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Kaeli dumbly held the shirt out to him, not really aware of what she was doing.

The irritated look he’d assumed vanished as his gaze stroked slowly down her body and back up to her face. All that time she’d spent preparing suddenly seemed worth it. The smoldering eyes that met hers burned away the last of her reservations in a flash of heat.

He was upon her in an instant. His hard male body crushed hers against the elevator wall, his fingers dug into her hair. She moaned at the near bruising pressure, the feel of her body melding to his.

“Damn you,” he mumbled, a harsh breath against her lips. He kissed her, unyielding, forcing her open to his invasion. His tongue thrust inside her mouth, and hot need welled instantly between her legs. She could taste the anger in his kiss, reveled in the rough thorough slide of his tongue as he explored the moist crevice of her mouth. Her scalp burned under the grip that tilted her face up as he kissed her greedily.

She felt wet arousal trickle down her thighs, and then he ground his erection into her apex, sparking a primal reaction deep in her core.

Kaeli dug her nails into his biceps as he thrust against her, her hem riding up her thighs until only a thin scrap of panties and his own jeans kept him from ramming inside her. Her clit felt like it would explode under his pleasurable abrasion. She closed her legs around him convulsively, moaning into his mouth.

With one hand, he peeled back the neckline of her dress, exposing a wanting nipple from the cage of her bra. He broke from her mouth, breathing heavily as he cupped her breast and flicked a thumb across her nipple. It hardened beneath his callused pad, and piercing ecstasy lanced her breast. He made a rough noise of excitement, deep in his chest, scored her throat with his teeth as he bent and took her nipple into his mouth.

He cupped her ass cheeks, kneading them, grinding her into his cock as he tugged her nipple with his lips. A strangled moan tore from her throat.

So long ... it had been so long since any man had wanted to touch her this way. She raked her nails up the taut line of his shoulders, holding him closer. He sucked her flesh until the bud was harder than she ever thought possible, and then dragged the covering fabric away from her other breast with his teeth.

Kaeli lifted her body from the wall with a moan, arching her back as he suckled her breast, tightening the inner cord that pulled at the nerves of her pussy. He shuddered, breaking from her nipple to cover her chest with small, sucking kisses, traveling up her throat. He scored the fine tendon of her shoulder and neck, nipping her earlobe. His teeth were exquisitely sharp, his lips and tongue like brands. Her blood raged, making her dizzy and mindless with need.

“Please,” she begged, unable to stand this torment any more. Her legs felt like they would give out at any moment, and only the press of his body kept her from falling.

He freed one cheek of her ass, pushing back from her enough to free his cock from its confinement.

With one tug, he ripped her panties away, stinging her hips, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was getting him inside her to soothe the savage ache. He grabbed her ass roughly, his fingers digging into her muscles, hauling her legs wide apart as he lifted her against the wall, shoving her towards the corner.

Cool air tickled the thin line of hair on her pussy, brisk on her saturated labia and the tops of her thighs. The musky scent of her arousal drifted to her nostrils, spurring her desire. He buried his face against her neck, breathing deeply. He halted suddenly--his muscles jumped. Kaeli squirmed, wondering at the interruption. Navarre made an anguished sound deep in his throat, muffled against her shoulder, his arms shaking as though he waged war himself.

“What is it? What are you doing?” she breathed hoarsely, tightening her legs around his hips, needing him so badly.

“Making ... a ... mistake.”

He jerked as a shudder ran through him, and his cock pressed against her pussy, so close to where she wanted it. Kaeli wiggled, trying to raise herself so he could impale her, biting her lip with the pain of need.

“Oh god. Oh god ... oh god. Don’t move, petite,” he ground out, shaking hard, panting with the effort. His breath came harsh and fast against her neck, fanning the flames that threatened to burn her alive.

Her pussy throbbed with his teasing nearness. She groaned in frustration, arching against him.

He growled suddenly, sinking his teeth into her neck as he ground against her swollen lips, sliding through her juices past her clit. Pleasure sliced through her, her throat closed on a soft sound of excitement, whimpering as he drove up past that bright center of exquisite torture.

He sucked in a sharp breath, chest heaving, fingers bruising her ass as he pulled back and thrust again. He rocked his hips, stroking the hard underside of his cock against her clit, building her toward release with excruciating slowness.

“I want you inside me,” she gasped, digging her nails into his back, urging him to take her.

He shook his head against her, breathing raggedly, faster and faster.

“No ... god ... no ... oh Jesus....” He kept repeating it again and again, driving against her, harder and harder, moving in a rough frantic motion.

He drew little twitches from her, sliding in her wetness, not giving enough ... too much. Kaeli panted, her heart racing in her chest, climbing to that high that was so addictive, fighting for release. His scent engulfed her, his breath, his sweat dampened hair. Kaeli tightened her thighs around him, rolling her body with his, getting so close. And then the orgasm burst upon her with a shocking suddenness. Ecstasy rolled over her like a tidal wave, obliterating everything but the sweet agony traveling through her limbs.

Kaeli cried out, feeling as though her entire body whirled apart. His breathing came faster, and he convulsed against her like he was dying, jerking his hips in a maddening rhythm that kept the orgasm flooding her.

He made a hoarse, anguished cry as he shuddered, and a burst of hot liquid struck her pelvis as he came.

His chest pressed tight to her breast as he released her ass and her feet dropped to the floor. She could feel the rapid flutter of his heart on her chest, his shaky, hot breath on her neck.

He’d only managed to contain the fire a brief moment. Already she felt like she could go again--her body wasn’t nearly sated enough for him.

She wanted all of him.

Navarre pulled away from her, his hair falling over his face. Kaeli itched to push it back, to run her fingers through it, but she restrained herself, sensing he was torn.

He faced away from her and left the elevator, his hand on the gate.

He did not look at her, as though he was ashamed of losing control, of what they’d done.

“Leave. Leave, ma petite, or you will die.”


The hairs stood up on the back of her neck. She ignored the warning.

“This attack of conscience is nice, and correct me if I’m wrong, but you enjoyed that as much as I did.”

He faced her, his features impassive, but his gaze was blistering ... and agonized. “You cannot stay. Now go.” He pulled the heavy gate down, watching her through the metal slats. “I don’ want you hurt.”

Hell, what had she expected? He wasn’t as interested as she’d thought, or maybe he just thought her a skank and not worthy of poking his cock into. Most guys would have. She didn’t understand him at all. Why the hell did he think he had to save her? Why was he being so noble?

Kaeli glared at him. “Fine, but the next time you think you’re going to save me, don’t.”

“I’m sorry you don’ understand, petite.” He hit the button and the elevator started down. “I’ll call you a cab.”