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Briefly he looked at his men who were either engaged in broken conversations with other Britons, pointing and learning words; or they just were content to drink more ale around the fire.

“Why not?” He said taking her offered hand to help him up. They walked towards the nearby trees through the clearing, the night air cooler without the warmth of the fire near them but welcoming after the heat of the flames.

“So tell me Roman,” Brenna asked still holding his hand and leading him down a worn path, “do you have a woman waiting for you in Rome?”

“No nothing like that but I’m not from Rome, I’m from a place called Rhegium in the south and no, I don’t have a woman waiting there either.”

“Good.” Was her one word reply as they left the woods and came to a clearing, water sparkling before them in a huge expanse of the lake she had mentioned earlier. She motioned for him to stand still and walked a few paces and then turned. He stood watching as she untied the rope belt from around her waist and grinning removed her top. Her body was tanned brown by the sun and for the first time Varro realised that she had generous and sensual breasts above a trim waist, her nipples were welcoming and erect.

She smiled at him as she grabbed the thin string that held her breeches up and she pulled gently as they fell to her ankles. She was naked underneath and had athletic legs with feminine defined muscles, developed he presumed from hunting and running, formed erotically under her skin, He felt himself began to tingle.

“Come Varro, you can’t swim with your clothes on, unless of course you are too shy?” Without another word and with Brenna watching him intently, he removed his tunic. His muscles rippled as he moved and she clearly liked what she saw. Slightly embarrassed he said, “So what does your name mean Brenna? I’m told nothing is named without reason here is that correct?”

She smiled, “Most things are yes, my name means as black as a Raven.” She pointed at the clothes he still wore, and the rest.” She almost ordered as he removed the remainder of his clothing. She walked to him and placed a hand on his chest, gently smoothing her hand along its surface, her fingers making circles around his nipples. He could feel himself getting aroused as they looked into each other’s eyes and her hand moved lower. He grew hard as her fingers sought out his erection, she smiled as he bent to kiss her but she moved away laughing.

“Are you always so impatient?” Continuing to laugh she turned and ran towards the water. He watched as she moved, ‘slowly old fellow’ he thought to himself wishing he was inside her. She splashed into the water and he felt the first ache of wanting as he yearned to feel her surround him. He recovered and walked to the water’s edge, it was cold against the skin of his feet. An owl in a nearby tree was hooted as if shouting encouragement. The sky was clear and full of stars now and the night air was warm against his body.

“Come on, get in. Surely a big strong soldier isn’t afraid of a little water?”

He walked further now nearly oblivious to the cold as it reached his thighs, a small tide lapping against him. Brenna was standing waist high motioning him forwards towards her upper body glistening with droplets of water. When he got to within touching distance she laughed again and turned, diving into the water and vanishing from sight.

She reappeared some feet away and swam further into the lake, her back visible above the dark water. Varro bent his legs and squatted allowing the water to reach his neck, he gathered some more and splashed if over his head. He shuddered slightly as he ducked underneath it and swam after her. He followed her for a while as they swam further out, the water getting colder the further they went. Eventually she turned and slowly headed back to shore.

Varro had just managed to get level with her as she began to leave the water, drips leaving her body. He saw she stopped waiting for him again smiling and he approached her. Without waiting for an invitation he held her close to him again, getting aroused as he kissed her gently on the lips. Her tongue forced his mouth open and darted in to his as her hand helped his arousal grow. He felt her slim waist and moved his right hand up her side as they kissed, gently cupping her breast. She moaned as he felt her hard nipple as they kissed more intently.

“Come.” She said breaking away and once again took him by the hand. She led him to a large downed oak lying on its side. She turned drawing him closer and drew him to her. She sighed and pushed herself onto the tree and then wrapped her legs around his waist, their tongues moving against each other’s. She massaged his swollen manhood carefully and slowly rubbing it against her wetness. He waited like never before wanting to thrust himself inside her. He opened his eyes and saw that hers were closed but then opened to look into his own. He was consumed by her beauty, her intelligence and passion as she reached around his hips and gently pulled him into her.

Chapter Five

Caratacus had waited in the shadows under thick low branches of trees for the rider to come back and report on the advancing Roman column. He had met up with his younger brother Deganus that morning at their pre-arranged rallying point in case of any unusual occurrence. If either one of them hadn’t arrived the other would know that there was something seriously wrong. They had spent a few hours with the war council going over tactics and possible plans dependant on what the rider reported.

His impatience was beginning to get the better of him and he now wanted to engage the enemy as soon as possible. He had sent the scout out to determine the route and number of legionnaires heading in his direction. He knew that they had already established a working harbour and some were already preparing to move away from the shore. What he didn’t know was how many would leave and where would they go, would they all go together or would they split their force and how many would stay at the shore. He knew that if the majority marched into the interior of the country, it would leave those at the harbour vulnerable and he would attack them cutting the others off from any re-supply or re-enforcements.

One thing he was certain of was that he and the other tribes loyal to him and his brother were now gathering. Had it not been for misinformation from Gaul, the Romans would never have set foot on solid ground but there was nothing he could do about that now. He had over five thousand fighters already which at such short notice, he was happy with as it had only been two days since news of the invasion had reached him. With more of his own warriors and the rest of the tribes he would treble the amount of Britons to Romans and more. Time was against him now however and it would take days for his extra forces to reach him, whilst at the same time evading the Romans, the last thing he wanted was a relatively small war band to be taken. He knew he couldn’t and wouldn’t wait forever, and dependant on the report would decide how to strike an early blow against the invading army. They had to be stopped, which meant dealing them a deadly blow or one that would at least cripple them just enough to hamper their movement, once that was achieved, they would be wiped out. Amongst his five thousand warriors, he had over two hundred chariots, five hundred horsemen, the rest were made up of foot soldiers, seasoned campaigners on the whole. Once the others arrived his numbers would swell but they would be made up of farmers, men and women who were used to working the land not fighting on it. They would be fit nonetheless and most would be efficient with a bow, he would have little time to mould them into battle ready warriors.