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“Did that always work?” he asks, leaning back in his chair, placing the neck of his beer bottle to his lips.

“Not always,” she giggles, sweeping her hair around the back of her neck to one side.

“I can’t imagine you’d have a hard time finding someone to pick you up, though.” Rob smirks, his eyes flash to mine and then Chrissy again.

She doesn’t respond, but just pushes him lightly on the shoulder, laughing. It’s like I’m in the middle of some first date, and I’m the third wheel. “Do you want to come to the drive-in with us?” she asks, and Rob’s line of sight turns to me. I shrug my shoulders, appearing indifferent, but his eyes laugh at my reaction.

“Nah, I gotta get your car going. Would hate for you to be stuck here,” he tells her, standing up from the table. I scoot over when he places his hand on the fridge and then staring directly at me he continues, “I mean, unless there’s another reason you’re staying.” He fixates on me while reaching in to grab a beer.

“Um … no.” She staggers because we both know she has nowhere to go. “As soon as you fix my car, I’ll be going.” Her voice shakes slightly as she rises to her own feet. That flirtatious side of her disappearing.

“Well then, maybe I should take longer to get it fixed,” Rob slyly comments. “It’s nice having you around, isn’t it, Dex?” He concentrates on me, and I finally catch on to what he’s doing.

“Let’s go, Chrissy,” I blurt out, throwing my empty water bottle in the recycling bin by the back door.

“See you two friends later,” Rob sarcastically kids and pushes his way out the back screen door, retreating back to the garage.

“Bye, Rob. Thank you again.” Chrissy follows him, calling out to him. Rob turns around to face her outside the garage doors.

“It’s no problem.”

Then a sharp pain hits my chest when she places her hand on his forearm, right by that damn guitar tattoo with Jessa’s lips. “Please, let me know how I can repay you,” she says.

“No thanks or repayment needed. I like to do things with my hands and—”

Before he can even finish, I grab Chrissy’s hand, spurring laughter from Rob. “We don’t want to be late to the movies,” I remind her, and she smiles at me, nodding her head.

“See ya, Rob,” I say with a wave of my hand, as I guide Chrissy to my truck.

Thank goodness, Brady and Sadie come out a second later, saying their own goodbyes to Rob before sliding into the Camaro. I insert the keys into the ignition and I hope it is my imagination that Chrissy’s quieter now, not around Rob.

“So, I have some blankets in the back and if I know Brady, he’ll stash some food in too.” I try to pull her into a conversation.

“Sounds awesome. I haven’t been to a drive-in for years. Of course, remember when boys only took girls to drive-ins to make those windows steam up?” She laughs.

“Why did you think I agreed? Are you telling me you’re not down with some heavy making out and a little touch and feel?” I joke with her because I’ve got to lighten the mood up between us.

“Sorry, bud, I don’t give it up on the first date,” she counters back, her own amusement in giggles.

“Technically, our first date was when we were eight. So, I think we’re already in grand slam territory.” I leer her way and cock my eyebrow, inviting a head shake from her.

“Then technically, you’ve never asked me on a date.” She raises her own eyebrows at me.

I don’t respond because what can I say? I should have a long time ago, or how about now? If only our situation was different.

We pull through the gates, and, although Chrissy tries to force money into my hand, I pay for the two of us, earning a huff of annoyance. Brady pulls in, and I back in so we can use the bed of the truck. Once I pull the keys out of the ignition, Chrissy’s out of the cab and climbing in the back.

“Eager?” I ask her, and she laughs.

“Kind of. I know it’s stupid and you probably do it all the time, but I always wanted to be in the bed of a truck at a drive-in,” she admits, and I climb in, laying the blanket down.

“I’ve never been here with the truck, or ever for that matter,” I reveal.

“Oh, well then it’s the first for both of us,” she says, straightening out the blanket and then sitting down cross-legged on it.

“Hey, guys!” Sadie says, following suit and climbing up. She takes her position next to Chrissy and they begin talking about the movies.

“I brought us some food.” Brady places a cooler down and positions himself next to Sadie. Since the sun has yet to fully set, we have a while before the movies will start.

“Great, I’ll be right back,” I tell him, hopping down from the bed of the truck. Pulling my phone out, three missed phone calls are displayed on the screen. Sam, my dad, and then Sam again. Redialing Sam, I wait for her to answer as the gravel crunches on my feet, passing by kids running around and couples snuggled together.

“Hey, sexy. Where have you been?” Sam answers, and her cheery mood is always nice to hear.

“Busy. What’s up with you?” I ask in return.

“Nothing really. I called earlier because I was reading this book and it got me all hot, but since you didn’t answer, my fingers had to do the walking all by their lonesome.” I can practically picture her fake pouting face. Like the time I told her there was no way I could do it again without having to seek medical attention.

“Sorry, but I’m sure they do a fine job,” I joke.

“Yeah, but they’re getting a little too used to you instructing them where to go,” she seductively whines. Silence fills the line because I’m not really into all this right now. For some reason I’m more eager to get back to the truck. “Anyway, Jessa’s almost ready to get that baby out, I’ll be there soon. Can’t wait to see you,” she continues. “I’d have you pick me up at the airport and maybe we could detour somewhere, but I’m flying in with my parents, boo.” She does that childlike voice with a small pout.

“I guess it will have to wait until after then,” I comment.

“Hmm. . .you’re grumpy. Thought you would be wanting to tear my clothes off,” she says, and a little guilt develops with the thought I’ve yet to tell her about Chrissy. Not that Sam and I are exclusive or that anything is going on with Chrissy. But, for some reason, I’m beginning to feel stuck in the middle of them.

“I’m at the drive-in. Gotta go take a piss and then head back before the movie starts,” I inform her, and she huffs slightly.

“Okay, well, have fun. Call me when you can,” she says and then hangs up. I’m relieved she’s so easy going with it all. Not like other psycho chicks I’ve actually dated, but maybe she’s cool because we aren’t dating.

I go into the bathroom, two little squirts are messing around with the paper towels and water. When they see me, they run away with frightened expressions on their faces. Once I’m done, I call my dad, praying he doesn’t need me again tonight.

Two seconds after I hang up from his unanswered call, I get a text message.

Dad: No one knows where he is. I’m calling in some favors.

Fuck, I wish I could have five minutes alone with her dad, because I’ve about had it with his shit. Show him how a real man should behave.

By the time I reach the truck, the laughter of Chrissy and Sadie carries over two car lengths. Although I’m not sure what the commonality between the two are, it’s nice to hear Chrissy so happy. Pushing up on my arms, I jump on the truck bed and take a spot next to Chrissy. Not too close, but not too far away either.

Sadie leans into Brady’s arms, like always, while he interests himself in looking around. The two girls are cracking up about an incident that happened over at Trey’s last week. Something about Drew and potty training, which I should probably know if I’ve been half a friend to Trey. He and Kailey have been so busy, I’ve barely had time to catch up with them. Me not being responsible for as much, I should really make more of an effort.