Carnal Knowledge

Carnal Knowledge
Любовно-фантастические романы, Эротика
Автор: Anwar Celeste
Серия: Carnal Desires #2
Язык: английский
Добавил: Admin 21 Окт 13
Проверил: Admin 21 Окт 13
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Kaeli never knew following the whims of desire could be so fun ... nor so dangerous. And sexy Cajun Navarre Lyssandro is exactly what this girl needs. Too bad he's nuts....
Tempting, sassy ... and human, Kaeli Jackson is a woman who can take care of herself, and she arouses feelings in Navarre he cannot ignore, despite his best efforts. But the vamps are stirring after the disappearance of their leader, riled by the Lycan presence. Navarre cannot allow her close, because to touch Kaeli is to mark her for death...
Rating: Contains graphic, explicit sex and violence, profanity, and harsh language.

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