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“Are you Tane’s new companion?” Her blue eyes shone like sapphires and a dimple appeared in her right cheek as she smiled shyly at me like a pretty little vampire doll.

“Yes, but he refers to me as a blood slave.” I raised an eyebrow at her and scowled.

She giggled. “That’s a very old title. He made people stop using it centuries ago. I wonder why he’s returned to using it now?”

Her laughter caught me off guard. Most of the vampires I’d met since traveling with Rurik fell in two classes: overconfident-smug-asses or take-everything-out-of-context-serious. She didn’t fit in either. How interesting.

A tall slim man with long brown hair came behind her. I remembered him from my rescue from Luckard. He helped remove the bars from Tane’s body, yet his name slipped my mind. “Our Master is hurt by Eric’s betrayal, my love.” He placed his arm around her.

“I doubt he’ll be very kind to you, Ms. Bence. My apologies for your circumstances.”

“Thank you…I think.” This one fit in my latter category.

“I am Archios, and this angel is my wife, Belatia.”

I recognized their names from the story Tane told of a blood slave gone crazy with the hunger when her master disappeared. “Rurik told me you helped to lead our rescue.

Thank you for helping him.” My jerk of a master must have known I’d meet Belatia at this party when he described her similar fate. I hated him.

“Yes, Archios is a great warrior.” She stared into his face, love apparent in her eyes.

He soaked it in.

“It was nice meeting you both, but I have an ear to go tweak.” I pointed to Rurik as another woman moved in on his other side.

“Oh, Rurik always has women around him. This is nothing new.” Belatia gestured with her hand as if it didn’t matter.

Really?” I raised my brow not sure if anyone could see the steam pouring from my ears.

Archios chuckled. “Not recently, Bel. He’s been traveling with Ms. Bence.”

She made a small ‘o’ with her rosebud lips as her eyes got wide. It didn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure out Belatia came from a simpler stock of vampire.

Twisting around, I faced my lover across the room and our gazes met.

He winked. It’s all I needed. Some kind of hint he saw my pain. Deep down inside, I understood why he flirted. Those women would answer any of his questions, and we needed information to try and find the traitor. Didn’t mean I had to like it. My jealousy and anger evaporated though.

I glanced at Bel’s husband. “How do you know my real name?”

“Tane provided it. I set up all the spending accounts for our nest. Yours should be available by tomorrow.”


“The credit card attached to it will be here within the week.”

“For me?”

“Yes, you’ll need to stop by my office and sign some papers. Do you have a passport?”

“Yes, I’ve been traveling.” The conversation became surreal, as if I’d switched from party to job interview.

“Good, bring that as well. I need a photocopy.” Archios smiled and stood straighter, as if relieved of a burden.

“You’re conducting business. We’re supposed to be having fun.” Belatia took his arm and grabbed my hand. She led us to a sitting area where I couldn’t watch Rurik.

“Would you like me to read your fortune?” We sat at a low rectangular table on cushions that surrounded us in piles. She set a deck of tarot cards on the surface.

Behind Bel, a half-dressed human woman reached for a nearby curtain and pulled it closed. What she and her vampire company did in private occupied my imagination. The room’s temperature increased and sweat trickled down my back. Like a distracted dumbass, my brain to mouth filter turned off and I answered sweet Belatia. “I set fire to the last vampire who read my cards.”

Silence descended until it pulled my attention from the closed curtains. Belatia had covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes wide. “You did?” She asked in a hushed tone. “Why?”

“That’s enough.” Archios set his hand on the table. His glare burned in my direction.

“You are just as bloodthirsty as our Master then, but no one threatens my wife.”

“I didn’t mean—how could I—I meant…” Why was it that I needed to concentrate to be polite? As soon as something distracted me, I ended up insulting someone without trying.

“Archios.” Belatia placed both her hands on his and squeezed. “I don’t think she meant it like that. She just stated a fact.” The innocence of her smile as she turned it from him to me shone true. She believed every word she said.

It warmed my heart to have someone understand. “Thanks. You’re right. Still, I should have said it another way.”

“See.” She gestured to her husband. “All is well.” With deft fingers, she returned the cards to their case. “You may call me Bel. Has anyone served you a drink yet, Ms.


“Connie, please. No, I haven’t had anything.” I sure could use one, a stiff shot of whiskey came to mind. I almost missed Tane. I didn’t care if my comments hurt him. Bel, on the other hand, seemed…nice. For a vampire.

“Go get her something.” She patted Archios’ thigh.

He glanced my way.

“Nothing with alcohol.” I did my best to appear sincere. “I promise to not set anyone on fire while you’re gone.”

He rolled his eyes and left while Bel giggled.

She leaned forward. “Why does Tane call you Rabbit?”

I groaned. “To annoy me. It’s a pet name Rurik uses.”

Her laughter made me smile. “Is it because your hair is so soft and fluffy?”

My laugh followed hers. “No, I think it’s more in the line of being a main course.”

She shrugged. “I guess we should expect that from hunters.” Glancing around our area, she lowered her voice. “Tane must care a great deal for you to bond you so soon after Eric’s death.”

“No.” I barked my response. “It’s nothing like that. Tane bound me almost two years ago. We can barely stand each other.”

Her smile disappeared. “That’s so sad. He’s kept you hidden all this time?”

“I’ve been with Rurik.”


“We’re in love.” Something about Bel made me comfortable. Talking with her felt normal and I never made friends easily. Trusting people didn’t come naturally.

Abandoned by my parents as a baby, with only a poor grandmother to care for me until she passed away when I turned fifteen, I was left alone, and it didn’t take long for the predators to find me.

I liked Bel.

She clapped. “Then he let you go, he released you. I didn’t think Tane could be so mean.”

“Really?” I couldn’t hide the surprise in my voice. “I think he’s a controlling, overbearing, sneaky—”

“Yes.” She nodded. “He’s our leader and needs to be those things, but he also has a kind heart.”

“I’ve seen no evidence to that.” Did we know the same Tane? I rubbed my chin.

Bel came around the table and took my hand. “I want to show you something.”

“What about Archios?” With her vampire strength, the slight girl tugged me off my tush so I landed on my feet.

“He’ll find us.” She flounced ahead, the old fashion dress swaying with her light steps.

I needed to put a hop in my gait to keep pace. As I passed each cluster of Tane’s people, their conversations would quiet to hushed tones or someone would point. A smartass, of my own nature, called out my pet name and some of them snickered. God help me, I was in high school again.

Bel went through the open doors into the extensive gardens. An enclosed grotto stood close to the building and she entered it.

When I followed, she had already turned on the lights. A mural covered most of the walls and the ceiling. Bel traced a finger on the painted walls. “Tane built this for me so I could paint this picture. It represents everyone I know.”