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He tested the bed for firmness with his hand and found it sturdy but pliable. He drank from a goblet tasting the fresh wine he had enjoyed and finished it in one go. He dropped the towel and lay on the bed pulling the covers over him and within no time at all he was asleep. He dreamt of his future, of being a successful member of the Empire. He would recruit soldiers for Rome and make legions of British warriors turning them into auxiliaries. He would introduce farming methods and build villas, temples and worship the gods of Rome and one day he hoped, he would be accepted into the Senate itself. Anything was possible now that he had helped brush aside his backward brothers, the task now was to drag the people into the new world with him.

He didn’t know where he was when he opened his eyes sometime later and sat up suddenly with a start, something had disturbed his sleep. Had something fallen or had Asiria come to help him relax even more? The candles still burned and he realised quickly that he was still inside the massive tent and nothing was untoward, he relaxed and lay back down quickly drifting back to his dreams. Then in his sleepy state he remembered that something had woken him, something deliberate, he remembered what it was, a voice.

Immediately he sat up again blinking his eyes open and there stood at the end of the bed was his brother, Caratacus. He stared in disbelief blinking again, as if he was dreaming, was he dreaming he wondered, he must be surely? He had to be asleep still he thought, his wayward brother was running for his life or so he had been told.

“It’s me brother I’m here, you are not dreaming.” The voice was undeniable and the reality so vivid, it hit him like an axe. Adminius saw him clearly but how was this possible? Caratacus stood before him wearing a Roman toga which just added to his confusion. He spoke, “Don’t let these clothes fool you. I had to wear them in case someone saw me.” He smirked now, a disturbing smile his gaze fixed.

“I wouldn’t have been able to get to see you if I’d worn my own clothes would I?” He turned his head indicating something unseen, “Your friends outside, the large guards would have had my entrails cut out before I took a step further. You and your friends would have seen to that wouldn’t you? No real local is allowed to within a hundred paces of your grand tents.” He looked around. “So this is what it was all for was it?”

“How did you get in here? If they find you, you’ll be crucified.” He spat back in shock.

Caratacus said, “It’s still just leather and leather cuts quite easily or have you already forgotten?” He produced a dagger from under the toga. Adminius recognised it as their fathers.

“This can all be yours as well brother.” Adminius said trying desperately to change the subject to delay whatever Caratacus had planned. Maybe someone would hear them talking and come to investigate. “We can rule together like one. I’ve many plans and we can rebuild this place for the better. I told you it would happen but you wouldn’t listen. It’s alright though I forgive you, I always did.”

Caratacus could barely hide his hatred for his younger brother and ignored his words. “Do you know how Togodumnus died?” He said abruptly, he raised his eyebrows and walked to the side of the high bed.

“His body was punctured by their swords and spears whilst trying to defend his land, his people and he died in my arms, these arms you see before you.” He held his arms out but Adminius didn’t look at them, he stared at his eyes trying to determine what he intended. He held them out still as if to emphasise the point.

“I was covered in his blood, our father’s blood, blood he gave for his people.” He stared at Adminius his eyes looking right through him as if into his soul.

“I haven’t seen you for year’s brother but surely we can mend our differences now? I told you we couldn’t fight the strength of Rome and I was right see.” He waved his arm at the tented walls.

“Please now at least concede that and let us rejoice together and lead our people. With you at my side they too will see the error of their ways and stop resisting. It can be done, all you have to do is allow it for once in your life have the vision to see what is best.” The terror was evident in his eyes as he saw the cold expression on the face of Caratacus and he began to use his words to try and save himself. He was under no illusion, he barely recognised the barbarian stood over him but he had to play for time. One of the guards was bound to hear their conversation through the thin walls.

“I have no intention of being at your side Adminius. You betrayed our father, our brother and our people and you chose them over us.” He looked to the side of the tent to the unseen Romans elsewhere. “You have aided them and now you return to take a crown that wasn’t yours to take, in a land that is no longer yours to own. Our people know of your betrayal, how long do you think you will live? You killed my father as you killed my brother and there has to be a price to pay for your betrayal and indulgence. You even dress like them and even whore yourself as they do for instant gratification.”

Adminius looked shocked and blushed, “What do you mean by that?”

“I saw you with the Parthian whore.” He paused. “Is that how far you’ve fallen brother, you didn’t even know her did you?”

Adminius said, “Didn’t know her, what have you done, have you hurt her?”

“You shouldn’t concern yourself with such whores but think of your own people, the people you betrayed, the people who lay dead on the battlefields rotting even now as you lay here in a bed of betrayal. The people who tried to protect the capital from you and your kind now litter the plains, woods and forests. It’s too late to worry about her now anyway, her blood is exhausted and her throat open to the world, my world.”

Horror stricken at his brothers words Adminius tried to rise but Caratacus instantly thrust his knife forward in one quick movement before he could react, stabbing his brother in the middle of his chest where his heart lay, he froze, eyes wide as blood bled quickly from the wound.

“You fool, what have you done?” He gasped grabbing at the blade and looking down as the dagger was ripped wide and upwards into his chest cutting bone and internal organs alike. Blood gushed now, out and around the edges of the blade and onto his hands.

Caratacus stared at the man he had grown up with, he didn’t recognise him. He realised he felt nothing for what had just happened. He pulled the dagger free and wiped it and his red hands on the bed sheet and then put it away. He walked quickly and quietly from the room into the next and into the one beyond where the body of the Parthian female lay. He didn’t even look at her as he walked calmly by his movement reflected in her dead dark eyes. He found another toga and replaced the blood stained one he wore.

He went to the rear of the huge multi-roomed structure and found the cut in the leather panel where he had gained entry. He left as easily as he had entered and disappeared into the darkness of familiar pathways between the still standing roundhouses beyond.

Off duty Roman soldiers nodded acknowledging him as he walked calmly from the scene of the murder, he nodded and smiled in response. Finding his horse where he had left it he climbed aboard and looked around one last time. His capital was no longer his own and in no time he wouldn’t recognise it unless he could find enough warriors to follow him again and retake it one day. That however, would have to wait especially with the invaders leader still here on the island somewhere surrounded by his guards, it would be impossible for the time being.

As he took one last final look around he decided to return when Claudius had got back to Rome. For a second he contemplated sacrificing himself in what would be a suicidal attack on the Emperor who was probably asleep after whoring himself as Adminius had somewhere to the south. He thought about finding his column, waiting until the early hours when all but a few guards were asleep. He reasoned that he may even succeed with the help of the gods but would he survive to fight afterwards? In that moment he no longer cared for his own life but then he remembered his family and knew he could not abandon them.