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He pulled her until her head was pressed back painfully, and he maneuvered her until she was kneeling on all fours. Still holding her by the hair, he stood up, and then straddled her, and sat down heavily on her naked back. The unexpected weight pushed all the breath out of her body, and her back swayed under him. His feet reached the floor, but he folded them under so that his entire weight was resting on her abused backbone. She knew she daren't sink to the ground because he maintained his cruel grip on her hair. Then, sadistically, he slapped her on her bare buttocks, and began to pump up and down on her aching back, aping the movements of a rider on a horse.

"Giddyap there, giddyap!" he called, straining her bruised body beyond belief.

Her sobs had dried up and she could only hack pathetically as he bounced up and down on her. Finally, unable to stand it anymore, she collapsed in a heap, doubled up with pain.

"Aha, you don't like being ridden like a Goddamn horse, I see!" John sneered as he disentangled himself from her beaten body.

Still kneeling, he grasped her by the hips, and pulled her back up on all fours. Crushed beyond endurance, Iris could only yield to whatever brutishness he had in mind. He knelt behind her, his fingers digging into the soft moons of her buttocks. He ran his hand along the vertebrae of her back, pushing down painfully on each one, causing Iris to gasp with new pain. Again, he shoved her head down into the straw, until her naked buttocks were waving defenselessly back in the air. The rough straw tickled her face and its abrasive stems scratched her skin, but she daren't object. Her ass cheeks felt defenseless and unprotected, and she clenched them together. His palms flattened on each of her trembling buttocks, John slowly spread them wide, stretching the soft yielding crevice almost to the straining point. He stared at the puckered little ring of her anus, nestled between the fall quivering melons, the wrinkled brown skin contracting slightly. He could see the pink split of her cunt beneath it and the sensuous button of her clitoris was barely visible through the dark jungle of her pubic hair. A faint piquant odor of sex rose to greet his nostrils, and they flared as they inhaled the pungent smell. Deliberately, he lowered his head, and ran the tip of his tongue along the full length of the widespread crack, which caused Iris to pull forward in an attempt to escape the salacious licking of his tongue. But he held her fast and she could only submit to his perverted licking. His tongue grazed tantalizingly at the tiny elastic ring, jabbing at it, testing its resiliency. He nipped at the fleshy loaves, leaving indentations in the soft flesh, and his bristly chin rubbed into her tender buttocks, sandpapering the skin into an angry redness. He raised a finger and began to probe at the tightly resisting rectum, as if mesmerized by the tiny quivering nether entrance.

John felt as if he were possessed by a demonical being who steered him onto greater atrocities and cruelties. He had no control over his base actions and he could only follow the orders of his unknown master. He was spellbound by the vile deeds he was perpetrating on his wife, and their very perversity only seemed to spur him on. Spittle from his lascivious licking of his wife's backside drooled out of his mouth now as he prodded at her virgin anus. Iris was now beyond fear. There was only a numbness in her and a wish to have it all over with. She doubted if she could even feel pain, so beyond human feeling was she. She didn't know what madness had possessed her husband — she only wished it would pass before he did something really irreparable with her. Now she winced again as she felt his finger jabbing cruelly at her back passage. What was he going to do? Why didn't he leave that place alone?

"AAARRRGGGHHHH…!!" She screamed wildly as the finger, just the tip, penetrated the tight elastic opening and entered her rectum. Lashes of agony shot through her. She felt as if her entire back passage was on fire — as if someone were shooting a cannon up her rectum. She plunged her buttocks wildly from side to side in an attempt to dislodge the invader, but nothing seemed to help. Desperately, she put her hand back there, and through the mindless daze of pain, reached for the intruding finger and yanked it out with new found strength.

John stared, agog, for a moment at her brazen action. Her defiance kindled additional anger and snarling like a cornered wolverine, he jammed his finger all the way back up into her tender, vainly resisting anus.

"Owwwowwwowwowowowowowow!!" she shrieked, the new intrusion even more painful than the last. She ground her head down into the straw, trying to block out the brain-shattering pain that had skyrocketed up there from her tortured rectum. The finger remained there, imbedded in her virginal membrane, and then it began to probe around inside the tender canal, widening and stretching it beyond all human endurance.

John's other hand still dug cruelly into her hip and her entire body was one seething mass of pain. Even her knees ached from being ground into the straw, and her entire frame was wracked from the unnaturalness of her position.

Finally, to her intense relief, she felt the finger being withdrawn from her sorely stretched rectum, and the crippling pain which jarred her entire dorsal bone, eased a little.

Unbelievably, she felt her ass cheeks being stretched again until she thought the skin would break between them.

Iris then heard the sound of clothes being removed and she knew that her husband was preparing himself for whatever bestiality he had in mind. Then he was behind her once more, and she felt the full length of his steel-hard prick pressing up into her buttocks. It felt huge and long, and she shuddered at the thought of the strength with which he would plunge it into her.

John looked down at his erection in satisfaction. In spite of his endless fucking into Carla, he was proud that he could still manage such a mammoth display of his masculinity. He couldn't help shuffling around to face Iris, where he paraded his manhood obscenely in front of her blanched face. She stared at it as if hypnotized, and he dangled the obese instrument a few scant inches from her eyes. He cackled evilly as he strutted back to his former position behind the helplessly kneeling figure of his wife.

Then again, he tested the lust-inflated head at the tiny anal opening, barely stretched by his probing finger. With a brutal savage lunge, he jerked forward and succeeded in implanting the tip of his cock inside her tormented rectum.

A long low moan of pure animal pain sounded in the stable, and Iris moaned again and again, the bone-chilling, sobs wrenching themselves painfully from her demented body. She feebly tried to move her buttocks away from the cruelly skewering pale of hardened flesh but her strength was ebbing and she could only manage a few faint jerks.

Still holding her fast, John began to slice forward, thrusting his giant shaft into the tight clinging depths of his wife's back passage. He could feel her body quivering under his touch and her screams still rent the air. On his right, from the corner of his eye, he could see the stallion, plunging against the stall door, flecks of foam at his mouth, his eyes red and furious. He was neighing — a shrill angry whinny that combined with that of his mistress and gave the stable the sound of sinners in damnation.

The eerie sounds sent chills sneaking along his back, but he was unable to do anything but ream forward with his sodomizing prick boring deeper and deeper into his wife's rectum.