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Tilly took a deep breath and gave her the short version of the story, leaving out the whole marriage and revenge plot part of the equation.

Loren stood there, stunned. “So, after what the fucker did to you, you’re just going to let him back into your life like that?”

“No, I’m helping Landry. He’s a nice guy, Lor. Get to know him, you’ll like him. We have a deal. It’ll let me pay off the house without having to work for a while. It’s the right thing to do.”

“It’s fucking bullshit!” That’s when she spotted the ring. She grabbed Tilly’s hand. “Holy crap, when did you buy that?”

Might as well bite the bullet. “I didn’t,” she quietly admitted.

She frowned. “Cris?”

Tilly shook her head.

Loren’s voice dropped to a whisper. “Landry bought it for you?”

She closed her eyes, ready for the outburst. So much for keeping it quiet. “He asked me to marry him. It’ll make the bookkeeping easier.”

Loren didn’t disappoint. “What the holy fuck?” she shrieked. “Are you crazy?”

“Yeah, I am. But you want to know something?” she shot back. “He’s great in bed, I’m sick of being alone, and all I’m obliged to do for the next couple of years is make sure Cris can get into the hospital!”

“That Cris…Wait a second. Good in bed? Did you say good in bed?”

Tilly clenched her jaw. “Yeah. Damn good. And so far we haven’t even fucked yet.”

That was enough to shut Loren up for a moment. She stared at Tilly for a long time. “What is this going to do to you emotionally?” she quietly asked.

“I’m not the girl I was. You know that. I’m a strong, tough bitch. Helping Landry out is the right thing to do. I’m not doing it because of Cris, because he’s totally in the dark about this. He’s stuck in a hotel room right now, completely clueless.”

“Cris has a Master.” She shook her head. “I still can’t wrap my mind around that fact.”

“Oh, believe it. Landry’s a sadist, too. Makes me look like Winnie the Pooh.” She told her the story about Bob and the confrontation with Cris, and Landry volunteering to hold Cris for Bob.

“Holy fuck!”

“Yep.” She checked her make-up while trying to slow her pounding heart. “Now please, I’m asking you as my friend, just give him a chance. He’s as upset about this…” She thought about it. “He’s upset about what happened to me, and he’s trying make amends. He’s a good man. I mean it when I say I really like him. I’ve spent the past two days with him.”

“So what happens with Cris? He moving in too?”

“I guess so.” She smiled at Loren in the mirror. “I already told Landry he’d better let me boss Cris around.”

“Oh, fuck yes! I damn sure want to watch that!”

When they returned to the dungeon, Ross looked less than happy and Kim and Kylee had arrived. Landry stood a little away from them, leaning against the wall, waiting.

She waved him over and clasped his hand as she led him to Ross. “Ross, I need to tell you something,” she said.

Landry looked at her but remained silent.

She told him the same story she told Loren, again leaving out the revenge part of the equation.

When she finished, Ross looked a little less murderous.

“Will you hold him for me if I want to cut his nuts off?” he asked Landry.

Landry laughed. “I would say gladly, but Tilly has already told me I’m not allowed to let his nuts or his cock be removed. I already offered to let you take a propane torch to him.” He squeezed her hand. “She’s such a spoilsport about some things.”

Ross’ face tensed before he burst out laughing. “Jesus, this is fucking nuts.” He scrubbed his face with his hands, then stepped in and hugged her. “Congratulations, sweetheart.” He turned to Landry and held out his hand. “Hurt her, and you will lose your nuts.”

Landry smiled as he shook Ross’ hand. “Believe me, I am rather fond of them and would prefer to keep them intact.”

Loren smacked her, hard, on the shoulder. “And why weren’t we invited to the wedding? More importantly, why didn’t you ask me to do it?”

Tilly winced and rubbed her shoulder. “Okay, first of all, ow! Second, duh! I worried the whole

‘Loren wants Cristo dead’ issue might have caused problems.”

“No. You’ll get married at our house. I’ll perform the ceremony.”

Landry cleared his throat. “Will that be an issue, having Cris there?”

Ross frowned. “Why will he be there? I thought you said he didn’t know?”

“Well, I will admit I looked forward to him witnessing it. To rub his face in it. Show him what he threw away.”

Loren laughed. “Okay, Til? I gotta say, I like his style. Fuck yeah, if Count Craptastic is going to be humiliated, I’m definitely in!”

* * *

They spent the evening talking and watching others play. Landry enjoyed watching Tilly top a pain pig, the husband of another friend of hers. By the time they left, Loren had already invited several dozen of Tilly’s friends, many who knew Cris, to attend the wedding.

It was more than Landry and Tilly had planned. It was also moved to the club at seven on

Sunday night, because of parking issues and so more people could attend.

Cris’ humiliation would be total.

As they drove back to her place a little after two in the morning, he thought of something.

“What was that Loren called him? Count something?”

She smiled. “Count Craptastic. You know, Cristo, the Count of Monte Cristo? That’s the nicest thing she calls him. Usually, she refers to him as ‘that goddamn fucking asshole’.”

“Her husband, he is the one whose collar you wore?”

“For a while, yes.” Her voice softened. “Not for play or scening, just to help me regain my footing again. If it hadn’t been for them I wouldn’t have made it. Cris called that one right. They picked me up, wouldn’t let me give up, wouldn’t give up on me. Thank God I had them.”

At home she kicked off her five-inch heels in the foyer. “Man, these things are murder.”

He scooped her into his arms. “Allow me, love.” He carried her to the bedroom. “I’ll rub your feet for you before we fall asleep.”

“Oh. We’re falling asleep, huh?”

He nuzzled her nose with his. “For tonight, let’s. We need to be up early in the morning for the deliveries. They promised us by ten, remember? And then we’re supposed to meet with Loren at noon to plan things.”

She groaned. “She’s taken over. Momma Loren strikes again. I should have known she would.”

He set her on the bed. “Can we elope?”

He smiled. “Too late for that.” He sat on the end of the bed and massaged her feet. “She’ll be heartbroken.”

“True.” She unfastened the front of her corset as she lay there enjoying the foot rub. “Hey, I’ve got another rule.”

He smiled. “Name it.”

“I want foot rubs on demand. Well, I mean, I won’t ask for them if you feel like crap, of course.

Only if you’re feeling okay.”

He picked up her foot, sucked her big toe into his mouth, and seductively swirled his tongue around it before removing it with a pop. His eyes never left hers. “Anytime, love. It will be my pleasure.”

Her clit pulsed and she softly moaned. He smiled, noticing her reaction. He put that foot down, switched to the other, and repeated the same action.

“Fuuuuck me. You’re too good to be true.”

“I will most assuredly fuck you Sunday night,” he promised. “I will fuck your brains out, and then some.” He gently pushed her legs apart and lay between them, then pulled her panties aside and licked her clit.