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This thing is worldwide. Its scary.

Yep, but it will be patched up and the fundamental changes avoided. Thats how I see it. Cooper paused.

And you know, sooner or later, the day of true reckoning will come. Always does.

Well, no one wants to know what a sheriffs deputy thinks about the worlds confusion.

I do. And I truly want to know what you think about the confusion in Missouri. Do you think Inez is in danger?

No. Well, let me amend that. It doesnt appear that Inez or any other board member is threatened by what looks like an old hate that finally ended in murder. But it wouldnt hurt to be a little cautious until Mariah surfaces.

Harry felt her feet growing warmer from proximity to the fire. She could be out of the country.

Yeah, but sooner or later, people do turn up. Get found.

Never found Ralston Peaveys murderer. I told you about his granddaughter? Harry thought she had.

You did. Out of curiosity, Ill pull that old file, Cooper said.

Not trying to be argumentative about murderers showing up.

I know. But Ralston Peaveys killer didnt communicate. Mariah has. That means ego. Im telling you, sooner or later, shell make a misstep, and


Her husband says he doesnt know where she is.

Hey, Harry, maybe hes looking for her, too. Cooper smiled.

Do you have milk, cereal, anything for breakfast? Harry changed the subject. You might not get out tomorrow.

Let me check if the milk is still good. Bought it just before I left. Cooper walked into the kitchen.

Lifting her head, Pewter called out,


Im okay for breakfast. Cooper returned and sat next to Harry. Can you keep Inez close?

Up to a point. I dont want her out in the weather when I do my chores. She can sit in the tack room if you think the house is too far away.

Usually you hear a vehicle drive up. Tucker certainly does. Im sure shes safe in the house. But keep her near. Ill call Little Mim and Blair, too, to check regularly on Aunt Tally. This really will all clear up, but criminals who taunt are often imaginative. They crave publicitynot that theres much for her here. Still From Aunt Tallys point of view, this certainly has made her hundredth-birthday celebration unique.

Youre terrible. Harry lightly punched her.

I know. Cooper laughed.


ood windshield wipers, Inez commented as the Volvo wipers cleared away tiny driving snowflakes.

Over the course of the day, the temperature had fluctuated between twenty-one and thirty-three degrees. The precipitation came down as tiny little snow bits. When the mercury dropped, the bits blossomed into slightly larger snowflakes. Harry replied, You need only one worn-out pair of windshield wipers to realize you need good ones.

Couldnt help but notice the double windshield wipers you have on the old Ford. Gold lame, Inez teased her.

Fair made me get silver for the dually. He said hes not driving around in a truck with gold windshield wipers. I said, But you wear pink. He said hes man enough to wear pink but he cant do gold windshield wipers. Actually, I almost bought purple, but that would have sent him right over the edge.

I look good in gold.

Pewter curled in Inezs lap.

Mrs. Murphy, in the back on the old blanket, which shed drawn up around her, said,

Dream on.

Pay her no mind. Shes jealous. Tigers are a dime a dozen, but Im a perfect gray.

Pewters ego needed no enhancement.

Whats Tucker doing?

Asleep. Low pressure makes her sleepy,

Mrs. Murphy said. She was a little drowsy herself.

Inezs eyelids fluttered. She shook her head. I could go back to bed.

Me, too. Harry turned left into the parking lot on the north side of the Barracks Road Shopping Center.

Not too many people here in this weather. Inez unbuckled her seat belt.

Mondays usually a busy shopping day, at least at the supermarkets. Harry turned to Inez. Im going to run into Buchanan and Kiguel. Want to come in or stay? Ill keep the motor running so that it doesnt get cold.

Ill stay. Hard to believe its April sixth and only thirty-one degrees. Ive never seen a spring like this, and you know how many Ive seen.

Harry grinned. You never know.

You dont, which is why Im in no hurry to exit earth.

Harry hopped out and made a dash for the framing shop. When she entered, she could see the top of Shirley Franklins head as she was kneeling down beneath the counter.

What are you doing?

Shirley popped her head up. Reorganizing these finished prints. She stood. How are you, Harry?

Harry gave her the story about Aunt Tallys hundredth, William Woods, the watch scam, the murder. Shirley had grown up in Missouri, so she could picture the scene.

How awful. Is Tally all right?

I think so.

Certainly turned into an unusual birthday.

I turned forty last August seventh, which you know. I dont know where those forty years went. Imagine how Aunt Tally feels reflecting on one hundred, Harry mused.

That was all it took. Harry and Shirley stood there gabbing for a half hour, neither realizing how much time had passed. Both women were independent thinkers, and they each egged the other on. Also, thanks to the weather, no one came in the store to interrupt the conversation.

Harry finally remembered that Inez was sitting in the station wagon. Oh, my gosh. She checked her watch.

Shirley checked hers, too, and they burst out laughing. Did you need anything?

Harry thought a moment, then it came back to her. Actually, I did. Well, its a question. Larry and Enriqueshe named the late co-owner, then the very alive oneused to get these wonderful old books with prints in them. Remember all the bug prints, each hand-colored? Well, if Enrique or you come across dog ones, Id like to give Inez a framed print of a vizsla. She has a stunning vizsla.

Ill start looking. Shirley glanced out the window. Is it ever going to end? The snow was falling faster, thicker. Its snowed most of the last two weeks. The sun has peeped out, what, twice?

If that. Harry turned the collar up on her old Barbour coat. You take care. Best to Dick. She named Shirleys husband, then stopped, her hand on the doorknob. Enrique okay?

Enough time has passed, but you know those two were so close. Its so hard to lose your partner. I dont know what Id do without Dick. She leaned over the counter, her lovely scarf touching the top of it. Then I remind myself that weve been lucky to have had decades together. What about these poor kids whose husbands or wives never come back from Iraq or Afghanistan?

I think about that, too, Shirley. I guess Ive reached the age where I realize how strong most people are, but I wish they didnt have to find out. She waved, opened the door, and made a dash for the car.

Inez woke up when Harry opened the door. I must have nodded off.

Good thing. I was in there forever. She started the motor, then drove sixty yards to pull into another parking place in front of Terri Kincaids store. You can stay here if you want.

I want to see the guinea hens, after all you said about them.

Harry sheepishly replied, I did go on. You know, Terri gives me hives, but she finds the best stuff. Expensive.

The best usually is. Inez opened the door, carefully stepping out.

Tucker remained asleep, Erno at her side, but Pewter, braving the snow on her precious pate, ran out. Mrs. Murphy followed.