too. It would make a great dinner.
On her lunch hour, after she’d eaten her apple and boiled egg, Holly hurried to Finley’s to talk to Jake. She’d been uneasy from the moment she’d learned she wasn’t getting a Christmas bonus. She wouldn’t relax until she knew the SuperRobot would still be available the following week.