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One must admit that getting someone to nonsensically bow to a prayer rug as a part of an obscure ritual is one thing, and teaching a man to live a religious life in the course of God’s will and in peace with other people and the Universe is somewhat different.

And every Russian citizen when recollecting those thousands people reported missing who were actually turned into slavery and those of their countrymen who died in acts of terror, would hardly recollect a single person whom the Chechens did convert in true Islam, so that this person by all his life would act as a credible example of a righteous man of God. Although there are several examples of people converted into the historically real type of Islam , the type of thoughtless worshipping - and supporters of usurious slavery immediately grabbed the opportunity, turning that fact to their advantage in the movie “Musulmanin” (“The Muslim”).

The Chechen leaders had succeeded in getting people to thoughtlessly bow to a rug and used that as a basis to create robot-like kamikazes to exercise power against the will of God but in His name. This message could be read in the face of Movsar Barayev when he was interviewed for the last time in the bearing factory’s palace of culture: a listless stare shunning the camera; a dependant look befitting a zombie who is not speaking on his own, who is acting on orders transmitted over the telephone and who is not aware of what he is doing, because even his masters had not been trusted the secret of the global psycho-Trotzkian scenario in which all of them are being used without knowing it. All this and the implementation of God’s will is incompatible.

That is why those who think that the “spetsnaz” had put a bottle of cognac into Barayev’s dead hand before video-taping his body in order to defile the true warriors of Jihad in the opinion of Muslims - are wrong. First, the body lay exactly where Barayev met his death, which is proved by the pool of blood which the body lay in. And a theatre bar is not a key defence position and not the best place for arranging headquarters and commanding the battle, so even if he were a stray Muslim warrior he had nothing to do in that bar. Second, those led by God usually achieve more than they have expected and the “guerrillas” got into a mess and failed, discrediting all Muslims as potential terrorists and their accomplices in the opinion of others.

And the main thing: the above-mentioned incident exposed to every man capable of thinking in concord with his consciousness, that the Chechen attempt to build a society with independent statehood in which slavery is legalised has degenerated into gangsterism and is contrary to the spirit of Islam; and that true Jihad was fought by the spetsnaz who put an end to the gangsterism of pseudo-Muslims brought up by the Chechen leaders during the last decade.[6] The use of special means in the course of the operation, which brought about casualties among the hostages can not be put at fault to those in-charge of the operation. It was successful in not giving the kamikaze-terrorists the chance to blow everything up, for everyone would have died in this case. And this is God’s gift to Russia, given in advance for her future, in order that she could quietly get rid of all types of slavery and thereby solve the Russian-Chechen relationship problem.

Attempting to solve the Russian-Chechen relationship problem along with building the so-called “civil society” based on the Western concept of “human rights” in Russia is hopeless, as it is a continuation of the conflict between the two systems of slavery:

The primitive tribal system based on brutal force which is exercised by the Chechen “pahanat” and

The “highly civilised” one based on the Jewish supragovernment corporate/mafia monopoly on usury, stock exchange quotations, copyright which controls the Western world.

Hakamada, Nemtsov, Yavlinski and other politicians of the liberal front may not understand it, but they cannot help sensing it. That is why the actual state of things pushes their interests towards concluding a “voluntary” agreement with the Chechen “pahanat” (which would be fatal for the future of people in Chechnya and the rest of Russia) on isolating “Ichkerya” into a separate state, because it leaves them a chance to keep the control over Russia in the hands of their “backstage” masters.

Accordingly, the society needs an alternative – a level of morals and awareness alternative to the multi-faceted slavery of mob “elitism”.

Every people has a government slightly better than it could have been

This statement reflected itself in the way the Russian government reacted to the taking of hostages: under a worse government everything could have been blasted; under a much worse government all demands of terrorists would have been satisfied and Russia would start falling apart, and in Chechnya those Chechens who support unity and progress of multinational Russia would be subject to opression. We have no right to betray the Chechens once more, like Yeltsin kept doing since 1991. He paved road for the “popular front” to power in Chechnya in revenge for the Chechen government having supported the GKChP (State Emergency Committee) (i.e. having stood up to save of the Soviet Union, while brainless “average” Muscovites led to power the anti-national clique represented by Boris Yeltsin). We must defend these Chechens even if this group of people does not constitute a majority in today’s Chechnya.

But the Russian government could be better: then the terrorists would have been intercepted at an early stage of preparation, and in this course of events the common people would have learned about an attempt to conduct an act of terror in some twenty years after when the records of the security services would have been unclassified.

Therefore the following question is a crucial one:

What is it nesessary to do now, so that to have a better government tomorrow?

The “average” man is sure that he is a “small person” and that “nothing really depends on him”. In fact without even knowing it he asks of the government to have the omnipotence of God and of God to be the “Allmighty cop”. The “average” man is afraid if life conditions deteriorate, which comes in with the government’s inability to act, proceeds from inadequate training of the officials, their ignorance, mistakes, corruption.

But he does not want to admit that every official was once a child, a teenager, a young person, who was taught at home, in a kindergarten, at school, university and at his place of work and that officials are mostly “small persons” just like himself. Exceptions from this rule both among officials and among teachers and mentors are rare in both the past (e.g. the tsar’s family) and the present.

In other words the government is inseparable from the society, it is the flesh of the society’s flesh. And hence it cannot be better than the society itself. But a society is represented by a wide range of “statistics” of the mentalities, therefore in every epoch the government is slightly better than the society deserves by its’ worst performers. But the government could also be somewhat better than it de facto is if the multitude of “average” people would stop waiting and asking of the existing government something it just cannot fulfil and would start brining up the future governments so that they could fulfil their hopes for a better future. But it is only one side of the matter.

The other side of the matter is that the government (not the whole of it but its unselfish well-wishing part) can implement only what appears to be backed up by resources of the society under controclass="underline" physical resources and “nonmaterial” ones – morals and ethics, people’s knowledge and skills, their creative potential.