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She leaned against him for a moment. Youre right, I can.

By now Flo had returned to their table and was enjoying her food. She encouraged the others to get to the buffet line.

But Trudy Sweetwater, who was tired and worried, had lost her appetite.

Andrea noticed and said, Trudy, at least eat some salad. Youll pick up, and its so healthy.

I know. Trudy sighed.

Flo, with a strong voice, advised, I understand. But theres nothing you can do. This really is Tallys big day. Lets put Mariah aside. I know thats easy coming from me, since I truly could not stand the woman, but Tally comes first. She looked up to see Tim and Liz approaching. Try.

Youre right. Trudy got up; Andrea went with her.

Liz, once seated beside her husband, tested a piece of roast beef. Delicious.

Tim did likewise. Good beef out here.

Flo liked Tim well enough. People still run big herds. When land prices hit the roof, some folks sold out and we suffered the rash of overdevelopment that many parts of the country did, but, Tim, real Missouri is still cattle, farming, and a little fishing to do you good. She beamed, for she loved her state.

Liz, oblivious to the discussion, piped up. You know, Ive come up with a package that focuses on computer-chip nanotechnology. Its the future.

Liz, this isnt the time to discuss business, DeeDee chided her.

Oh. Liz looked crestfallen.

Eat your supper, honey. We may not get hot food for a day or two, Tim cajoled her.


He replied, I expect whole swaths of Missouri will be without power. This storm is getting stronger and stronger.

Flo looked out the long windows of the banquet room. The outdoor lights glowed as best they could through the thick snow. Yes, it is.

By the time everyone had dessert and coffee, the wind was shaking the building. Jahnae, forgoing dessert, spoke to each woman at the over-eighty tables. She then stopped by all the other tables to remind the students to go back to the residence halls in human chains.

The minute the dessert dishes were picked up, people descended

on Tally. Big Mim stood with her aunt to assist her. Inez rose, too, since students wished to talk to her, as well.

For an hour, Aunt Tally signed programs and chatted. The line had dwindled and she was about to take a step toward the over-eighty tables when a willowy, attractive girl held out her hand.

Miss Urquhart, Im Aileen Tinsdale. I was named for my maternal grandmother, Aileen Peavey.

For heavens sake! Aunt Tally held the girls hand. Youre Ralstons granddaughter.

I am.

Big Mim, Little Mim, Inez, and Harry all stared at the young woman. Her blue eyes, blonde hair, and regular features made her very attractive. Her manner made her more so.

I remember when your grandmother left. Too many memories. We heard she moved to St. Louis because she found a good job there. Ralston had made some money, but not enough.

Grandma passed away from colon cancer last year. Tears came into Aileens eyes. If only she could have seen you again.

Aunt Tally, touched, said, I would have liked that. She was a good woman who faced a terrible situation. Im so sorry to hear shes on the other side. Are you Georges daughter or Lindas?

Aileen added, Lindas. My mother is doing fine.

Hows George? He was ten when I last saw him.

Uncle George is great. Grandma said he looked just like Ralston.

Is George happy?

Yes. He has three sons, and he and his wife, Judy, are so funny together. He owns a pharmacy in St. Joseph.

Why St. Joseph?

St. Louis overwhelmed Grandma, but she had a really good job as an executive secretary. She met Clyde Waverly, a cattleman from St. Joe. He told her if she married him shed never have to work outside the house again. She did and moved to St. Joe. Its a really nice place. I miss it. I love college, but I guess you always miss home. I miss my horse. Mom and Dad said next year theyd pay to board him here.

That would be ideal. Aunt Tally liked this young woman. She didnt let go of her hand. Any brothers and sisters?

One each. Hannahs two years behind me. John is four.

I never heard from your grandmother after she left. Then I lost track, Tally said wistfully.

Grandma didnt keep up with people back in Virginia. She couldnt take the reminders. She said she wanted to forget, and then she thought everyone had forgotten her and Ralston. She never really forgot.

Neither did we, Aunt Tally said. Honey, if you give me your address, I will keep in touch.

Aileen had been hoping for this. She pulled out a pink slip of paper on which shed written her school address and phone number, her email address, and her home address in St. Joseph.

Aileen then noticed students lining up.

Dr. Barnett told us we have to walk back to the residence halls in lines. The weathers so bad. Ive never seen it this bad. She squeezed Aunt Tallys hand. Im so excited to meet you. She turned to Inez. And you, too, Dr. Carpenter. Grandma told me you paved the way in Virginia.

Your grandmother was very kind. Inez hugged the young woman, as did Aunt Tally.

After Aileen left, Aunt Tally said sotto voce to Inez, All this hugging. I think every student hugged me. Im not one for intemperate embrace, but I was glad to hug that child. I so hope the killer is found before I die!

The alumnae board, waiting to say their good-byes, stepped forward after Aileen had walked away.

Liz overheard the last part of the conversation, as had Flo.

You know. Liz began to wail.

Know what? Aunt Tally was puzzled.

About Mariah.

Flo said sharply, Liz, shut up.

Whats going on? Aunt Tally was more than curious. She knew something was being kept from her.

At that moment Inez would have gladly killed Liz. The thought was occurring to Jahnae, as well.

Smoothly, Inez told her dear friend, Blossom, one of our board members appears to be in trouble. We dont know any more than that.

Shes dead! I know shes dead. Liz, being a somewhat inebriated twit, made it worse.

For Christs sake, Tim. Get her out of here, Flo commanded Lizs husband.

He did as he was told, but Liz did not go quietly. Shed snuck in a third drink, which was all too apparent to her husband.

You all are trying to shut me up!

Thats right. Tim moved her faster and faster to the door.

He didnt stop for her coat but hauled her out in the high wind and snow, all but dragging her to the rental car.

My coat.

Ill get it later. He slammed the door and hoped the cheap piece of metal would start.

Nothing like a rental car to make one appreciate a good vehicle.

Back in the building, Aunt Tally squared off at the alumnae board. Is she dead?

Andrea replied honestly, We dont know, but shes missing, and its not like Mariah to miss a board meeting or your party.

Why would Mariah Well, let me put it this way: Who would wish her harm?

Flo, to her credit, said, Apart from me, I cant think of anyone.

Inez noticed the lines of students moving out and whispered to Harry, Will you fetch our coats?

Of course. Harry left with Little Mim, who wanted to pick up her mothers and her own.

Back at the group, Aunt Tally thanked the alumnae board for their efforts and made them feel better. I know you all didnt want to disturb me. Im sure Mariahs vanishing was a strain on everyone. Thank you for considering my feelings on my special day.

Flo nodded. Sooner or later well get to the bottom of this. You have a special present from the board. Its waiting for you at Rose Hill.

This certainly lifted Aunt Tallys spirits. I cant wait.