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“I was thinking more of you two. You see, with a divorce there’s a waiting period, and there’s a lot of legal rigamarole that’s pretty much of a pain in the neck, and there’s the sort of publicity that can’t do you a hell of a lot of good.”

“I understand that,” Danny cut in. “But we want to get married, Mr. Macon.”

“Of course you do — and it’s what I want for you. But a divorce won’t be necessary. You see, Carla and I have never slept together — and she can easily and quickly obtain an annulment of our marriage on the grounds that it was never consummated. This is faster, easier, and free of the stigma that some people attach to divorce.”

“I never thought of that,” Carla said, half to herself.

“Why should you?” Ronald chuckled. “I’m the lawyer, you know. And now, while I don’t suppose it’s exactly standard procedure for a husband to toast his wife and her future husband, would the pair of you care to join me in a drink?”

One drink led to another, and the two drinks loosened the trio so that conversation flowed more easily. Ronald explained the legal mechanics of annulment procedure and Carla and Danny discussed when they would marry and where they would live and how many children they would have. It seemed vaguely ghoulish to talk of such things while they sat in Ronald’s house and drank his liquor, but he had set them so completely at ease that it appeared quite natural.

“Speaking of children,” Ronald said, “I have a deal for you.”

“Let’s hear it,” Danny said.

“It’s quite simple. Perhaps I’m egotistical, but I’d like some sort of namesake to leave behind when I go. As I understand it, you need a certain sum of money to purchase the franchise for your gas station. I’ll be pleased to give you the money as a wedding present if you’ll name a boy after me.”

Carla’s eyes widened. “Oh, Ronald — that’s wonderful! Of course!”

“Mr. Macon,” Danny cut in, “I’d be very proud to have a son named Ronald Rand. But I couldn’t accept the money.”

Carla turned to him. “Why not?”

“Because I want to make my own way,” he answered. “And I want to do it all by myself. It has to be that way, Carla. Otherwise it doesn’t mean anything.”

She nodded, understanding. “Yes,” she said. “You’re right, Danny. And I’m going to let you make all the decisions from here on in.”

A few moments later Ronald excused himself and the two were left alone. Several minutes later the telephone rang, but neither of them had the slightest intention of answering it.