What kind of fight against corruption can there be if the “average” man himself keeps looking for someone to bribe (if he has money) in order to solve his own problems at the expense of other citizens or of his homeland at large and always breaching the law? What claims can one make on the quality of the Russian cars if in his own profession the “average” man is even less diligent and skilful than the personnel at VAZ? What claims can one make on incompetence of officials when there are scarcely a few people among the average citizens who at least are ready to acquire the nesessary for state management knowledge and skills( if they don’t have them now) that would enable them to substitute those officials unfit for the civil service or, alternatively, to bring up a new generation of “officials” who would enter the government and make the righteous expectations of the majority come to life?
Since the times of Peter the Great and probably even earlier times than that Russia has been experiencing constant shortage of officials to staff her State machine, whose morals and professional skills would satisfy both the needs of their contemporaries and the need to ensure a perspective of social development. This means that every man should study his profession properly (and stop pretending to study, pretending to work), and to do that he needs to learn how to be a proper human and stop pretending to be a man while psychologically remaining an impudent talkative ape trained by civilisation and programmed by television.
Today the situation is similar to that following the civil war of the past century in Russia, when due to the efforts of true bolsheviks the Russian multinational society was not just undergoing a “cultural revolution” but a total transformation through introducing the working majority to reading and writing and thereby introducing them to the cultural heritage of the civilisation. In the beginning of the XXI century Russia is also facing a necessity to undergo a new cultural transformation but this time it should be a magnificent one, a one that has never been seen before by the peoples of the Earth. Its point is an ethical transformation made possible only if the adherence to the authority of scriptures and leaders gives way to a culture of morality, feelings and thinking, which will provide to everyone vast possibilities to become a human being. And this process has already begun in Russia.
For more than a decade the Concept of Social Security (CSS), based on dialectics and the Sufficiently Common Theory of Control (SCTC), is being developed in our country by efforts of many volunteers. That is why in our society there should be no dependant attitudes like: when on earth does the government stop teaching nonsense at schools and universities and start teaching the Truth? Neither the Ministry of Education, nor the multitude of its officials are capable to do it, because they are “average” people just like others. That is why in several universities of Russia SCTC is delivered as an optional course by the initiative of lecturers and heads of universities themselves. The society should understand that the government even by default does not hamper now the activity leading to an ethic transformation of future generations and a part of our contemporaries. If this activity is more actively supported by the society itself, if the initiative is manifested more clearly it would become the beginning of bringing up a government which the people would be happy with.
But to achieve it one must stop watching every rouble or buck, stop hunting them. One must start learning to believe to God by Life and not to substitute the true religion by believing in the authority of Scriptures, dogma and priests. Learn not to give in to fears, including the fear of hell, and not to succumb to desires, including the selfish craving for Paradise that would be defiled by most people if they get there unchanged just like they have defiled the Earth. And at the same time one must not turn into a senseless and thoughtless zombie that does follow the desires and fears just because he does not feel or want anything. One must learn to engage in a meaningful dialogue with God. One must learn to feel and think in order to be God’s co-creator in concord with his omnipotence. One must learn to tell the Truth from deliberate lies and sincere mistakes. One must learn to communicate with other people and beings, so that they would elicit from your word the same meaning that you wanted to get over to them and would not sincerely ascribe to your words or actions a meaning you have not implied. One must learn to communicate with other people and beings without putting your own delusions in place of their actual qualities. One must learn to keep making the Truth a reality in every circumstance that God may send to you.
Only in the course of this policies which can be implemented by “big” and “small” persons alike the Russian-Chechen relationship problem would vanish as if all by itself. So will all the other problems. Yet, actually they would not solve “by themselves”, nor by “police actions” of the state or God, but by the common effort of the common people, who might make mistakes but who sincerely wish to build God’s Kingdom on Earth – right here and now, and forever.
Internal Predictor of the USSR.
30 October – 1 November
[1] The same happened in the incident of hostage-taking at the “Nord-Ost” performance – the hostages’ relatives carelessly agreed to the demands of the terrorists without thinking about the future of Russia – their motherland – and went on a march carrying slogans and shouting demands that expressed the opinion of power-greedy Chechen clan bosses.
Hence the government in declaring that all meetings and manifestations unapproved by appropriate authorities will be banned acted in a democratic way because it really was protecting the future of Russian people from even more horrible afflictions.
[2] The difference between multinational mafias and criminal communities that are ethnically homogeneous lies only in that multinational mafias (when treated in terms of tribal laws) act in the principle of “adoption” while ethnically homogeneous mafias act in the principle of blood relation or spiritual kindred among the fellow tribesmen.
[3] On the problem of Islam’s attitude to the world see the Koran, sura 2:212.
[4] If someone thinks it is not so one is simply prejudiced or ignorant. And even if one thinks so having read the Koran it means that he has managed to bring one’s own prejudices into interpreting the Koran’s text.
[5] The servant of God does not mean a “slave of God”. The Russian word “rab” lost the meaning of “rabotnik” (“abourer”) and acquired the meaning of “slave”, “property”, “thing” in the mob-“elitist” culture.
One can understand that Muhammad’s words should be interpreted in the meaning of man’s labour in concord with God’s will and not in the meaning of slavery brought upon people under the guise of religion from the Koran. Sura 26 contains a reproach from Above sent to earthly rulers which indicates a difference between God’s guidance of the man who is free to choose and the power of the mighty of this world: “130. When you rule, you rule tyrants”.
[6] In other words if Gorbatchev and his clique had not betrayed the Idea these and other Chechen pseudo-shahids both dead and alive could have become rather decent citizens of the USSR, realising themselves in another quality: workers, farmers, scientists, cultural worker etc.