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“Yes, Master?”

Landry pointed at his cock. “I believe you know what to do.”

Queasy regret mixed with curious arousal as Tilly watched Cris silently kneel before Landry and open his mouth. Landry viciously fisted Cris’ hair. “Suck me clean, cuck. Then get out there and make our breakfast.”

With his eyes closed, Cris laved Landry’s cock and balls for several moments until Landry pushed him away. “That’s good enough, cuck.” He climbed onto the bed with her. “Breakfast better be hot and waiting for us when we finish our shower. And close the bedroom door behind you.”

Cris climbed to his feet, head still bowed. “Yes, Master.”

As the door closed on his back, Landry pulled her into his arms. “Are you all right?”

She nodded. “I think I’m ready to ease up on the revenge stuff.”

He nipped her throat. “Of course, love. As you wish.”

* * *

Cris stood by, waiting, as they ate breakfast. Shirtless and in jeans, his formal leather collar and matching leather cuffs were locked on him. Landry ignored him except to snap his fingers at him to refill their coffee.

When they finished eating, he looked at Cris. “Get the kitchen cleaned up, cuck. Take a shower, and get dressed. Jeans and button-up shirt. Collar and cuffs. Be ready to leave in forty-five minutes.

Cris nodded. “Yes, Master.” He bowed to her. “Mrs. LaCroux.”

Landry led her to the living room while Cris cleared the table. He sat on the couch and pulled her into his lap. “Are you all right, love?”

No, she wasn’t all right, her guilt returning to peck at her like a bird in a Hitchcock movie. “I’m fine.”

He stroked her cheek. “Love?”

Rolling her eyes, she snuggled close and dropped her voice. “Let’s ease up on the cuck stuff, okay?”

“As you wish.”

She enjoyed just sitting there in his lap, cradled in his arms. No doubt about it, she could get used to this. After a few minutes she heard Cris finish in the kitchen and head to his room. She looked into Landry’s eyes. “Are you going to spend tonight with him?”

He looked genuinely confused. “No, why?”

She poked him. “Duh. To give him a night before your biopsy?”

He slowly shook his head. “Why would I do that?”

“Are you screwing with me or deliberately being dense?”

“I mean it. Why?”

She fought the urge to smack him. Keeping her voice low and steady, she said, “Because you love him.”

“You’re my wife. Why would I sleep with him when I have you?”

“Give me a straight answer.”

He smirked. “I’m sure the pun was unintended. Love, I am giving you a straight answer. I love you. My wife. Mrs. LaCroux. He can fend for himself.”

More guilt. “That’s not fair to him.”

“I never said I was fair. He knows what he signed up for.” He brought her hands to his lips and kissed them. “He’s my slave. He will do what I tell him to and happily accept whatever scraps of attention I throw his way.”

Still more guilt. Her cup runneth over. “That’s not what I want to happen. I never meant to take you away from him.”

His expression darkened. “Why not? Give him a taste of what you went through.”

“I thought we weren’t going to torture him past Wednesday.”

“Is it Wednesday yet?”

She rolled her eyes. “So you’re saying you’ll get back to whatever passes for normal between you two on Wednesday?”

He shrugged. “Perhaps. It is too soon to say.” He nuzzled her neck. “I have no complaints about who’s sharing my bed. Let him have a dose of loneliness.”

* * *

Cris drove while they rode in the backseat. She wasn’t sure she felt comfortable with Cris wearing his collar and cuffs, but it wasn’t her call. At the clerk’s office, they filed their marriage license and she received her paperwork to take to the tax collector’s office where she changed her driver’s license.

Landry smiled as he looked at her license. “Matil—sorry, love. Tilly Cardinal LaCroux.” He showed it to Cris. “Has a beautiful ring to it, does it not, slave?”

His eyes flicked her way before he stared at Landry. “Yes, Master,” he softly replied.

Landry returned her license and led her from the office to where Cris had parked the car. Cris trailed close behind. “Let’s go have lunch,” Landry said.

“We just ate,” Tilly reminded him. “You’re hungry already?”

His eyes gleamed in that wicked way she knew meant he had more up his sleeve. “There are some lovely little shops here in downtown Sarasota that I would like to explore. I’m feeling in the mood to take a walk.” They reached the car and Cris darted around them to grab the door for them, but she stepped into his way, blocking his path.

Her gaze fell on the collar and cuffs Cris wore. She dropped her voice. “What about him?”

“What about him?” Landry asked.

“What he’s wearing.”

He glanced at Cris. “He’s appropriately attired. Why?”

Yes, she had promised not to interfere with what Landry did with Cris, but this was pushing things just a bit too far. The absolute last thing she wanted to do was get into a battle of wills with Landry over this.

The collar and cuffs were made of brown, hand-tooled leather. Custom made, from the looks of them. No doubt they set Landry back a couple hundred bucks. Very nice and, yes, totally unobtrusive in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, or even Miami. “Sarasota is a fairly conservative town despite its artsy atmosphere, Lan.”

He arched an eyebrow at her. “Yes? What are you implying, love?”

Cris waited, watching her. She felt his gaze on her. She refused to look at him.

“What I’m implying is perhaps Cris could leave something in the car while we sightsee.”

“Love, I’m sure they’d want him to wear his shirt in the shops.” His playful smirk dared her to defy him.

She knew damn well he understood what she meant. He wanted her to challenge him. She had no doubts if she ordered him to make Cris remove at least the cuffs, if not the collar and cuffs, he probably would, but then the point in this game he played would be his.

In this intellectual game of chicken, she would have metaphorically blinked first.

The stubborn dominant streak in her wouldn’t let this go. She’d be damned if she’d outright order Landry to make Cris remove them. Her pride also wouldn’t let her outright tell him what she wanted. She finally looked to Cris for any hint of how to proceed.

“I don’t mind, Mrs. LaCroux,” he softly said.

No help there. “What are trying to prove?” she asked Landry.

Wide-eyed innocence. “Prove, love? Whatever are you implying?”

“Innocence doesn’t become you.”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” He snapped his fingers at Cris, then pointed to the back door. Cris stepped in to open it.

She stepped in front of Landry to block him again and turned her back to the car. Time to play dirty. She dropped her voice so a couple walking to their car nearby couldn’t hear. “I live in this town.

I’m fairly well-known among certain circles. Some of my former clients frequent this part of town… professionally, if you get my drift. One of the things I’m known for is my discretion. Not drawing attention to myself.”

Ball in his court. Landry’s jaw tensed and worked until he finally laughed. “Point to you, love.”

He looked at Cris. “Did you bring the key?”

“Yes, Master.”

“You can remove your cuffs and collar after you get in.” He tipped his head to her. “Well played, darling.” She stepped out of the way so Cris could open the door. Landry extended his arm, indicating for her to climb in first. “Well played.”