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The sphere of Tilly’s universe ended with the feel of Landry between her legs. Her whole body trembled as her hands went to his head, holding him there. He slipped two fingers inside her, flicking her clit with his tongue as he did. He felt incredible inside her. She didn’t know if it was because it just felt so damn good to climax after a five year dry spell, or if he really was that good. But in another moment, she was there, crying out as she came for him.

He laughed and gently rearranged her panties before he crawled up the bed to lay beside her.

“Think you can sleep now, love?”

She rolled into him. “Uh huh.”

“You going to get undressed?”

She let out an aggravated sigh. He helped her remove her corset, her short skirt, and her garter belt and stockings. He dropped his clothes and curled behind her in bed, spooned against her back.

“You feel so good,” she mumbled.

He kissed the back of her neck. “So do you. Can I ask you that question again?”

“What question?”

“About why you didn’t make yourself come.”

She rolled to face him. He gathered her into his arms as she buried her face against his chest.

“Because he made me do it. Not like you did,” she quickly added. “I trust you. He was…evil.”


“No!” She couldn’t suppress the shiver. “My step-father,” she whispered.

* * *

Fuck! Another wave of guilt washed over him. “Sweetie, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

“No, it’s okay. Seriously. It was different with you.” She sighed. “Cris used to do it like that with me sometimes. It’s okay if you’re right there with me, helping. If you’d ordered me to do it and just sat back and watched and not been there…” She shivered in his arms again.

He nuzzled her forehead, then kissed her. “So that really was the first orgasm you’ve had since then?”

“Yeah. I didn’t have the desire at first. Then I was on meds for a while. Anti-depressants. Those helped my mood but not my libido.”

“So how’d I do?”

She lifted her head to look at him. “You keep that up you might just find yourself married for life, mister.”

He smiled. “Promise?”


He kissed her once more, unable to get enough of the taste and feel of her lips. “I’ll hold you to that.”

Chapter Nine

Tilly had another great night of sleep while tightly snuggled in Landry’s arms. Landry helped her make breakfast and they took a shower together. He resisted her playful advances even though she left him with a raging hard-on in the process. The mattress and bed frame arrived almost at the same time. The delivery crews took the old ones away and Landry helped her make the bed up with the new sheets he’d purchased.

He stretched out on his back and held his hand out to her. “Come here, love.”

Tilly loved the playful look on his face. She climbed onto the bed, straddling him. “What? Want to break it in already? I did try to play in the shower, if you’ll recall. We have to meet Loren in an hour.”

He smiled and let his hands settle on her hips. “Tonight we can break it in properly.”

“Ooh, am I wearing you down? Maybe I can get laid tonight?”

He rolled her onto her back, under him. “Not exactly. We don’t get to do many things normally, love, but I want to do this one thing. Have our wedding night truly on our wedding night.”

She laughed. “Okay, with some BDSM, cuckolding, and humiliation thrown in.”

“Everyone should have a hobby.” He kissed her.

“You do realize there will be a lot of people there tomorrow night who’ll seriously want to take a whack at him? You and I might have to stand guard over him.”

“They can turn him into a human piñata, if they wish.”

She gently poked him in the chest. “No, they can’t.”

He swore.

“What’s wrong?”

“I need to call him and change the plans. I told him I would be back for him on Monday.” He reached over to the bedside table for his phone. She watched as he sat up, still straddling her, and dialed. He leaned in and quickly kissed her before Cris answered.

“Very good,” Landry said. Apparently Cris answered on the first or second ring. “Change in plans. Be ready by ten tomorrow morning. Other than that, the other instructions I gave you still apply.

Understand?…Good.” He hung up and dropped the phone to the bed. Then he slid his hands along her arms, raising them above her head and gently grasping her wrists. When he ground his hips against her, she felt his stiff cock rubbing through his khakis. “In one way, moving this to tomorrow night is better because it means one less day of a throbbing cock.”

She laced her fingers through his. “I told you I’d take care of that for you.”

“I know, love. And this leaves us another free day to play before my biopsy.”

She didn’t miss the shadow that floated through his expression. It was easy to forget that hung over their heads.

She squeezed his hands. “We need to go pick up your suit, too.”

“Ah, yes, we do.” He kissed her, then lowered his lips to the base of her throat and gently nibbled. “Perhaps I could take a few minutes to play first though.”

She wiggled her hips against him. “Now you’re talking.”

He nipped her. “I know I said I wouldn’t top you, but did I mention I have a thing for biting?”

She laughed. “Marking your territory?”

His low, throaty growl sent a wave of passion through her body. “Absolutely.” He lifted his head, his eyes boring into hers. “I want to renegotiate one of our rules.”

Her heart raced. “Yeah?”

“Yes.” He nuzzled her neck again. “I promise I won’t top you, unless you specifically ask that of me. But I do want to be the only one in your life romantically. I don’t want to share you. I’m finding myself feeling extremely possessive of you.”

She had to swallow to speak, her voice even weaker than before. “What about last night at the club?”

“That was different. You only played with others. I don’t consider that sex. They were just your friends.” He lifted his head again to look into her eyes. “Is that a rule you can live with? Because the idea of another man making love to you doesn’t fill me with happy thoughts. I know when I first proposed this—”


A slow, sultry smile painted his face. “Yes?”

“Yeah. I mean, not like it’d be a great sacrifice anyway. You’re fucking awesome in bed so far, and I haven’t had men beating down my door. Turnabout’s fair play, though. I’m the only one for you, too.”

He kissed her again and she had to stifle her moan. “What about Cris?” he asked.

She blinked. “What about him? I’m not doing him.”

He laughed. “No, love. Me and him.” His smile faded. “If you ask it of me, I won’t have sex with him.”

“You said you wouldn’t release him.”

“I won’t, but if it would make you uncomfortable, I won’t use him like that.”

What a mixed bag. Part of her found the thought of seeing Cris being used like that exciting.

She’d always loved the thought of two guys together. “I don’t know,” she finally answered. “I don’t think it’ll bother me. As long as it’s him and only him, no other men or women. Can I reserve the right to change my mind about Cris later?”

“Absolutely.” He nibbled on her neck, this time behind her left ear. “As my wife, if you ever want to use him, feel free.”