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his residence at the court of Philippe Auguste,

at the siege of Mirabeau,

taken prisoner by King John,

the parley between them,

John's attempted cruelty,

his murder by John,

avenged by Philippe Auguste,

Artois, Robert, Comte d',

joins the crusade of Louis IX.,

insults Longespee,

his impetuous character,

killed at Mansourah,

Ascalon, the crusaders at,

Atheling, _vide_ Etheling.

Augustine, his dispute with the Welsh Church,

Auvergne, Guy of,

his cruel treatment and death,

Avignon, the papal court removed to,

Ayr, story of the barns of,

Bacon, Roger, account of,

Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury,

Baldwin, Count of Flanders,

William the Conqueror's overtures to,

Baldwin I. king of Jerusalem,

Baldwin II. king of Jerusalem,

Balliol, John, lays claim to the crown of Scotland,

declared king,

treated as a vassal by Edward I.,

humiliation of,

and subsequent career,

Bangor, slaughter of the monks of,

Bannockburn, battle of,

its results,

Bards, the, account of,

Barons, the, assembly of,

to adopt the charter,

their revolt,

their meeting with King John at Runnymede,

their war with King John,

offer the crown to Louis the Lion,

their demands at the Parliament of Westminster,

the meeting of, in the Mad Parliament,

their dispute with Henry III. referred to Louis IX.,

refuse Louis IX.'s decision,

their war with the king,

their discontent with Montfort,

their proceedings against Gaveston,

against the Despensers,

Batalha in Portugal, account of the Abbey of,

Battle Abbey,

history of,

the roll of,

unsatisfactory compared with Domesday Book,

Bayeux tapestry, description of the,

Bec, Lanfranc abbot of,

Anselm there,

Beck, Anthony, Bishop of Durham,

Edward I.'s envoy to Balliol,

Edward I.'s message to,

Becket, Gilbert a, legend of,

Becket, Thomas a, birth of,

his character and splendor,

appointed Archbishop of Canterbury,

his humility,

his quarrel with Henry II.

on the privileges of the clergy,

his reluctant consent to the Constitutions of Clarendon,

the King's sentence against him,

his acts at the Council of Northampton,

his flight to the Continent,

supported by the Pope, &c.,

retires to Pontigny,

conference with King Henry II. at Montmirail,

at Montmartre,

the King's submission,

his return to Canterbury,

events of his martyrdom,

fate of his murderers,

his canonization,

general honor paid to him,

pilgrimages to his shrine,

its spoliation by Henry VIII,

summary of his character,

Benefit of clergy, meaning of,

Berengaria, Richard I.'s attachment to,

their marriage,

her death,

Bernard, Count of Harcourt,

the friend of William Longsword,

his support of Richard the Fearless,

Bertrade, marries Foulques IV. of Anjou,

leaves him for Philippe I.,

Bertram de Born, the troubadour,

laments Queen Eleanor's imprisonment,

affronted by Richard I.,

his interview with Henry II.,

his laments for Richard I.,

his death,

Dante's mention of him in the "Inferno,"

Berwick, Edward I.'s cruelty at,

Bigod, Roger, Earl of Norfolk, his answers to Henry III.,

his opposition to the exactions of Edward I.,

Binning, his capture at Linlithgow,

Bishops, dispute between King and Pope respecting the election of,

Blanche of Castile, her marriage to Louis the Lion,

death of,

Blondel, discovers Richard I. in captivity,

Blondeville, Ranulf de, his marriage to Constance of Brittany,

Boemond, joins the first crusade,

his conduct at the siege of Antioch,

Bohun, Humphrey, Earl of Hereford, his opposition to Edward I.,

his success and high character,

Bohun, Sir H., his encounter with King Robert Bruce,

Boniface VIII., Pope, opposes Edward I.'s exactions on the clergy,

death of,

Border warfare with the Scots,

Bosham, Herbert de, the friend of Archbishop Becket,

Brand, Abbot of Peterborough,

confers knighthood on Hereward,

Braose, William de, King John's cruelties to,

Bretons, their joy at the birth of Prince Arthur,

their enmity to Richard I.,

Brien Boru, King of Ireland,

Brihtric Meau, Queen Matilda's love for,

her vengeance on his disdain,

Brito, William, murderer of Becket,

his armorial bearings,

Britons, the, after the departure of the Romans,

Bruce, the line of, history of,

troubles of Scotland under,

Bruce, Edward, besieges Stirling Castle,

commands a division at Bannockburn,

his invasion of Ireland,


Bruce, Robert, lays claim to the crown of Scotland,

Bruce, Robert, the younger, joins Wallace,

lives in allegiance to Edward I.,

Bruce, Robert III., vacillation of his early conduct,

his murder of the Red Comyn;

revolts against Edward I.;

coronation at Scone;

his excommunication;

his disaster at Methven;

wanderings, and adventures;

escape from the Lorns;

defeats Aymer de Valence;

his progress in the recovery of Scotland;

his preparations to meet Edward II.;

encounter with Sir Henry Bohun;

his victory at Bannockburn;

his invasion of Ireland;

inroads upon England;

recognised by the Pope;

his right to the throne acknowledged by England;

his dying injunctions and death;

fate of his heart.

Bruce, William, resigns the charge of Prince Arthur.

Bungay, Friar, the associate of Friar Bacon.

Burgh, Hubert de, governor of Prince Arthur;

taken prisoner by the French;

his defence of Dover;

defeats the French fleet;

his care of the minority of Henry III.;

machinations against him;

his imprisonment and escape;

subsequent history.

Burnel, Robert, Bishop, Edward I.'s chancellor.

Bury St. Edmund's, assembly of the Barons at.

Cadwallader, the last of the Pendragons.

Caen, the two abbeys founded at,

by William the Conqueror and Matilda;

Abbaye aux Dames at,

William the Conqueror's eldest daughter becomes Abbess of;

William the Conqueror buried at.

Camp of refuge established in the Isle of Ely;

the principal fugitives there;

attacks on, by William the Conqueror;

betrayed by the monks of Ely;

cruelty to the captives taken there.

Canterbury and York, jealousy between.

Canterbury Cathedral, murder of Becket at;

Henry II. does penance in;

Becket's shrine at.

Capet, Hugh, succeeds to the throne of France;

supported by Richard the Fearless;

importance of his recognition.

Cardinals, the, choice of the Pope vested in.

Carthage, Louis IX.'s camp at;

his sickness and death there.

Cecily, William the Conqueror's eldest daughter, becomes Abbess of Caen.

Chalons, Count de, his treachery to Edward I.

Charlemagne, receives the crown of the Holy Roman Empire;

degeneracy of his descendants;

overcome by the Northmen;

the race of, retire to Lorraine.

Charles Martel, exploits of.

Charles the Simple, King of France;

his contests with Rollo;

cedes Neustria to him;

Rollo marries his daughter.

Charles IV., his conduct in Queen Isabel's quarrel with Edward II.

Charter, the Great, adopted by the Barons;

King John promises to grant it;

his prevarication;

its enactments;

signed by John;

annulled by Pope Innocent III.;