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Gabe stepped out onto the porch, gun in hand. “Two shots out back, one out front. Richard’s down but not out. One dead, one wounded, both ours.”

“Sheri?” Adrian growled.

Gabe shook his head. “Not quite sure what happened but as soon as the shots rang out she took off for the front door. One of Rick’s men saw her go but wasn’t close enough to get to her. Rick tried to stop her but got taken out. We’ve got a license plate, and a Wolf followed the car for as long as he could before he had to double back.”

“Where the hell were you?”

“Trying to get to the sniper.”


“He got away when I heard the shots out front. I shot at the car just as they took off, but missed the damn tire.”

“FUCK!” Adrian shouted. Both hands clenched in his hair. “What the hell was she thinking?”

A pained growl erupted from the Pack Alpha where he sat on the porch floor. “Rudy told her he had you. She couldn’t reach you, so she believed it. Is your cell phone on?” A dish towel was pressed against his shoulder and soaked through with blood.

“She is in so much trouble when I find her,” Adrian growled as he checked his cell. “Yes, it is.”

“Yours too?” Richard pointed with his chin to Max and Simon.


“After what happened at Wallflowers? Damn straight it’s on.”

“Check in the car, see if there’s an RF jammer somewhere,” Gabe said to one of the Wolves. The man nodded and went to look.

“What the hell is an RF jammer?” Simon asked.

“Radio frequency jammer. Really illegal just about anywhere, but something a mechanical engineer would know how to build,” Gabe answered.

The Wolf came back quickly with a small yellow device the size of a deck of cards. “This is why no one could reach you.”

“Okay, Adrian, think! Where is she?” Max demanded.

“How the fuck should I know?”

Max glared at him as Simon went to the Durango and helped Belinda out. “You’re the Marshal. She’s pride. Where is she?

He concentrated on his mate, his eyes turning gold as he felt where Rudy’s hands were on her body.

“I’m going to fucking kill him.”

“Good. Where are they?”

“In a car, still moving. He’s…” Adrian snarled, holding back the primal scream of his Puma with difficulty. “I think he’s trying to rape her, and she’s fighting him.” She’d lost her sunglasses somewhere along the way and the pain of the sunlight in the car was excruciating. He felt like both of his eyes were being stabbed with knives.

“Can you smell anything?”

Adrian found himself belted into the front seat of the Durango. A large red Wolf leaped into the back seat, a shoulder wound bleeding sluggishly all over Max’s leather upholstery. Another Wolf, this one smaller and a lighter red ( Ben, the Marshal his Puma whispered) joined the larger, wounded one. He sniffed, but the smell of blood and Wolf nearly overwhelmed him.

“You have to use her senses, not yours. What does she smell?”

“Why don’t you try this?” Adrian growled.

“I would if I could but I can’t. I’m not the Marshal.”

He took a deep breath and tried once again to reach his mate. She could smell Parker, the driver, and her own blood as Parker’s claws ripped into her soft flesh…

And the smell of the Susquehanna River.

“Shit. She’s about fifteen minutes away, somewhere near the Susquehanna.”

Max took off in a squeal of tires. “Think he’s heading for Harrisburg?”

“Not sure. If he picks up I76 he could move into Ohio or further east towards Philly.”

“Then we have to catch him before he hits the highway.”

His cell phone rang. “Gabe.”

“I’m on my way, following an alternate route. Consider yourselves escorted by the police.”

“Thanks, dude.”

“No problem. I can fucking feel what he’s doing to her. The son of a bitch.”

“We’re cutting him off before he gets to the highway.”

Gabe sucked in a breath. “We’ll never find them if he takes her out of state.”

“No shit.”

“He heads east and he can pick up I95.”

“I know.”

“I’m calling in a few favors. Trust me, he won’t get much further.”

Adrian stared at the dead phone in his hands and wondered what his Second was up to.

“God damn it! Stay on the fucking road, Steve!”

“I’m trying, Rudy, but there’s a bunch of fucking yahoos with trucks blocking it!”

Rudy lifted his head from her breasts with a growl. He’d just succeeded in getting her jeans off her, leaving her completely naked. “Go around.”

“What the hell do you think I’m doing?”

Sheri squealed as shots were fired.

“What the fuck?”

“They’re shooting at us!”

Rudy sat up and pulled out his gun. He peeked over the top of the bench seat and stared out the windshield, and the scent of Puma came through. Those “yahoos” were her Pridemates.

Sheri could barely see, so she stayed down. She recognized the sounds of rifles being fired, and did the only thing she could think of. She hit the floor of the car and covered her head with her arms.

Bullets shattered the windshield, raining glass down on top of her. Rudy cursed again and fired back as Steve tried desperately to go around the roadblock.


“What?” Rudy snarled at his driver.

“Tire’s blown.”

She could feel the car fishtail as the driver tried desperately to bring it back under control. “Adrian!” she screamed as loud as she could, firmly convinced he was responsible for this and praying he would hear her over the noise of the gun battle.

Because if he didn’t get her out of there, her Puma would. And then hell would really break loose.

The sound of his mate screaming broke something inside Adrian. “Up there,” he snarled, already ripping his clothes off. He knew the men on the road block were Pumas; Gabe had called him back as soon as he’d set it up. They would do their best to hold Rudy in place until Adrian could arrive and kill his ass.

He shifted right there in the front seat, uncaring that his claws ripped Max’s leather seat. Max reached around him and opened his door and he leapt out, making a beeline for the car Rudy had his mate in.

The snow-white puma came soaring out of the back window with an effortless grace that burned through him. Her bright red eyes were fixed on him with fear, love, relief and hope. She was almost safe.

A gunshot fired.

She stumbled, and went down.

And his heart, missing its core, stopped beating.

He looked from his fallen mate to the man in the car, the Wolf with his mate’s scent all over him, the smoking gun still held in his hands, and realized he had one more task to complete before he joined his mate in death. But even that was denied him as the huge red Wolf sailed past him, leapt into the car and in one strike ripped out the throat of the rogue.

Adrian crawled to his mate and nuzzled at her wound. To his relief she grumbled, and his heart started beating once more.

She lived.

He curled up around her and allowed the Wolves to deal with the remaining rogues. He had more important things to do.


“Your heart stopped.”

“I thought my mate was dead. Of course my heart stopped.”

“What happened to those wonderful Marshal powers? You’d think they would have told you I was mostly stunned.”