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Landry smiled and released Cris, then picked up a heavy mop flogger.

He swung it, nailing Cris squarely in the balls and making Tilly wince in sympathy.

She didn’t miss how Landry ordered him to come, in French.

Three more hard strikes and he did, his body convulsing on the bench until he collapsed, spent and exhausted. Landry unhooked his ankles first, rubbing his feet for him before unhooking his wrists and helping him sit up.

The feelings swirling through her as she watched them together caught her by surprise. Landry stood there, eyes closed, holding Cris. Cris, no longer blindfolded but with his eyes also closed, wrapped his arms around Landry’s waist and sat there on the bench, leaning against his Master’s body.

There was something heartbreakingly tender in the way he held Cris. The bond they had, she knew, could never be usurped by her.

While they were distracted, she carefully slipped away to the bathroom and splashed water on her face. She’d opted for no make-up other than lip gloss, even her hair, now starting to grow out and dyed its old color, wasn’t gelled or spiked.

She loved Landry, and he loved her, without a doubt.

But where did she fit in?

* * *

He went through his first round of chemo. Over the week before his second round started, even though Landry still made love to Tilly, she caught him in intimate situations with Cris as well. One morning she finished her work out to find Landry sitting on Cris’ bed, with Cris on his knees in front of him, going down on him, his fingers tangled in Cris’ hair.

Another time she walked in from grocery shopping to catch Cris on the tail end of giving

Landry a blow job on the living room couch.

Cris didn’t meet her gaze when Landry sent him out to help her unload the rest of the groceries.

Another time Landry stepped into the shower with Cris, and when she listened at the bathroom door they’d left cracked open, no doubt purposefully on Landry’s part, she heard Landry letting Cris beat off and Cris’ familiar moan of pleasure as he climaxed.

Conflicted feelings raced through her as old memories struggled to mash her composure into a bloody pulp. She couldn’t honestly say she minded Landry using Cris like that.

But the longing she felt and couldn’t clearly identify truly troubled her. Did she miss Cris? Did she wish she was a part of their lovemaking? Did she, in fact, want Landry all to herself?

Did she wish she was bound to the bench with Landry in charge?

She couldn’t answer any of those questions.

* * *

The night before his next round of chemo was scheduled to start, he made love to her, leaving her thoroughly sated and ready to go to sleep. As she started drifting, he kissed her. “Would you mind if I spent a little time with Cris?”

Almost asleep, she mumbled her assent and rolled over. It wasn’t until she heard the click of the bedroom door softly shutting that her brain caught up with his comment and her eyes popped open.

Now that she thought about it, she realized he hadn’t climaxed.

She sat up, sleep driven from her system. After a few minutes, she climbed out of bed, grabbed her robe, and quietly opened the bedroom door.

Down the hall, she heard soft voices from Cris’ room. Landry had left the door halfway open.

After fighting and winning over a bout of guilt, she silently walked down the hall and stood just outside the doorway. She couldn’t see the bed directly without pushing the door open farther, but she could see everything reflected in the dresser mirror from the light of the full moon flowing through the open blinds.

They lay on their sides, Landry’s back pressed against Cris’ chest. Cris had his arms around Landry. The men kissed and she realized Cris was fucking Landry.

“That’s my good boy,” Landry softly told him. “You take good care of me, don’t you?”

Despite her earlier session with Landry, where he pulled three strong climaxes out of her, she felt her clit throb as she watched them together. Landry still might have been Cris’ Master, but she watched two men in love making love.

Cris arm slid down Landry’s abs and grabbed his cock, slowly stroking as he fucked his lover.

“Jesus, Lan, I love you.”

“Show me how much you love me, buddy.”

She leaned against the wall, her heart racing as she listened to them. Part of her wanted to crawl into bed with them.

That’s a dangerous thought.

The look on Cris’ face couldn’t be any different than the submissive mask she’d gotten used to over the past couple of months. He kissed Landry again, his hips flexing as he thrust. “You gonna come for me?” He squeezed Landry’s cock, slowly stroking it. “I’m not gonna come till you come for me first.”

Her knees weakened. He even sounded like her old Cristo. She grabbed onto the wall when her knees threatened to give out.

“Fuck me,” Landry urged. “Give it to me.” His voice bore a needy edge she’d never heard from him.

Not even at their most passionate of times together.

“Oh, I’ll give it to you, all right.” He kissed Landry again, fiercely. Landry let out a low moan she knew all too well before he cried out.

“That’s it,” Cris gasped as he thrust harder, before he too let out a familiar cry and fell still.

The men lay there, entwined, kissing as they recovered from their lovemaking.

Tilly almost forgot to move when he heard Cris softly say, “I’ll go get a washcloth for you, Master.” Back to slave.

She ducked into the office, behind the door, and listened as Cris ran water in the bathroom. A moment later she heard the men talking in the bedroom again.

On silent feet she raced back to her bedroom and quietly closed the door, tossed her robe into the closet, and dove into bed. Hopefully her pulse would slow before Landry returned.

* * *

Landry smiled as he waited for Cris to return with the washcloth. It’d been a struggle for him not to meet her gaze in the mirror as she watched them. He’d hoped she’d come join them, but that was a point he couldn’t press her on no matter how hard he wished he could.

He hoped she’d enjoyed the show.

Cris knelt next to him on the bed and wiped him down. Landry crooked a finger at him and Cris leaned in for a kiss.

“I love you, Cristo. Always and forever, love. You know that, right?”

He’d kill for the smile Cris gave him. “I love you too, Lan.” His smile faded. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For not throwing me out when you found out.”

He motioned for Cris to lie next to him. “I love you. Was I tempted? Honestly? Yes.” He stroked Cris’ cheek. “I love you beyond measure. You have more than proven yourself to me. Please don’t think I don’t see that.”

“But you love Tilly.”

He nodded. “I do. I love her very much. Why?”

Cris looked troubled. “What if she orders me gone?”

He propped himself up on one elbow. “Then I supposed I’d have to lobby her as strongly for you to stay as she lobbied for you to keep your cock and balls, wouldn’t I?”

He was glad he could leave Cris laughing. He climbed out of bed and made his way back to their bedroom. Tilly had arranged herself in the bed as if asleep, but when he slipped his arm around her waist and kissed the back of her neck, he felt the tension in her body, the way her pulse still raced.

He suspected if he plunged his fingers between her legs he’d find her even wetter than he’d left her from what she’d witnessed.

“Good night, love,” he whispered to her.

“Good night.”

Slowly, he thought. Patiently. It’s well worth the wait.