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His head jerked back automatically in response as he saw his friends own head fall forward and hang limply, gouts of blood flowing and spurting from his wounds spasmodically. Marcus finally closed his eyes and wished and prayed for them all to be somewhere else other than this barbaric land. He swore vengeance on the woman and many others and if it were physically possible, he would help make it happen.

Then the woman approached Varro, Marcus saw that there was a disturbance from somewhere towards the back of the baying mob. He could see riders talking to the men, gesturing towards the torture that was taking place. Within seconds the riders had dismounted and were pushing their way through the crowds, seemingly oblivious to their complaints and shouts.

Marcus blinked as he recognised Brenna and Tevelgus.

“Lucius,” he turned to see where he was, speaking in a low voice, “Lucius get your fucking arse here now, its Brenna and Tevelgus.” He got to where Marcus lay just as Varro and Decimus were cut free.

“What the fuck happened to Veranius?” He asked.

“That fucking cunny that Tevelgus is talking with cut his fucking balls off after stabbing him, he must be dead now.” He replied.

Lucius gulped down almost choking on his own breath but strained his eyes watching as Brenna walked to Veranius, pushed his unconscious head back and then cut deeply into the artery of his neck.

“Oh my gods that fucking bitch.” He whispered the words out. The two men watched as the surviving Romans were cut free entirely and escorted to horses, bungled up and then rode away.

“Where do you think they’re taking them?” Lucius asked.

“I don’t know but I know one thing,” he replied staring at the torturer, “that fucker won’t ever kill another Roman soldier ever again, come on.”

Later a chill had fallen over the valley where the Britons had tortured their friends, camp fires still flickered below with bodies lying nearby. Nothing moved except the occasional dog wandering around scavenging scraps and leftovers from their meals. An owl hooted somewhere in the distance its call echoing across the small valley.

Slowly Marcus led Lucius down the slope, their swords sheathed their daggers in hand as they moved lower careful not to step on anything that might break or snap and alert the sleeping enemy. Marcus had a rough idea where his prey slept as he got close to the first fire its flames disturbing his vision. They moved very slowly now crouched low, stepping through and round some snoring bodies.

“There!” Marcus whispered pointing. She lay wrapped around a child, two others were close by.

“How the fuck are we going to get her? The bitch is wrapped around that little bastard.” He indicated whispering with his dagger.

“Pull the child away Lucius.” Marcus instructed.

“You are fucking crazy, you’ll get us both killed.” Lucius said kneeling down and gently grabbing the child wrists and pulling her away. Marcus got into position around the head of the sleeping barbarian woman and pressed his dagger against her throat. Her eyes opened with a start just as he hit her, knocking her out cold instantly. A few bodies stirred briefly with the sound of the impact but none woke properly. Marcus picked up the head and shoulders whilst Lucius grabbed her feet. Together they left the sleeping bodies behind as quickly as they could, the child was still sleeping, she would never see her mother alive again.

At a safe distance Marcus threw his end of the unconscious woman to the floor, her body span round as Lucius maintained a grip of her ankles, her head colliding with the ground roughly.

“Let go.” He said to Lucius, whilst getting some rope.

“What are you going to do?” Marcus didn’t answer as he secured her to a tree. When he was satisfied she couldn’t move he said, “I vowed vengeance on this cunt and that’s what I’ll have.” He glared at Lucius and he knew that he wouldn’t argue. Secured and tied with her back to the tree, Marcus cut her clothing off as she began to stir.

“Where shall we start Lucius?” He said grabbing at her breasts, her nipples hard in the cold night air. Her eyes opened fully as she licked her lips, still bloody from the punch Marcus had delivered. Realisation dawned as she looked at her captures armour and uniforms, she tried to cry out but Marcus grabbed her mouth with his hand and squeezed tightly, his knuckles going white with the pressure. Her eyes bulged not in fear but in pain, defiance etched all over them. Her dark eyes stared out at him with a mixture of terror and hatred.

“She’s a feisty fucker this cunny stinking whore eh my friend?” Marcus cut the remaining clothes from her exposing her body totally.

“Just empty the blood from her throat Marcus, we’ll gain nothing from torturing her.” Lucius said as he walked back to the horses.

“And where would the fun be in that Lucius? This fucking cunt killed our second in command. Not only killed him but ruined his body as well, cutting his cock and balls off in the process. Now correct me if I’m wrong but that deserves a little more than a quick death in seconds as her blood vacates her stinking carcass. No my friend this fuck stick is going to pay for her journey into the afterlife.”

Lucius didn’t reply but tended to the horses. “She’s quite an attractive bush here Lucius.” Marcus said pointing to the woman’s crotch with his knife, “It’s a pity there are no balls to slice off though eh? Never mind I’m sure I can think of something similar, eh my beauty.” Her eyes widened as if she understood her fate.

As he said it he brought his dagger up unseen, grabbed her left ear and sliced through from the top instantly cutting down but not fully. She tried to scream as he ripped it clear of her head and threw it straight to the ground.

“Meat?” He offered Lucius. “We could start a fire and have fresh meat for breakfast.” He gestured to his mouth as the woman’s muffled cries died in the material he wrapped around her mouth.

Before Lucius could gather his thoughts, Marcus had reached up and cut the other ear from her, her head thrashing furiously in a vain attempt to stop him or evade the inevitable, it landed close to the first as he discarded it. Mixed with pain and terror her eyes now showed fury as well as pain.

Lucius looked away. “You see Lucius these Britons will eventually learn that they are inferior to Romans and any act to defy us will pay a heavy price, especially if they torture our men. We’ll take at least five for each one they take and eventually even they will learn.”

As he said it he thrust upward and cut directly into the left breast. Blood covered the knife immediately and the right hand and arm of Marcus but not as much as the female bore on her stomach and legs, they were covered by dark red running blood. She continually closed and opened her eyes, her muffled cries dying in the gagging cloth.

“Now if I were a Briton, I would probably cut her breasts from her body and pull them over her head before watching her bleed to death. It’s lucky for her we are not as primitive as them though eh Lucius? Although we should have brought that child and she could have watched as we cut it to pieces as well. Shame we didn’t think of that eh my friend? You,” he pointed at the woman as he began to laugh, “are very lucky we are a civilised unlike you.”

Unexpectedly Marcus took three quick steps back towards her, dipped his body slightly and then thrust upwards with his right arm leading with the tip of the knife. It penetrated and entered her body easily directly below and between her breasts. He stepped closer as her eyes went hazy and dull and then rolled upward into the back of her head. He thrust more upwards embedding the weapon deeper, his feet gaining purchase on the dusty surface. He worked the knife inside her rib cage, cutting through organs, tissue and sinew as he sliced and mashed the woman to death.

When he was finished Marcus picked up her torn clothing from the ground and wiped her blood from the dagger. He felt no particular satisfaction at the action he had taken but his friend had been avenged and so his conscience was clear.