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The bright light made Max shut his eyes for an instant, and in that black moment, the last part of his dream came back.

“God, no!”

His romping partner at the very end hadn’t been dead Kitty, after all. She had morphed into someone all too alive. Molina.

Lt. C. R. Molina. Carmen Molina, black hair, electric blue eyes, ice-water veins.

Max didn’t feel so good after all.


Midnight Louie


All right.

There are a lot of makeovers in this book, and I can see how they relate to the theme, plot, crime and punishment.

But is there any reason to make me the object of such wholesale repositioning? Was I not a handsome bloke just as I was, pulling down my curtain like some crafty peeping tomcat?

Nobody asked me if I wanted to share my solo cover status with bits and pieces of my Miss Temple. Granted her bits and

pieces are tasty, but I am not one for double billing.

I must admit that at least the new cover representation emphasizes my sleek and muscular physique. The previous artistic portrayal was a little porky in the rear area.

And this is the first time that readers can see my keen and suspicious green eyes in living color.

Plus my natty white whiskers.

Maybe it is not such a bad renovation, after all.

Call it Cat Eye for the Crooked Guy. I can be as media-hot as the next fad.

Midnight Louie, Esq.

P.S. You can visit Midnight Louie on the Internet at: http://www.carolenelsondouglas.com

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