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“I know.” Alicia looked around and thought she spied another tunnel leading off to the right. “But we have a lot more to do yet.”

“But for now,” Crouch crawled around in the gold, “let’s take a long moment…”


Alicia knew it was time to depart as soon as they walked away from the gold, but she stayed two more days. The Llanrumney Pub gave them lodging and help as they called in the authorities and started the long process of ensuring their find was well-guarded, kept off the front pages until required, and fought over by the right entities. That was as far as Crouch and the Gold Team went. Their passion came in finding the treasure.

On the final night they gathered at the bar, the large room warmed by a real fire, the flames crackling and sending a lustrous glow around the room. It was late evening, and the other patrons had started to drift away, but the Gold Team kept going strong, countless bottles of red wine opened before them and flowing almost as well as the laughter.

The discussed Zack Healey.

“Never as young or as naive as I wanted him to be,” Alicia said. “And the poor lad always took it to heart.”

“Can I tell you something?” Caitlyn leaned over. “He humored you as much as you ribbed him. Zack knows you.”

“Bastard.” Alicia laughed.

“Knew you,” Caitlyn corrected herself. “Shit, knew you.”

And there were tears, more laughter and nothing to forgive or forget. Tonight was all about Healey and the discovery he had helped make possible. Tonight was a celebration.

Tomorrow… they would start to mourn.

Alicia started the last bottle of wine and poured the others a glass. She held it high, the red liquid swilling close to the rim.

“To Zack. See you again, my friend.”

Caitlyn wiped her eyes. “Never forget you. Never stop loving you.”

“And to all those taken from us that we miss.” Russo was no longer surprising them with his insight. “Friends. Fathers. I miss my dad every day. Mothers. Brothers. Sisters. Teachers,” he added with a sad laugh. “Think about you every day.”

What we do in life, what we are, how we treat those we love, repeats through the years in our children, our grandchildren and in our friends. Alicia thought the words, but did not say them aloud. They were too profound to be spoken aloud, too dear to her. Too emotional. She wasn’t there yet.

“We’ll remember you every day,” she did say. “So that you never die.”

The celebration for Zack Healey’s life went on far longer than their rejoicing over the treasure. The memories were greater. The feelings stronger. Tonight was all about one man.

Tomorrow… life went on.


I hope you enjoyed the book. Alicia and the Gold Team may well appear for a fourth outing in 2017 but next up will be Matt Drake 15—the biggest and longest adventure yet for our battered, storied heroes. Due for release if all goes well in December 2016. Please follow me on social media or via the mailing list to get up to date news. Don’t worry, you won’t be swamped with messages. I normally only send out one informative note for each new release.

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Reviews are everything to an author and essential to the future of the Matt Drake, Alicia Myles and other series. Please consider leaving even a few lines at Amazon, it will make all the difference.

Other Books by David Leadbeater:

The Matt Drake Series

The Bones of Odin (Matt Drake #1)

The Blood King Conspiracy (Matt Drake #2)

The Gates of hell (Matt Drake 3)

The Tomb of the Gods (Matt Drake #4)

Brothers in Arms (Matt Drake #5)

The Swords of Babylon (Matt Drake #6)

Blood Vengeance (Matt Drake #7)

Last Man Standing (Matt Drake #8)

The Plagues of Pandora (Matt Drake #9)

The Lost Kingdom (Matt Drake #10)

The Ghost Ships of Arizona (Matt Drake #11)

The Last Bazaar (Matt Drake #12)

The Edge of Armageddon (Matt Drake #13)

The Treasures of Saint Germain (Matt Drake #14)

The Alicia Myles Series

Aztec Gold (Alicia Myles #1)

Crusader’s Gold (Alicia Myles #2)

The Torsten Dahl Thriller Series

Stand Your Ground (Dahl Thriller #1)

The Disavowed Series:

The Razor’s Edge (Disavowed #1)

In Harm’s Way (Disavowed #2)

Threat Leveclass="underline" Red (Disavowed #3)

The Chosen Few Series

Chosen (The Chosen Trilogy #1)

Guardians (The Chosen Tribology #2)

Short Stories

Walking with Ghosts (A short story)

A Whispering of Ghosts (A short story)

Connect with the author on Twitter: @dleadbeater2011

Visit the author’s website: www.davidleadbeater.com

All helpful, genuine comments are welcome. I would love to hear from you.
