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Top Gun U.S. Navy Fighter Weapon School at NAS Fallon, NV. Responsible for training fleet pilots in air-combat maneuvering.

TRAP Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel.

U-2 High-altitude (over 90,000 ft/27,430 m) reconnaissance aircraft originally developed in 1950 for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency by Lockheed. Single J57, later J75 turbojet. Many variants with diverse sensors operated by the USAF and NASA (civilian research).

UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Also known as a drone or RPV (remotely piloted vehicle). A recoverable pilotless aircraft, either remotely controlled over a radio-data link, or preprogrammed with an advanced autopilot. The U.S. Air Force has tended to resist any use of UAVs, except as targets, because they take jobs away from pilots. There are also real safety concerns about operating UAVs and manned aircraft in the same airspace, since they are usually small and hard to see.

UCAV Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle. Also known as a drone or RPV (remotely piloted vehicle). A recoverable pilotless aircraft, either remotely controlled over a radio-data link, or preprogrammed with an advanced autopilot.

UH-1N "Huey" light utility helicopter found in Marine light-attack squadrons and support units.

UH-46 Aging Boeing Vertol "Sea Knight" twin-rotor helicopter found in Navy utility and logistic squadrons. Nicknamed "Bullfrog."

UPT Undergraduate Pilot Training

V-22 Osprey Bell-Boeing-built twin-engine tilt-rotor aircraft, combining the agility of a helicopter with the speed and range of a fixed-wing turboprop. Joint Marine/Navy/Air Force program, delivery began in 1997.

VA Navy Attack Squadron, previously equipped with A-7 or A-6 aircraft. With the retirement of these types, this squadron designation is no longer used.

VAQ Navy Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron, equipped with EA-6 Prowler aircraft.

Variable geometry Ability of an aircraft to change the sweep of its wings in flight, to optimize performance for a given speed and altitude.

VAW Navy Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron, equipped with E-2C Hawkeye aircraft.

VF Navy Fighter Squadron, typically equipped with F-14 Tomcats.

VFA Navy Strike Fighter Squadron, typically equipped with F/A-18 Hornets.

Viewgraph An overhead projector transparency or slide used in briefings or presentations. Also spelled Vu-graph.

VMA Marine Attack Squadron (e.g., VMA-211). Typically equipped with AV-8B Harrier.

VMAT Marine Attack Training Squadron (e.g., VMAT-203). Typically equipped with AV-8B Harrier.

VMFA Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (e.g., VMFA-115). Typically equipped with F/A-18 Hornet.

VMFAT Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron (e.g., VMFAT-101). Typically equipped with F/A-18 Hornet.

VMGR Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron (e.g., VMGR-252). Typically equipped with KC-130.

VP Navy Patrol Squadron, typically equipped with land-based P-3 Orion aircraft.

VRC Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (Carrier onboard delivery) equipped with C-2 Greyhound aircraft.

VS Navy Sea Control Squadron equipped with S-3 Viking aircraft.

V/STOL Vertical/Short Takeoff and Landing.

VT Navy Training Squadron. Equipped with a wide variety of aircraft-carrier training squadrons typically fly the T-2 Buckeye or T-45 Goshawk.

Wild Weasel An aircraft configured with Radar Homing and Warning (RHAW) gear and Anti-Radiation Missiles (ARMs) operated to suppress enemy surface-to-air-missile sites. Originally performed by F-100F, F-105F, and F-4G Phantom II aircraft, this mission will increasingly be borne by specially trained and equipped F-16Cs, F/A-18Cs, and EA-6Bs.

XO Executive Officer, second in command of a squadron, vessel, or equivalent unit.



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