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“What happened to my dirty girl?”

“I’m dirty for you only—not for anyone who might wander back in, looking for their lost bat or something.”

He grinned. “I love it when you talk about belonging to me.”

She rolled her eyes and pulled him back to his feet. “Let’s walk before I change my mind.”

He let her lead him onto the field, but when she headed toward the middle, he slid his arms around her waist and redirected her. “Home plate, babe.”

“Yeah? What’s so special about home plate?”

“Uh, hello, it’s where I score.” With that, he threw her over his shoulder and took off toward the base.

“Brody James!” Her little fists hit his back as he sprinted, and by the time he put her down, they were both laughing so hard, they couldn’t breathe. He yanked his hat off her head and she collapsed against his chest, shaking with her face buried in his shirt. He pressed a kiss into her hair and rocked them from side to side.

Nothing in the world felt better than being close to Jenny. Nothing.

“Thank you again for coming today,” he murmured. “And for always sticking by my side.”

She looked up at him, her eyes sparkling beneath the lights. “You’re easy to stick with.”

“That so?”

“Yep. We’ve been though hard times, but loving you has always been easy.”

“I think I fell in love with you in Vegas.”

Tears sprang up in those twinkling eyes and she nodded. “I’ll never forget the way you held me that night. Or every night we’ve been together since.”

“You don’t have to forget. We’ve got something that’s gonna last.”

Her face crumpled as she began to cry sweet tears and he lifted his hands to her face, swiping them away.

“This is a happy day. Why are you crying?”

“I just...I love you more than I can ever tell you. I wish I had the right words...”

He smiled, took her hands in his, and lowered to one knee. “I only need one, sugar.”

Her wet eyes went wide and when he pulled the small box from his pocket, she started crying all over again.

“I told you a while ago that I wasn’t the man you thought I was. Hell, I’m not sure I am now either, but I do know that I get a little better every day I wake up with you in my arms. Every day you believe in me is like a victory all its own and I will gladly fight for your faith and your heart for the rest of my life. I love you, Jenn, and I don’t want to ever know life without you again. Tell me I don’t have to.”

“Ahhhh!” She threw her arms around his neck, then dropped to her knees in front of him, kissing all over his face. “I love you, I love you, I love you...”

“You’ll marry me?” he laughed, popping the ring from the box.

“Are you kidding me? Of course, I will!” She held out her trembling hand and he slipped the antique ring onto her finger. The moment she realized what he’d given her was something he’d never forget. “Oh, my God, Brody.”

“It was my Great-Grandma Brekowski’s. My grandpa gave it to my grandma and when I told her I was going to ask you, she insisted I take it. Both sets of grandparents were married for over fifty years. I guess you could say it’s good luck.”

She met his gaze with the prettiest smile he’d ever seen. “Ah, but we don’t need luck—we’ve got each other.”


Sign up for my mailing list and get the prequel to Reed Fletcher’s story for FREE! Don’t worry—he redeems himself in a big way and his girl, Mia, makes him work for her affection. Look for their full story in early 2016.

Also, keep up to date on everything River Bend as well as hear about sales and giveaways!


If you enjoyed Brody and Jenny’s story, check out the other River Bend books:

Can’t Shake You (River Bend, #1) – Josh and Carissa

Can’t Hold Back (River Bend, #1.5) – Dan and Maddie

Can’t Get Enough (River Bend, #2) – Tony and Nicole

Can’t Walk Away (River Bend, #3) - Mark and Ally


If chatting about books and sexy heroes if your thing, join Molly’s reader group, Molly’s Misfits! There’s always eye candy and wine, so pull up a seat and enjoy!

Note from the Author

Thank you so much for reading Can’t Resist Him! I hope you enjoyed it and are eager for more River Bend romance! I’m absolutely in love with this little town, and how could I not be when so many awesome, book-worthy characters wrote themselves right into it?

Keep an eye out for books for Reed, Luke, and of course hot firefighter Nick. Release dates haven’t been carved in stone, but rest assured—the women these guys fall for are going to put each of them to the test and then some!

If you’d like to stay connected to the goings on in River Bend, including the books I just mentioned, check out my website (www.mollymclain.com) and sign up for my newsletter! You can also find me on my Facebook author page, where I’m usually messing around and posting “inspirational” pics of my heroes.

Lastly, reviews help other readers pick up new books, so if you enjoyed Can’t Resist Him, please share your thoughts on Goodreads and/or your favorite retail book site. Thank you so much for your support!




I always have so much support with each new book I write, but I have to give the biggest props this time around to my reader group/street team, the Misfits. Over 200 strong, these girls sure know how to show their love for everything River Bend. Their excitement is absolutely contagious and it makes digging into each new book all the more enjoyable for me. Thank you, girls. I really couldn’t—and wouldn’t want to—do any of this without you.

Jessica and Dana for always reading whatever I throw at you. Jess, you keep me on my toes and Dana, you’re the best at saving my butt at the last minute. Love you both to pieces!

Chrissy and her husband Dennis... Thank you for your insight into the military aspects of this book. It’s important to me that I get things right and I know it’s equally important to you. Dennis, I can’t thank you enough for your service. You are a the true hero here.

Dana W. for her super fast, super reliable editing. I love your enthusiasm for my books and I hope we can continue to work together for a very long time!

Christine, Kelley, and the other Hype PR girls... Y’all are a crazy good time and I appreciate all you’ve done, helping me spread the word about this book and the series as a whole. Can’t wait to see where we go from here!

Sara Eirew... You know I’m laughing right now, right? I’m sure you are, too. Let’s keep the reason between us (and my bank account) and I’ll just thank you for the gorgeous cover and tattoos.

Sommer Stein, you are a design genius! Thank you for all you’ve done for the River Bend series. I love your attention to detail and your ability to figure out exactly what I want from my incessant rambling.

Lastly, my family. This is a given and always will be. Thanks for being so patient with me and for always supporting whatever I’m working on. I love you all big as the world.

About the Author

Molly McLain has lived in Northern Wisconsin all of her life. She’s a proud fan of the Green Bay Packers, fountain soda, angsty rock ballads, and jellybeans. She also loves camping and binging on reality TV, but her favorite vice of all is road tripping with the radio cranked. Someday, she hopes to travel the country with her husband and her laptop, because nothing gets the plot bunnies hopping like the wind blowing through her hair.