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Their girlish giggles sounded in the forest, and he felt as if a great weight had been lifted from him. He felt as young as they were, unburdened by any of the griefs of an adult.

Then, exhausted by his kiddish playfulness, he sank back on the beach, begging his girl companions to give him a breather. He was half in the water, the water covering his legs, and the wet coldness of it felt as relaxing as a cool drink.

The two girls sat side by side, whispering conspiratorially, and John let his glance fall on the golden hue of Nancy's petite, thirteen-year-old body. Her long yellow hair fanned down to almost her waist, and her rosebud breasts, their delicate pink nipples showing like the heart of some beautiful flower, swelled up proudly from her smooth flesh. He could see a faint flaxen down covering her pubic mound, and her entire body was only just beginning to take on a womanly appearance. He gulped at the sight of this beautiful nymph, her pale golden appearance greatly enhanced by the sultry darkness of Carla.

Suddenly, they were on top of him again, knocking the breath out of him. His prick had died of neglect and it was just a soft mass of flesh cuddled between his thighs, hiding itself in the knotted pubic curls.

He now felt it being raised again and gently taken between two hands. Looking down, he saw that Carla had again resumed her position between his legs, and was beginning to stroke new life into his disappointed prick. He could feel it stirring beneath her feathery touch and he could see the crinkly skin of his balls moving and writhing, like some giant sluggish insect. He spread his legs, allowing more room for Carla's slender body, and lay back, basking in the attention and the sunshine. He closed his eyes, reveling in the new warmth which was spreading from his loins over his whole body.

Then he felt a moistness, and warmness over his face, and he opened his eyes in time to see a shadow descending over him. Before he could pull away, the moist, fleshy mass settled itself on his mouth and for an instance panic seized him as his breath was cut off. Adjusting his head slightly, he became aware that it was Nancy! She had placed her young cunt directly over his mouth! Her spicy feminine odor permeated his nose and already he could taste a drop of her sweet, excited lubricant which escaped from her hungry cunt.

Tentatively, he flicked out his tongue and dabbed at the moist pink split above him. He felt Nancy jerk back from the unexpected contact and then settle herself back on his tongue. He began to swipe at her luscious pussy, twirling his tongue around the moistening folds and crevices of her virginal orifice, eliciting tiny gasps of pleasure from her. His searching organ found the tip of her clitoris, and began to massage the tiny bud, gently titillating the very tip. He traced his tongue along the sparsely-haired lips, which were already beginning to throb and swell with the blood that was rushing into them. He tickled the frayed pink edges of her tiny inner lips feeling their ragged pulsating edges. He dabbed at the small cuntal opening, and he heard Nancy's breath come in pants, in time to his tonguing dabs.

He raised his hands, and placed one on either side of her, squeezing her widespread hips. His fingers caressed the smooth golden flesh, pulling and stroking in wide circular movements. Her hands automatically began to massage his shoulders, slipping in and out of the bony hollows. They ran along his rough neck, petting the bumpy skin. They slipped up to his hair, where they dug into the strands, and massaged his head, kneading the skin and pulling at his short dark hair.

John began to suck voraciously at the proffered cunt above him. He licked the tender flesh, drawing its nectar-sweet juices into his mouth. His teeth nipped at the soft edges, trapping it here and there, while the tongue teased the imprisoned flesh unmercifully. Her clitoris began to increase in size under his ministrations and he bit into it with a series of teasing little bites, each one sending an electric charge through her twitching body. His tongue jabbed at the contracting cuntal opening, and then he surged it forward and buried the tip in her warm cuntal depths. A deep sigh escaped her as she felt the organ snaking out from between his lips and hungrily searching in the warm wet walls of her pussy. She could feel it lick along the inner grooves, and darting ever deeper into her inner sanctum.

John could feel her velvety vaginal sheath contracting over his tongue, and he began to swirl it around faster and faster, whipping up a froth of lubricant, which dripped from her vagina and foamed at the corner of his mouth. His face was becoming flushed from his exertion, and also from the fantastic manipulation of Carla's mouth on his prick.

It had risen again like a phoenix and was now towering out from his loins. Carla was purring like a kitten around the hard pillar of his cock and her throat muscles were milking it in a manner he had never experienced before. The whole length of her tongue washed the underside of his shaft with her saliva. Then she withdrew his shaft from her mouth and John stifled a groan as he felt the dripping rod exposed to the coolness of the air. She leaned slightly forward and began to paint his balls with her juices, still holding his thick cock firmly by the base. He felt the sperm bloated sacs quiver as she trailed her wet tongue over them, and then once again she enclosed the turbulent prick in her mouth and continued to exploit it in an effort to milk it dry, increasing his fever a hundredfold.

John's head was still imprisoned between Nancy's thighs, and he burrowed his tongue deep into her slippery passage. Her thighs clenched tightly around his face, squeezing his face unmercifully. He licked at the juice of her flowing cunt, her pungent fermenting moistness coating his face. His strange lewd sucking sounds echoed in the forest, and all that mattered to him at that moment was the delicious pussy that was splayed open to his questing mouth.

Little mewls of pleasure were gurgling from Nancy's lips as she rode him like an equestrian heroine, not relinquishing for a moment her thigh-grip on him for a moment. Her body moved with a rhythm of its own, and she ground her pussy hungrily down on John's trapped face. He could feel the walls of her cunt closing in on him in even stronger contractions, and his tired tongue worked feverishly to sustain the heights that it had initiated.

He could also feel Carla's voice vibrating somewhere around his cock and occasionally little moans of pleasure escaped from around his still-spreading prick.

Opening his eyes, he saw the ecstatically contorted face of Nancy waving above him, her eyes closed, her mouth half-open and working grotesquely. Her small breasts were bobbing in the air, and thin rivulets of sweat ran down the small valley between their youthful orbs. Her taut stomach palpitated with the force of her grinding down on his face, and the downy surface of her pubic mound was glistening with perspiration. He raised his hand and began to knead the rocking moons of her ass, shaping the flesh with his fingers like dough.

His entire body was on fire, buffeted between the two girls. He was coated with perspiration, and tremors convulsed him.

His prick was leaping obscenely into Carla's sucking mouth, and he could feel the fomentation swirling in his balls. Red-hot pokers jabbed at his flesh, and boiling lava coursed through his veins.

Suddenly, a catlike wail sounded in the stillness, and then: "I'm cuuummmmiiinnngggggg!" and Nancy was bucking and rearing like a wild thing, bouncing up and down on his face until he thought that he would be disfigured. Her warm juices flowed down over his mouth and nose, their honeylike sweetness seeping in through his facial orifices. Her small tight young cunt was convulsing demonically, and he felt a tremendous ache at the root of his tongue, where the mouth of her hot little hole was pulling at the flicking organ in a desperate attempt to swallow it entirely.