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He tasted like something sweet and she clung to his thick, sturdy shoulders, getting totally, unabashedly drunk on his kisses. She could live on them alone, she was sure of it, because nothing filled her up, made her feel more satisfied and complete, than Brody.

Somewhere in the chaos, he lost his shirt. And hers found its way up to her collarbone while he devoured her breasts. She moaned, he grunted, and when she worked his fly free and pulled out his erection, it took him seconds to hoist her a little higher, spread her wide, and seat himself inside.

“Ahh, baby,” she panted, her eyes locked on his while he jaw ticked and his face strained. Up and down he lifted her, wetting himself and sliding deeper with every stroke. The teasing glide of his piercing felt...unbelievable. Just right, and yet not enough.

“Condom?” The word rumbled past his tight-set mouth, but he never broke pace. Just filled her over and over again, skin on skin, so many unspoken promises shining in his eyes.

He didn’t need to say them, because she felt them. In her head, in her body, in her heart...

“I trust you.” She smoothed her hand along the side of his bristled jaw, her thumb parting his lips.

“You sure?” He lowered his forehead to hers and his tenderness stole her breath. But it was the quiet vulnerability in his eyes that did her in. He’d needed her to say those words as badly as she’d needed to feel them.

“You’re going to make me love you,” she whispered, and her voice broke with pent-up emotion she couldn’t hide any more.

His chest shook as he exhaled, and somehow his strong arms seemed to tighten around her and become gentle at the same time. “That’s the plan, sugar.”

God help me.

She cried out when he withdrew and drove home again, because this...this was what making love was supposed to feel like. No walls between them. No holding back. Just trust and faith borne between two people who had nothing left to lose.

“Come for me, baby.” He shifted the angle to free up a hand and rub little circles around her clit. His fingers shook, but he already knew her body so well. Knew just the right amount of pressure, just the right friction...

But she held back.

“You, too,” she pleaded. “Together.”

Dark haziness slid over his gaze and his hips began to piston hard. Lifting, pumping, totally claiming her from the inside out...

She slid her hands down his biceps and, gripping hard, she let go. He followed after, unloading with not an inch to spare between them. Watching the tension in his face turn to bliss was unreal. Majestic. Not just because he was a beautiful man, but also because he was her beautiful man.

She pressed her face into his perspiration-dotted neck and breathed him in. Mine. Every spicy, delicious, hard-muscled inch of him was hers.

They stayed there several minutes holding on to one another before he carried her back to the front door, kicked it shut, and took off at a jog down the hall with his pants falling off his ass and a goofy grin on his face.

“All the way to the end,” she laughed...and then harder again when he tripped and almost toppled them onto the bed. He kept going though, depositing her in the shower and making quick work of getting them both completely naked.

He turned her t-shirt toward her and pointed to the Marines logo. “A million times better than Victoria’s Secret, and the lack of panties was a nice touch, too.”

“I might’ve accidentally borrowed that...” The not-so-innocent heat in her cheeks flamed when he climbed in behind her and slid his hand down to cup her sex. Where the evidence of what they’d done couldn’t be missed.

“Thank you for this,” he spoke tenderly, his lips against her ear while he used his seed to paint her clit and build the fire once again. “I saw the pills when you were at my place, so I know we’re good that way. And, at the risk of sounding like a douche bag frat boy, it means a lot to me that you’d let me go in without. I’ve never done that before.”

“Me either,” she confessed, shivering when he brushed her hair off her neck and licked from the curve of her shoulder to the spot behind her ear.

“Why me, sugar?” he asked humbly. “I can’t be the first guy who’s ever wanted to.”

“No, but you are the first to offer me something better in return.”

“What’s that, babe?”

She turned in his arms and toed up to kiss him. “You.”


Sometime between their shower and another round of making Jenny scream, it began to rain. The curtains on her bedroom windows danced in the wind, carrying with them the fresh, earth smell of spring.

“Things are going well with Elena?” In nothing but his black boxer briefs, he stretched out his legs on top of her comforter and shoved a spoonful of butter pecan ice cream into his mouth. Beside him, sitting cross-legged in his Marines t-shirt, Jenny swallowed her bite and nodded.

“Better than well. The girl is a godsend. She’s got a way with the older ladies that I didn’t see coming and she’s incredible with the teenagers, too. We had a boy come in yesterday, wanting to color his hair orange to match his new dirt bike. Elena talked him into a nice faux hawk instead. I swear to God, he did the whole hip roll swagger thing when he walked out. It was hilarious.”

“Why not just let him color his hair? Being that age is all about learning to express yourself, right?”

“For sure. The problem is how impulsive they are about it. I guarantee he would’ve been back in a week, wanting his brown hair back.”

“So let him do it then. Let him learn on his own.”

Jenny winked. “I could have, but his mother and four sisters are some of my best customers.”

Ah. He chuckled. “Well, now I understand.”

She set her bowl down to twist her hair into a bun, which was seriously hot as fuck. Just made him want to take it all down again. Then again, there was something inherently sexy about sitting on her bed in the lamplight, eating ice cream, while rain hit the ground outside. Just being there with her like that turned him on in a way he couldn’t explain other than it felt comfortable. Right.

“How long have you had your piercing?” she asked, spooning up another bite with a smirk. “Was that an impulsive decision?”

“Fuck yeah.” He nodded. “Just back from Afghanistan the second time. Thought I was invincible.” Just the memory made him grimace. “Getting a needle shoved through my dick pretty much proved that wrong. I had friggin’ tears in my eyes.”

Her smirk turned into quiet laughter that shook the bed. He grabbed for her toe and she laughter harder. “Obviously you’ve come to...enjoy it.”

Now it was his turn to grin. “I’m not complaining. Are you?”

The dim lighting made the blush in her cheeks glow. “Definitely not.”

“Good.” He squeezed her toe and set his empty bowl on the nightstand. “So there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

Eyebrows raised, she shot him a glance. “A good kind of something or a bad kind of something?”



“Whether or not you’re a fan of meet-n-greets.” He pushed a hand through his hair and hesitated. Sex without a rubber and meeting his family in one weekend might be pushing his luck. “My grandpa fell earlier.”

She gasped, but he lifted a hand.

“He’s fine, but my folks drove over tonight to check in anyway. They’re staying the weekend.”

“Oh.” She reached her bowl over, set it inside of his, and resettled. This time, draping her bare legs over his. “Okay, so...?”

He told her about the half-cocked comment to his mother and her presumptuous response. “You don’t have to come with, but I’m pretty sure my mom wasn’t kidding about coming down here. She’s...”

“Nosey?” Jenny trailed her fingertips along his thigh, toying with the hem of his boxers. Nothing seductive or flirty. Just...affectionate.