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Finally, Brody stuck out his hand. “Reed.”

Her ex eyed the proffered hand for a moment longer than she would have liked before accepting it. “How you been, Nelson?”

“Pretty damn good.” His fingers pressed a little harder into her side and she buried her face in his t-shirt to hide her smile. “I know you don’t like me, so let’s just cut to the chase, yeah? I’m with Jenn and I plan on it being that way for a long ass time. I suggest you get used to it.”

Reed looked from Brody to her and back again before he cleared his throat. “Point taken, man.”

“Good. So from here on out, you gotta a problem with me, you take it up with me. We clear on that?”

Oh, my God, I love this man! She peeked up and saw Reed’s face turn a few different shades of red. He nodded, though. Stuck out his hand again, too.

“We’re clear.”

Brody dipped his chin. “That’s what I thought. Now how about you buy me a beer?”


“Hurry up already. My God, I’m going to explode.” Jenny was out of her car and at the driver’s side door of his truck before he even put it in park.

He grinned and powered up the window before climbing out and exposing himself to her hasty hands and eager mouth. She pushed his shirt up and peppered his chest with hot, wet kisses, all the while working at his belt and fly.

“Slow down, sugar. We’ve got all night.”

“You don’t even know how hot that was, hearing you stand up to him like that.” She scraped her teeth over his nipple and he jumped, his hands instinctively winding in her hair.

“You really do like that macho shit, don’t you?” His laugh turned into a groan as she licked him again.

“Oh, my God, you have no idea.”

“Nah, I think I’m catching on just fine.” With a quick twist, he spun her around and pinned her against the truck door, one hand anchoring her arms above her head. Her aroused gasp echoed into the darkness, mingling with the crickets and the soft swooshing sound of leaves rustlings in the trees.

“Here’s how we’re gonna do this, sugar.” He trailed his tongue along the tendon in her neck before he bit her just enough to sting. “You want my cock, you’re gonna earn it.”

“I’ll do anything,” she panted. “Just hurry. I need it.”

Jesus. She was gonna make this just as hard on him, wasn’t she? “I know, babe.” He slid a hand into her leggings and she convulsed against his fingers when they grazed her clit. “I can feel how wet you are.”

“Tell me what to do, Brody. Please.” She wiggled against his hand and, because he was completely helpless to this woman, he gave her what she wanted, slipping a couple fingers deep inside. She gripped him tight and his cock pulsed, wanting in on the action, too. “Ahhh, yes. Just like that. More.”

“Who’s in charge here, sugar?”

“Mmmmmm.” She bit her lips together and met his gaze. Even heavy-lidded, her dark eyes shined bright with desire under the moonlight.

“That’s right, baby. We play by my rules, don’t we?”

She nodded eagerly, so he rewarded her with a hard pump that had her wetting his palm all over again. Hot. As. Fucking. Hell.

He grinned and dipped his mouth to hers, hovering just above a kiss. “Tell me you love me.”

She licked her lips and shivered. “I love you.”

“Good girl.” He brushed his mouth across her and teased his thumb over her clit. She whimpered with her tongue pressed against his. “Now tell me you’re mine.”

“I’m yours.”

“Forever?” The sweet clench of her pussy around his fingers had him shoving a knee between her legs, needing to get closer.

“Forever,” she gasped, her body vibrating with need.

“You mean that?”

“God, Brody, you don’t know what you do to me.”

He laughed and curled his fingers inside of her, making her back arch off the truck as she cried out into the night. “You keep telling me that, but you seem to be forgetting that you have the same effect on me. One more question and I’ll make you come. Deal?”

She nodded and another rush of warmth soaked his hand. When he finally got inside, he was gonna blow instantly.

“Let me move in and I’ll make you scream like this every fucking day.”

Her eyes went wide and she reached out for him, balling his t-shirt and hauling him as close he could possibly get without burying himself to the hilt. “Are you serious?”

“Dead. I got my shit in the truck.”

Her grin lit up the darkness and the happiest sob he’d ever heard erupted from her chest. “I love you so much!”

All he needed to hear. In less than a minute, he turned her into a quivering, liquid mess. Flushed cheeks, flaring nostrils, and the sweetest, sexiest scent perfuming the air around them.

“You good, sugar?” Dipping his lips to her ear, she shook from head to toe when his skin brushed against hers. So goddamn sensitive. So goddamn his. “Any chance we can go inside now and talk like civilized adults? Or do you need me to fuck you, too?”

She let out a shaky, satisfied laugh and curled into his chest. “Always, but I suppose we can talk first. Especially if it’s about you sharing my bed.”

“Oh, it is. Among other things.”

She pressed a kiss into his t-shirt. “I love it when you talk dirty to me.”


How was it possible that her life had changed so much in such a short amount of time? Her mom was improving every day, she finally had help at the salon, and she had the sexiest, most amazing man ever sitting at her kitchen island eating leftover lasagna at midnight.

Sexier yet? He wore nothing but his boxer briefs.

“So how are you going to do this? You’ll travel to work from here?” It seemed like a lot of extra miles, but since he spent so much time on the road anyway, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

“Actually, that’s something else we need to talk about.” He lifted a gift bag onto the counter. “For you.”

When the heck had he snuck that in? “Does it vibrate? Because I already have one of those.”

“Imagine that.” He hooted around a mouthful of food. “Never would’ve guessed.”

Sticking out her tongue, she dug into the bag. And pulled out a red t-shirt. A red Hudson Contracting t-shirt, to be exact.

“I quit the utility company. It was something I’d tossed around on and off for a while now. I hated living out of a suitcase. Really hated it when it started keeping me away from you.”

She looked between him and the shirt. Was he saying...?

“I start Monday. Josh needed an electrician and it just so happens that’s my trade.” He lifted a shoulder and she held the shirt to her face, smiling through the tears that suddenly lined her eyes.

“Is this real life or am I dreaming again?”

A crooked grin turned up one side of his addictive mouth. “If you are dreaming, I hope you never wake up.”

“I hope I do. Reality with you has always been so much better than the stuff in my head.” She hurried around the island and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Yeah? Like?” He swiveled on the stool, pulled her between his legs, and kissed from one corner of her mouth to the other.

“Like right now. Feeling your heartbeat. Your skin. You.” Her fingers teased over the short hair at the back of his neck and he shivered. “I love just being near you. It’s comfortable. And now I get to do it all the time.”

“You don’t think you’ll get sick of me?”

“Waking up to your sexy ass will be a hardship, for sure. But I think we can manage.” She rubbed her nose against his and his hands slid down to her butt, squeezing playfully. “So what about your house and all your stuff?”

“I’m renting it out to Sam’s sister, Dani. I’ve given her the option to buy it on contract since she’s had a rough go of it lately. She’s interested and Sam’s helping her out with the legal fees. Shouldn’t take too long to settle.”