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Harry hurried around to take Inez by her elbow. The distance to the sidewalk protected by the overhang was short, but it was slick. Healthy

though Inez was, Harry assumed her bones were more brittle than her own. She didnt want her to risk a fall.

I hate this stuff.

Pewter shook her back paws, toes splayed out.

Terri looked up, saw the humans, and hurried from behind the counter to open the door.

The cats skedaddled in.

Once certain Inez was through the door, Harry raised her voice. You two come back here this instant.

Come and get us,

Pewter trilled.

Terri started after Pewter.

Harry called out, Youll inflame her. I ignore her. Shell come round. I know, I know, Tucker broke a vase, but cats are nimble.

Terri shrugged. Hey, its one way to sell something.

Inez chuckled. Hang in there, Terri, business will pick up. Came to see your guinea hens. Harrys eyes followed the cats, together now, tails straight up.

Terri, a true retailer, enthused, Youll love them. Look at how accurate they are. She pointed to the display, which was clevera tiny hay bale and small hand-carved cows within two-foot-high white fencing. The beautiful porcelain hens were in a little yard, real cracked corn scattered on the piece of green carpet, which actually did resemble grass.

They really are delightful. Inez studied the almost life-size ceramic hens with a deep clear glaze.

The artist had correctly painted the black-and-white feathers; the head was a tad stylized but appealing. There were various sizes and color variations, for those desiring more decoration than accuracy.

Harry hated to admit it: She was in love with these guinea hens. However, Harry watched her money and was having a hard time justifying spending $75 on a small hen or $150 for a large one.

She tore herself away from the hens to look at the lovely plates, bowls, and mugs from Provence. The colorssome dark mustard, others cherryset off the dinnerware. Each item was hand-painted and therefore individual, yet they were of a piece so all fit together.

Terri, secretly hoping the cats would break something, returned to

the counter and cash register to check a price shed forgotten to put on a large bowl, one with a painted background of white magnolias. When Inez walked toward the counter, Terri said, Thank you for calling me. I should have said that when you walked in.

Inez had called Terri the evening when theyd received the vituperative emails from Mariah, after speaking to Liz.

You know how Terri gets, Liz had said. Shell hear this through the pipelineprobably tomorrowpitch a fit, and fall in it.

True, Inez had replied.

Ill call her now. Give me twenty minutes, but then will you call, too? Youre so good at calming people down. Liz paused. Maybe because you calm animals.

Well, we are just animals.

Inez had called Terri, who carried on as expected.

Now Inez said, No need to thank me. I think weve gone over these bizarre and sad events enough. Inez really hoped Terri had gotten it out of her system. She didnt want to go over it one more time, nor did she have the patience for Terris emotions. Maybe the cold was making her cranky. She didnt know and, at that exact moment, she didnt care.

Harry, trying to keep tabs on her two bad cats, had noticed an unusual foot-high fat-bottomed glazed pot, with cork stopper and hardened wax around the stoppers edge.

She picked it up. This weighs a ton.

Oh. Dismay played on Terris face. That shouldnt be out here. I havent cleaned it up yet. Im a bit rattled with well, you know. Here, let me take it to the back and clean it.

Looks clean to me.

No. If youre interested, you should see it at its best. Terri grabbed it.

The fat-bottomed vase slipped through her hands, smashing to the floor. It cracked in half but didnt split wide open.

The cats moved closer.

Inside was a plastic bag filled with something.

Sharp odor.

Mrs. Murphy sneezed.

You see, Terri explained nervously, theyre shipped from Mexico packed with sand, to make them more stable. Also, more of them would break in transit if they were hollow. And here I am, breaking one. She knelt down, squeezed the two thick crockery halves together, and walked the vase back into her storage area.

Harry, Inez, and the cats heard water running.

Inez plucked a mustard-colored cup off the shelf, whispering to Harry, Id better buy something.

When Terri returned, she brightened at the sight of a sale, no matter how small. Good choice.

I dont trust her,

Pewter remarked.

Me, neither,

Mrs. Murphy agreed.

Back in the station wagon, Harry inserted her square key, put her foot on the brake, then hit the start button.

Inez laughed. Cant they make cars with keys anymore?

Guess not. Harry smiled. Its a great vehicle, truly, but Im with youkeep it simple. She checked her rearview mirror after pressing the button for the wiper in the long window over the tailgate. Think you got everything?

Yes. You were smart to hit the grocery store first.

I usually wait until Wednesday or Thursday for that, but I havent been as organized as I should.

I havent helped. You and Fair gave up half a day to pick me up, give up your bedroom, move some of your clothes and things aroundtime-consuming.

Inez, dont give it a second thought. We love having you.

Youre a sweetheart. Inez petted Pewter, ignoring her wet paws.

Mrs. Murphy jumped in the rear to snuggle up to Tucker.

As they drove slowly through the snow, Harry remarked, Sand.

I know. Thought about that, too.

Inez, are we jaded? Have we watched too many crime shows?

It was awfully white.

You know, Im not saying one word about it. None of my business.

Well, if it is cocaine, youd think shed have more money. Inez

breathed deeply. This countrys duplicity about drugs is really quite horrifying.

That it is. Well, lets hope we have overactive imaginations. Harry let it go at that.

Smelled terrible,

Pewter told them.

Inez stroked her head. You always have something to say.


n apple-wood fire crackled in the fireplace, the distinct fruitwood odor filling the large upstairs bedroom. Years ago, when Harry had upgraded her heating system, she divided the house into zones. She usually kept the upstairs at fifty degrees. Now that she and Fair had moved up there so Inez could have the master bedroom downstairs, she pushed the thermostat up to sixty-five. Because the original part of the old Federal-style house had been built in the 1830s, every room had a fireplace. With succeeding generations and more-modern technology, indoor bathrooms were created. The people who built the clapboard housefarmers, allhad a marvelous sense of proportion and function but making a huge bathroom with a fireplace had never occurred to those folks. Didnt occur to Harry, either, although she hated a cold bathroomhence turning up the thermostat.

At nine-thirty that night, the mercury read thirty degrees and would surely dip into the twenties as the hours wore on.

Both husband and wife cut and split wood throughout the seasons. Splitting a log takes an eye for the grain and a sense of rhythm. Harry loved doing it, and Fair was pretty good at it, too. Little by little over the summer and early fall, theyd filled up the wood house, carefully stacking logs according to type and diameter. Harrys drive for symmetry often made her husband laugh, but he always appreciated the results.