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Chapelvale that piece of land which their home stands upon, house, shop, business, or farm. I can do that now that I

legally own all this land, can't I?"

The magistrate rose to leave. "You can indeed, marm!"

Dai Evans came hurrying in with a tray of drinks, elderberry wine, beer, and lemonade, which he began serving

to the party.

"Wait, sir, join us in a toast to our new squiress!"

Smiling, the magistrate raised his glass. "I'm not sure squiress is right, but whatever it is, I'm sure Mrs. Winn

will perform her duties admirably, with all of you as her friends!"

Will Drummond raised his glass. "Aye, that's the toast. Friends."

As the company clinked glasses they chorused together. "To friends!"

Celebrations at Evans Tea Shoppe, and throughout the village, went on into the mid-noon. Now every villager

was his or her own landlord, owning the actual ground their house or business stood upon. The square resounded to

the noise of happy folk, who had occupied the marquee previously set up for those who had planned the destruction of

Chapelvale. Amy Somers was watching Blodwen Evans coaxing her brother to take on yet another portion of ice

cream, when she noticed that Ben and his dog had slipped away during the merrymaking.

She found them sitting in the alley together, enjoying a respite away from the bustle and noise indoors. The

dark-haired girl sat next to Ben, her back against the wall, noting how he and the dog were looking at each other.

"You two are talking together, I can tell."

Ben shrugged. "We're just exchanging a few thoughts, feeling happy for Miz Winn and the village. Old Ned

looks happy, doesn't he?"

Amy stroked beneath the black Labrador's chin. "Yes, he looks very happy indeed. I'll just sit here and be happy

with you both."

Mischief danced in Ben's blue eyes, as he sighed peacefully. "All you need for real happiness is the sun on your

face and a friend by your side."

The girl smiled fondly at him. "That's nice, but what about Ned?"

The strange boy smiled back at her. "Ned's the friend I was talking about."

She dived on him, pummeling away playfully. "Ooh, you rotter!"

Ben giggled helplessly. "Mercy please, I meant you, too!"

The dog threw a thought in. "Go on, m'girl, teach the cheeky young pup a lesson!"



SUMMER ROLLED ON TOWARD AUTUMN. One morning after breakfast, Ben and his dog accompanied

Winnie into the village on her weekly shopping trip. They sauntered into the square together, Ned slightly ahead,

carrying the woven cane basket in his jaws. Ben stared at the ground, scuffing the dusty cobbles. Winnie watched him

with some concern.

"What is it, Ben, you don't look too cheerful today Do you feel ill, is that it?"

The quiet boy flicked his hair aside and managed a smile. "Oh, I'll brighten up, I suppose. Didn't sleep too well

last night, that's all. I'm all right, really."

The old lady's hand caressed his cheek. "You're thinking of leaving, aren't you."

Ben took the basket from his dog's mouth and handed it to her. He could not explain the dreams that had been

haunting him for the past two nights. Booming waves, hissing surf, creaking rigging, and the, slap of wet sails against

taut ropes.

Vanderdecken's ranting voice and his mad eyes. In his dreams the angel's voice echoed clear again.

"When you hear the toll of a church bell, you must leave this place and travel on!"

The boy turned his clouded blue eyes away from the old lady. "You do your shopping, Miz Winn. I'll go over to

the almshouse and see how the new project's coming along."

She watched him walking across the square with Ned trotting alongside. A boy and his dog. A sudden sadness

descended on her, and she called after her strange friend.

"I'll see you at Evans Tea Shoppe for lunch, Ben."

Without turning, he waved his hand.

As Ben dropped his hand, his big, black dog licked it. "I know, you don't have to tell me, mate, we share the

same dreams, remember?"

Ben scratched the dog's ear gently. "Aye, we've left a lot of places behind in our travels, but this village and the

friends we've made here ... I tell you, it's going to be hard to leave Chapelvale."

Looking up, he saw Alex waving to them from the almshouse door.

Almost everybody was there. Amy threw an arm around Ben's shoulder, leading him into the building. Sheaves

of reconstruction blueprints were laid out on the table. Jon, Will, Mr. Braithwaite, and Mr. Mackay were studying

them. Amy coughed, waving her hand at the dust that was floating about. She called to Regina and her friends. "Stop

that sweeping for a moment, please. Could you start carrying those benches outside?"

Her brother wrinkled his nose. "Oh, all right, bossy boots. Come on, Regina, Tommo, let's take this big one

between us."

The old seaman took a pencil from behind his ear and made a minor adjustment to one of the blueprints. "There,

we can extend the evening tea garden out into the old graveyard at the rear."

Ben raised his eyebrows. "Evening tea garden?"

The girl nodded. "Wonderful idea, isn't it? Dai and Blod-wen Evans are employing Hetty Sullivan to run the tea

garden five evenings a week, after the Tea Shoppe closes in the late afternoon. They'll be supplying her with the

materials, of course. Hetty's delighted with her new job. Show him the other plans, Curator Preston."

The old ship's carpenter assumed a mock dignified attitude. "Ahem, that's my new title, y'know, Curator Preston,

of the Preston-Braithwaite Collection. I'm going to be Caretaker Handyman, too. Good, isn't it, I never had that many

high-flown titles in my sailin' days. Mrs. Winn wants the old almshouse to be part of our village life, not an old ruin

molder-ing away unused at the corner of the square. Apart from rethatching the roof, and the addition of a window or

two, the outside'll look pretty much the same, nice an' quaint.

"But inside there'll be the collection, the cross, chalice, candlesticks, and deeds, all in display cases, together

with the story of how Chapelvale was saved. We all get a mention in it, even good old Ned. Then there's the evenin'

tea garden and an extra room inside for any village meetings, dances, young people's events. We're even gettin' a

small library—Mr. Braith-waite will be in charge of that. A proper little village hall for everyone to use, eh, lad!"

The boy shook his friend's big, tattooed hand heartily. "Sounds wonderful, mate. When will all the rebuilding

work start?"

Mr. Mackay interrupted. The dapper little lawyer was positively beaming. "First thing Monday morning, m'boy!

My friend the magistrate and I visited the firm of Jackman Donning and Bowe in London last week. We came to an

amicable agreement with them. This morning I received by special post a check for a considerable amount. Together

with the express wish that the name of Jackman Donning and Bowe never be associated with past events in

Chapelvale and the hope that all will be forgotten."

Mr. Mackay actually performed a small dance of triumph as he pulled forth the check and waved it over his

head. "Sufficient funds for our almshouse restoration fund. The workmen arrive with materials on Monday morning,

eight o'clock sharp!"

Mr. Braithwaite looked up from a list of new books he was studying. "Quite, er, very good, very, er, er, good.


Will Drummond picked a crowbar from a wheelbarrow of tools he had brought from the farmhouse. "Aye, lad,

meanwhile 'tis our job to clear all the rubbish from this almshouse an' make it ready. Here y'are, Curator Preston, the