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With an animalistic growl, he rose up and almost leaping on top of her, knocked her flat on her back. He smashed his mouth down on hers, and all gentleness thrown to the winds, he ground down with a harsh brutal kiss on her lips. Again, her arms reached up and pulled him down on her, and she returned the crushing bestiality of his kiss, biting at his lips, sucking his tongue far back into her mouth, until he felt it would surely be pulled from its roots. She raked her nails down his back, and John could feel the sun burning into the rawness of her catlike scratches. He could feel her turgid young nipples digging into his chest like electric prods, and his head began to spin from the combined pain and lust which enveloped his body.

His cock which was fully erect was pressing painfully against the hard bone of Carla's pubic mound, and he shifted his hips, allowing it to slip between her legs. Immediately, her thighs closed in on the hardened rod of flesh, and began to hollow in and out on his cock, milking it and drawing it to even greater length. With a moan, he pulled his lips from her impassioned kiss, and began to bite at her neck, leaving teeth marks of kisses on her tanned skin, trailing down over her swanlike throat and even further to her upthrust breasts. Savagely he bit at the tantalizing orbs, wringing cries of pain from Carla, but still she pressed his mouth down on her flesh. Brutally, he spread her legs with his knees and grasping his enlarged prick in his hand, he guided the mammoth shaft towards her tiny cuntal opening. Without hesitation, he surged forward, pressing with all his might.

"AAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!" Carla's heart-rendering shriek rang through the forest, silencing the birds who had been, until now, gaily singing. Even the chipmunks and the crickets ceased their music, and a deathly silence pervaded the area. Carla's agonized cry had brought John to some semblance of his usual senses. Of course, he thought, she's a virgin! Oh, God, how could I be so stupid! Frightened, he looked up, and saw that tears were streaming down her face. Her hands, now released from his body, were clenched in pain, and her face was contorted with agony. Her features seemed particularly childlike, and for the first time, realization of what he was doing dawned on John! Tremors of fear and remorse coursed through him as the full implications of his actions seeped through his lust-inflamed brain. Shakily, he tried to rise to his knees, but he was stopped by Carla's had on his shoulder.

"Oh, Mr. Harrault, please… don't stop… but not so hard… please, darling…"

He couldn't believe it. Was she actually asking him to continue? After what he had done to her? Anxiously, he peered at her again. The agonized look of pain was gone from her face and once again, animal lust had replaced it. Her limpid eyes gazed back at his, and her hand reached down and encircled his huge cock.

"Put it in me… fuck me…" she said, never taking her eyes from his face.

The lewd words coming from so young and supposedly innocent a mouth incited John to greater lust and banished all thoughts of conscience from his head.

His passion-inflated prick was aching for release, and he slowly lowered himself over her willing body once more. Gently, he massaged her soft inner thighs, drawing them apart, widening her cuntal plain for his entry. He could see the petallike opening of her cunt contracting in expectancy, and a thin stream of perspiration ran down from her vagina to her tiny puckered anus nestling teasingly down between the amber moons of her buttocks.

Gently, this time, he guided the engorged head of his prick and lay it at the small cuntal entrance. Gazing at the astronomical difference in circumference, John could hardly believe that he could penetrate her tiny virginal canal. She squirmed back from the contact of his rockhard penis against her soft cunt, and John briefly wondered whether he should abandon his attempt to enter her. But the sight of her silky pink skin, and the memory of her saltine taste in his mouth overpowered him, and he began to moisten the head in the lubricants which were still flowing around her pulsating pussy.

Tenderly, he tested the moistened head against the star-shaped hole, and flexed his hips slightly in an attempt to warm his hardened pole of flesh into it. Again, her virginal cunt held firm. Finally, desperately, he grasped her hips, and holding her in a clamplike grip, he surged forward, and managed to insert just the head in her tightly resisting elastic hole.

Another wail of pain erupted from Carla's throat, but she did not draw back from his thrust. He rested the head just inside her cuntal entrance for a moment, giving her unused cunt a chance to adjust to the unaccustomed size and then, slowly, inch by inch, began to move forward, imbedding more and more of his mammoth prick inside her tightly clasping tunnel. Moan after moan escaped Carla's lips and her head tossed from side to side, like an animal in pain. The sinewy walls of her cunt closed in on his prick like a wide elastic band, and John could barely push his encased cock onward. Finally, he had sunk it, every last inch of it in her cunt. Beads of perspiration stood out on his forehead from the harsh exertion of his task, and his cock felt truly imprisoned. Carla had ceased moaning, but her face still wore a look of pain — no trace of pleasure or passion showed in her tearful face. John felt a surge of pity for the young girl so cruelly skewered by his huge mature rod, and another stab of remorse twisted his heart. He didn't want to hurt her, but she wanted it… and he couldn't resist. He could only hope that the pain would go away soon from her slight young body.

Gently, he began to withdraw from her, and to his surprise, his penis came out fairly easily. He pulled out until just the bloated head was still inside the tender folds, and then began to plow forward again. This time, his cock found her sheath more open and easier, and he was able to glide forward without too much restriction from her tight channel. Then, he was able to saw in and out easily — her cuntal passage adjusted to his enormous size and aided by fresh internal lubricants, expanded freely with the approach of the burgeoning instrument.

Carla began to relax, too. The body-crushing pain that had engulfed her earlier had terrorized her as well — she felt as if she were being split wide open. She thought she could never be the same after it and was beginning to be sorry she had encouraged Mr. Harrault to do it to her. But now, the pain had completely subsided and something else had taken its place — a flicker of heat was smouldering again in her loins, and as John's fucking in and out gradually became easier, the flicker ignited into flames, sending shooting heat waves up through her body. As John sawed in and out with long smooth strokes, her virginal body fanned the flames into an inferno of raging fire, and her whole being quivered and shook under the boiling murkiness of her vaginal cavern.

The volcano which was started in John's stomach at his first sight of Carla lying on the beach like an odalisque erupted now, and began sending the first streams of molten lava bubbling throughout his body. The raging fire inside was burning fiercely, threatening to uncap the volcano and send him shattering into a thousand pieces.

God, he had never felt anything like this. He couldn't imagine anything as wonderful as fucking into this young tender virgin, just a few miles from where his wife was! The pure fresh air which whistled around their bodies as his body sliced through the air and the chirping of the wildlife all made him feel as if this act, that they were performing under the wide blue sky, was as clean and as good as the water of the lake. Gone were his feelings of anger and hurt pride at Iris' refusal to make up with him! Nothing was of any consequence now but pleasing, and being pleased by this tender young body writhing in desire beneath him, begging for his cock to continue plowing into her.

Carla's hands were clenched around his neck, and she had raised her legs and was clasping him around the waist, her ankles locked together, her passion giving surprising strength to her slim legs.