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As far as camming essentials go, these are mine…

Baby Oil – I go through bottles and bottles of it!

Baby wipes, tissues and towels – Camming can get messy!

Poppers – (I find it much more cost effective to buy these in bulk, rather than from saunas or sex shops – I use a site called ‘Room Aromas’) – my favourite brand are called ‘Alpha’

Viagra – I don’t use it every time I perform, but for any male performer, it’s definitely something you should always have to hand. There’s nothing worse than trying to carry out that cum show you promised upon hitting your goal with a flaccid, worn out dick -trust me, I’ve been there!

FIVE – Rollercoaster

My year as a cam boy has been something of a rollercoaster from the get go with it’s many ups and downs. It really did take me a long time to find my feet and make a mark on the camming world, and in many ways I still have a long way to go.

It didn’t take too long before my parents latched on to what I was doing. Finding baby oil stains on the leather sofa was Clue #1 I think, followed by me leaving a pair of shiny black latex briefs covered in cum on the floor one night accidentally. They neither encouraged nor discouraged it when the secret was finally out, but I think were somewhat pleased in the sense that I had at least something to focus on, wasn’t having to borrow money from them, or sign on at the dole office and was home most of the time. My mum, who I’ve always shared the biggest bond with, felt as if she’d lost me when I first left for London, and then again once more when I’d returned. I think it was a big relief for her to know where I was, even if what I was doing wasn’t necessarily something she’d have chosen for me to pursue herself.

Up until around April I’d been alternating between putting on my shows in the downstairs living room and my upstairs bedroom. But it limited me in terms of making conversation (having to keep my dirty talk to a minimum and control the volume of my moans and groans), and space wise, my bedroom was far too cramped. I couldn’t even stand up on cam in it and keep my whole body in frame at the same time, so I pretty much just had to sit hunched over my laptop or lay back on the bed at all times. It was irritating to say the least.

There was an outhouse on my parents’ land which my dad had built a few years prior, but which pretty much had no use anymore other than for storage. I’d originally asked if I could have it as my bedroom, to which my parents declined, fearing it’d be far too cold in the winter months. But after some gentle persuasion, they allowed me to use it as an ‘Office Space’. We came to the agreement that I could do in there whatever work entailed, but in the same way that ‘what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas’ – whatever happened in my office space/cam room I wasn’t to discuss outside of it.

My parents helped tremendously with re-renovating the outhouse for me – with a desk by the window and study chair to match, a chest of drawers for me to put my supplies in, and a compact leather sofa/pull-up-bed, which I would drape over in animal print throwovers, or sometimes scarlet red to match the painted feature wall (on which I later attached a massive whiteboard)

The rest of the decorations I either picked out myself in charity shops or home department stores, or were things I already owned and just transferred over. I tended to cam mostly in the evenings on Cam4, but had occasional pre-paid bookings to carry out throughout the day, so the fact I could utilise the space anytime I wanted was ideal. There was also a very small ‘en suite’ bathroom I was able to make use of. In saying that, there was no bath in it nor shower, only a toilet and mirrored cabinet, but it at least meant I didn’t have to race through the house every time I needed a piss. It allowed me some privacy away from the rest of the house and family and meant I had a lot more freedom than I’d had before.

I started keeping a diary from June (4 months in to my job as a cam boy) and thought I’d share with you in the remainder of this chapter some of the more poignant and detailed extracts, so you can get a feel for what an average day or week’s work was like for me, what was going on in my head at the time and how much effort I was (or wasn’t) putting into my shows…

June 27th 2015

I feel so unbelievably tired today. Utterly drained. I’m averaging four or five hours sleep a night at the moment and it simply isn’t enough…

Or is it? I’ve always thought I was one of those people who naturally just needed a lot of sleep in order to function properly but perhaps I’m just lazy. Saying that, I worked my arse off on Cam4 yesterday!

I put on a damn good show – I know I did! But it was such a slow night in terms of the trickle of people in and out of my room and I didn’t finish up till gone 4.30am. I started before 11pm so that gives you a good indication of how long I was on cam for. People kept leaving to go about their business and then would log back on hours later to find me still online, much to their surprise and amusement.

Without being too much of a beggar, I made it very clear I wasn’t leaving till I hit my goal. I set myself a target of 500 tokens (offering generally 25tk per request, the odd 10tk flash here and there and the promise of a cum show at the end) – and come hell or high water I was bloody well gonna hit that damn target! I did… eventually, in fact overshooting it (no pun intended!) by another 50 tokens.

Just to clarify, 500 tokens amounts to $50 in earnings, so this particular night, despite all my best efforts, I would’ve only earned $55 (approximately £38)

June 27th 2015 (continued)

My shifts aren’t always this tiresome. I’ve made more tokens in far less time and for far less effort before, and of course I earn much better money in my 1 on 1 Skype shows which are generally more focused and intense. But I’m an exhibitionist and I think probably always have been this way, so naturally I prefer an audience, and the bigger the better.

I don’t expect to ever get rich off Cam4 alone, but I’ve built up such a connection over the last few months with some of my regular viewers that I no longer consider them just men with money waiting to be spent on me. I truly consider them my friends. They don’t always even have the tokens to tip me, but I know if I’m having a shitty day online or things aren’t going so well they’ll be there to keep the conversation flowing or to support me in my hour of need, and that’s something I feel blessed to be able to have.

These are the things people don’t understand about camming. I tell people I’m a cam boy and they automatically think I’m some kind of low-rent porn star. Then there’s the belief that if you’re attractive and willing to show some flesh, you can just sit in front of your webcam and horny strangers from all over the world will happily just throw money at you. Sometimes admittedly that is the case, but for the most part, in reality it simply doesn’t work like that…

I try my best to present myself as best as I can in preparation for my solo shows, but in many ways I still feel like an amateur and am very much still learning on the job.

There have been plenty of times I’ve tripped up over wires or spilled drinks. On a few occasions I’ve even knocked my webcam over or X’d off my broadcast feed by accident. I know it has an awful lot to do with the fact that I’m clumsy and a bit too heavy on my feet, but I think that no matter how well you prepare yourself in advance for putting on a show, mistakes do happen and things like this are inevitable. I try to just laugh it off, and own it.