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Landry needed him.

She might be able to help heal his body, get him to doctor appointments and force pills down his throat as prescribed, even warm his bed, but he could pay any nurse or prostitute to do that for him.

He didn’t need her.

He needed Cris.

Part of her wished he needed her, no matter what he said while they made love.

He reached back and patted her thigh. “Can I ask a favor?”


“Bring me my computer bag from the office, please?”

She glanced at Cris, who made a beats the hell outta me face at her. “Yeah, sure.” She brought it and handed it to him.

With a pained grunt he sat up and opened the front flap, from which he withdrew a black velvet ring box. “I didn’t tell you about this,” he explained to her, “because I wasn’t sure what would happen between Friday and today. I didn’t know if Cris would be here, or if you’d be stuck alone with my sorry ass.”

She smiled. “Your ass isn’t sorry.”

“This is me being a good patient. You haven’t seen grouchy asshole patient mode yet. I’m sure he’ll vouch for that.” Cris smiled but said nothing while Landry opened the box and withdrew a ring identical to his wedding band. “Remember the other day at the mall, at the jewelry store, when I asked you to run over to Starbucks?” he asked her.


He held up the ring. He reached for Cris’ right hand and slid it onto his ring finger. “I wanted to give you a little reward for making it this far. Seriously. I know you’re here for the long haul. There’s a reason I want it on your right hand instead of your left.”

Landry glanced at Tilly. “She is my wife. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t falling in love with her.

She has a right to not share me if she decides. I’ll only wear her ring on my left hand. This is my pledge to you as your Master, and a tangible reminder, that I’ll always take care of you no matter what. But as my slave, you belong to her, too. You obey her, whether she tells you to kiss her ass or wash her dishes or whatever. Understand?”

He nodded, staring at the ring on his hand with wide eyes. “Yes, Master.”

He ruffled Cris’ hair in an affectionate way that made her heart hurt from the love she sensed between them. “That’s my good boy. How long until dinner?”

“Whenever you want, Master. It’s ready.”

“Good. I’ll eat in here. Give me a kiss and fix Tilly’s dinner too, if she’s hungry.”

Cris looked at her.

“Yes, please,” she said.

Cris jumped to his feet and kissed Landry before scampering out of the bedroom. She never thought she’d ever associate Cris and scampering, but it was the best descriptor she could think of.

After a moment, Landry looked at her. “Are you all right, love?”

She nodded, still processing.

“You aren’t upset by that, are you? Me giving him a ring without telling you about it first?”

“I’m not upset, but why didn’t you tell me? What happened to honesty?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know what would happen between the wedding and now. I was operating on the presumption it would just be you and me. That was just in case. I am more shocked than anyone that he didn’t leave.” His tone softened. “I think it speaks to how much he loves us.”

“He…” She paused. “Us?”

“Us.” He looked at her for a long time before speaking. “I can forgive him and move forward.

Can you?”

“Again with the whole you forgive him thing when I’m the one who got screwed.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to pull back her anger. “I already forgave him, but I also warned him it might get thrown in his face from time to time. I’m still angry.”

“Good. That’s healthy.” He grinned. “He usually goes naked at home, except for his collar. Do you mind if—”

“Can we not push things quite that fast?” Truth be told, the sight of Cris walking around naked wouldn’t be a bad one, just really confusing emotionally. No wonder he’d always seemed so comfortable in his own skin, something he’d gently tried to help her overcome in their time together.

He stroked her cheek. “If you ever wish to discuss the situation, if your feelings for him ever change in a positive way, I want it out on the table that I wouldn’t hate it.”

“You are a kinky man.”

“Well, as someone once told me, duh, the Dom gig wasn’t a clue?”

* * *

Cris wondered if he could feel any happier. Tilly forgave him, and so did Landry. The ring flashed as he worked and he frequently glanced at it. He and Landry had discussed getting married when the laws had changed in California, then they’d changed back so quickly they hadn’t had time to get it done. They’d never exchanged rings, because as far as Cris was concerned the collar around his neck was the only symbol he needed.

He pureed Landry’s soup in the food processor to make it easier on his stomach. He dished out Tilly’s for her, got everything else ready, and took it in to them.

Then he sat on the floor next to Landry’s side of the bed and waited.

He noticed Tilly kept glancing at him. She finally asked, “Are you going to eat?”

“I’ll eat after both of you are finished.”

Another few minutes later, she apparently couldn’t take it. “Would you please eat? You’re hovering.”

“He hovers well,” Landry joked. “That’s one of the things I love about him.” He looked down at Cris and ruffled his hair again. “He’s my good boy.”

Pleasant heat rolled through Cris as Landry left his hand resting on top of his head. After weeks of what sometimes felt like constant cold torment, to have this tenderness from him again was such a relief.

He’s my good boy.

Cris nuzzled Landry’s hand, content.

Landry patted him on the head. “Take the night off, Cris. I mean it. Go ahead and eat. It’s all right.”

He looked up at him. “Are you sure, Lan?”

Landry touched his chin. “Absolutely. I’m very proud of you. Besides, you have to prepare for your trip.”

Cris rose to his knees and kissed Landry. “If you need anything, call me.” His eyes briefly fell on Tilly, whose gaze quickly darted away from him.

He couldn’t blame her.

“I will,” Landry assured him. “Go on, now.”

Cris rose and returned to the kitchen, his head and heart buzzing. Whatever happened from this point on, he knew he could handle it.

Because his Master still loved and wanted him.

He looked at the ring again, his smile nearly painful.

* * *

She slept fitfully that night, memories of watching Cris stare at Landry keeping her awake. With their bedroom door open, she heard Cris moving around in the kitchen even though he didn’t make much noise. She glanced at her alarm clock and saw it was a little after four a.m. He’d have to leave in less than an hour to have time to return their rental car and catch his flight.

Landry still slept. At some point he’d rolled over away from her, but he’d had a peaceful night otherwise.

She pulled on her robe and walked out to- the kitchen. Cris looked up, surprised, from the coffee maker.

“I’m sorry, Til. I didn’t mean to wake you.” He’d already showered and dressed.

He looked like her Master for the first time since she’d seen him…

Since that day.

Khaki slacks, a chambray shirt with the top button loose, loafers. Gone was his leather collar. In its place she spotted a heavy silver necklace. His day collar, obviously. Necktie loosely knotted and ready to snug up once he fastened his top button. He’d shaved and brushed his damp hair back from his face.