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“Would you like a little help with that?”

He laughed. “Then you’d know my secrets before our wedding night.”

“I don’t mind.”

He leaned in and kissed her gently, which only made his cock throb harder. “I know you don’t, and I appreciate it. I’ll survive. I think I’d rather draw out the sweet agony a little longer.”

“See? You like me being a Domme. You enjoy tease and denial.”

He fell back on his pillow and laughed long and hard at her playful expression. “You, my dear, are sweetly evil. I adore you already.”

* * *

He took her out to breakfast, and then asked her to direct him to the closest mall.


“I didn’t bring any suits on this trip. I planned on securing us a place to live, then returning home to arrange the move. My diagnosis changed my plans.” He glanced at her. “I refuse to get married dressed like a slob.”

She arched an eyebrow at that. He looked like a businessman on casual Friday—pressed khakis and button-up shirt. No tie, but the last thing she thought when she looked at him was slob. “Don’t dress up on my account.”

He pulled into a parking space. “Love, I have never been married. I realize this is a bit of a rush and all, but I would like to make an attempt at doing this the right way.”

“I suppose you want me to dress up, too?” she teased.

He leaned in and kissed her. “I don’t expect a formal white gown.”

“I would hope not.” She smiled. “I’m far past wearing something as light as ivory, I’m afraid.”

He laughed. “That makes two of us.”

He purchased a black designer suit at a high-end department store and paid them extra to complete the alterations that afternoon. He let her pick the purple silk tie, and when they finished, he led her to the women’s department and coaxed her into a beautiful, deep purple dress. When she went to pay for it, he gently took it from her and laid it on the counter. “I’m paying. This is for my fiancée.”

Her heart skipped in her chest at his tone. She had to swallow before she could speak. “You don’t have to do that.”

“I know.” He leaned in and kissed her, leaving her breathless. “I want to do it.”

* * *

But he wasn’t finished. On their way through the mall he pulled up short outside of a jewelry store and smiled. “Come along, love. Another chore. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner.”

He walked inside.

She swallowed hard and followed him. He browsed through the display cases of wedding band sets. “What strikes your fancy?”

“Just get something cheap. Whatever.” Another thought struck her. “How’d you know my ring size?” The engagement ring fit perfectly.

“I guessed based on your pictures. Slender hands, light bones. Ooh, I like this set. What do you think?” He pointed to a beautiful gold set, engraved with an intricate pattern and inlaid with small diamonds.

“It’s beautiful.” The sales clerk pulled it out. When Tilly saw the price, she choked. “Landry, seriously? That’s over two grand.”

He turned his green eyes on her. “So? Do you like it?”

“Yes, but—”

“We’ll take it,” he told the clerk.

Tilly tried to protest. “Okay, I mean, I know you have money, but seriously? Is this necessary?”

He turned to her and gently grabbed her hands as he pulled her close. With his forehead touching hers, he whispered, “Please, humor me. I don’t ever plan on getting married again in my life, and I would prefer to do it as right as I can under the circumstances. I can afford this.”

Jesus Christ, the guy might not make it. She found it hard to remember when he acted like he was fine.

With a deep sigh, she agreed. “All right.”

Her heart fluttered over his beaming smile. “Thank you, sweetheart.” He kissed her.

Well, okay then.

He sent her to the mall’s food court to get him coffee while he paid for the rings. Then they had lunch and returned to her house. He hadn’t called Cris, unless he did it when not within her sight.

She wondered what was going through Cris’ mind, if he felt worried, jealous.


Fearful that perhaps he’d been abandoned?

On that last point she sincerely hoped so. Give him a taste of it.

“You feel sorry for him,” Landry said as they pulled into her driveway.

“Excuse me?”

“You look deep in thought.”

“You’re spooky.”

“Cris tells me that a lot.”

She smiled. “Aha. You said his name again.”

He carried her packages inside for her, including new shoes she’d bought to match the dress.

“As you said, after the big night it will be easier to move past this.”

“Don’t be pissed at him on my account.”

“I’m not. I’m pissed at him on mine.”

She smacked her forehead. “Aw, crap.”


She winced and looked at him. “It’s Friday. I’m supposed to have dinner with Ross and Loren and then go with them to the club tonight.”

“Ah.” He thought about it for a moment. “I’d like to meet them.”

“Oh, yeah, great plan,” she snorted. “How the fuck am I supposed to explain you? ‘Hey, Ross, I know you said you’d castrate Cris with a propane torch if you ever saw him again, but I’d like you to meet my fiancé, his Master. Oh, by the way, they’re both living with me.’” She laughed. “Um, yeah.”

His eyebrow arched. “Propane torch? I like his style. I’ll hold slave down for him.”

“That’s a recurring theme with you, isn’t it? You really are a sadist.”

“I have no use for his testicles. I only need his ass and his cock.” He frowned. “Then again, I don’t need his cock, either. We have some really nice toys that do just as well and never go soft.”

She snorted. “No. His testicles and cock stay attached to his body. If anyone should get first crack at them, it’s me.”

“That’s my girl. Now you’re talking.” He sat on the sofa and studied her. “So you haven’t dated anyone since Cris? Except for your date with Bob, I mean.”

Heat filled her face. “Do we need to talk about this right now?”

“Well, it does make it more difficult to explain me to your friends, I suppose,” he said. “They won’t buy the ‘secret internet boyfriend’ excuse.” He patted his lap. “Come here,” he softly said.


“Just come here. Please?”

Warily eyeing him, she walked over. He gently caught her wrist and pulled her down onto the couch so she straddled his lap, facing him. He rested his hands on her thighs. The position put her eye to eye with him, making her jeans suddenly feel way too tight, rubbing her clit in an uncomfortably erotic way.

“What do you want to do?” he asked. “I would be more than happy to explain the situation for you, if you wish. I will gladly take the brunt of their ire.”

She rested her hands on his chest. Nice chest. Very nice chest. She slipped them up to his shoulders and settled her bottom a little more comfortably onto his thighs. Nice, firm thighs.

Oh fuck. I am sooo screwed.

“I can’t keep this from them. They come over for dinner and movie nights. Loren comes over a couple of times a week for lunch or to help humiliate a client who wants a witness. We can’t keep Cris locked in a closet.”

His hands slid up to her waist before settling on her hips. “Sure we can. Why not? He won’t mind.”