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The screen door opened and we both jumped. Gwen entered, dressed in a black suit, looking very secret service. She nodded and stood by the entrance.

“Can we help you, Gwen?” Bel asked.

“I’ve been assigned to guard Connie. The grotto is too enclosed for me to remain discrete.”

“You’ve been watching me all this time?”

“Of course, it’s my duty.”

A horrifying thought startled me. “In my room?”

“No need. Those are secure, as is most of the house, but the gardens aren’t. Not after this afternoon.”

The body. Colby appreciated the information I provided. He wouldn’t answer any of my questions about his plans. Not surprised.

“Bel wanted to show me her beautiful mural. She’s quite talented.” The room looked like part of the jungle. Plants and leaves I didn’t know the names of filled the space.

Animals of all kind added to the depth of the picture. “You said it represented all those you know?”

“Yes, such as…” She took a few steps and pointed to a silver wolf howling. “This is Gwen, the Bengal tiger is Tane.”

“That suits him.” I observed a fox close to the tiger and gestured to it. “Is that Rurik?”

She laughed. “Yes!”

I spun a slow circle and took in all the animals. “Where is Archios?”

“There, the black husky.”

“A dog?” I did my best to swallow my giggle.

“He’s loyal and fierce, not wild like Gwen.”

I glanced at my guard and remembered how she moved through the jungle after she smelled something bad. “The wolf suits you too.”

She gave a slight bow. “It should.”

“Who’s the panther?” It stalked next to me; its yellow eyes almost glittered. I didn’t exaggerate Bel’s talent.


I hopped away as if it came alive. My heart sped and I felt silly, but those eyes looked as cold as the real ones. I swallowed and examined some of the other animals.

“Which one is you, Bel?”

“Me? None, I never thought to place myself here.” She stared at her creation.

“What would you be?” Curiosity got the better of me. Bel was an interesting person.

“A mouse, I think. Small and insignificant, I’d paint it right there by the door next to you.”

I chuckled and came next to her. “Let me guess what animal you’ve chosen for me.

A rabbit?”

She giggled and slipped her arm through mine. “Not the white fluffy kind though, a Jack rabbit, quick of wit and always watching for change. There are no predators by the door to hunt us, either.”

“I like that.” Except at the moment, my fox sat in a room surrounded by women who viewed him as prey. “I’d better get back to the party.”

We left the peaceful grotto and strolled from the garden back to the mansion. Ahead, I glimpsed Tane and Rurik cross our path. An alarm rang in my head.

The way Gwen’s shoulders stiffened made me think she heard the same bells.

Without any verbal agreements, we both followed and took Bel along.

I pressed my finger to my lips to signal her to be silent.

Her eyes widened and she bounced on the spot for a moment.

Among the tall vegetation, the path wound a leisurely pattern. Private areas sprouted to the sides. Each empty until we arrived by the stream.

Tane and Rurik stood close, facing each other, and spoke in hushed tones. Tane stepped forward and touched my lover’s face.

“Excuse me!” I covered the distance between us in five huge steps, almost twisting my ankle in the fine gravel with my heels.

Steadying my stance, Rurik grasped my elbow. The moonlight gave enough illumination for me to see amusement shone in his eyes, not guilt.

I glanced at my personal demon. His dark soulless eyes reflected the light, but remained void of emotion. “Rabbit, I see you’ve gathered an entourage. Are you staying out of trouble?

“So far, are you?” Why would Rurik flirt with Tane, and why did it bother me more than the women? What would have happened if they’d been left alone? “I think I’m done for the night, though.”

“Not yet,” Rurik whispered from behind.

Chapter Thirteen

Rurik kissed my forehead then stepped away. “Tane needs to address everyone at the party and I want you at his side, the image of solidarity between both of us.” He turned as if to leave.

“Where are you going?” Panic fluttered in my chest.

“To watch.” He winked and strolled to the party.

Gwen cleared her throat. “Come, Belatia. Archios must be worried about you.”

“Oh Connie, he never got you a drink. We’ll send one when we find a servant.” She spun around and flounced to the mansion, Gwen in tow.

I glanced at the Master of all vampires. The smooth skin on his bald head gleamed with the moonlight, and a gold earring in his right pointed ear sparkled. I flicked it, trying to control the urge to rip it from his ear. “This from your pirating days as well?” Thief who tried to sneak out to the secluded gardens and seduce my boyfriend.

He rubbed his earlobe. “No.” The color of his white button down shirt made him appear paler.

Then something occurred to me as I checked out my own outfit. We matched. Rurik must have arranged it since he chose my dress while I showered the jungle off. Lovely.

We stared at each other. What did I say to someone I caught flirting with my boyfriend? I never had to compete with a man and found it very threatening.

“The party should be ready for us.” He strolled through the vegetation. Even though dressed as a modern man, he seemed at home and more relaxed outside. The extensive grounds and elaborate gardens made more sense as I watched him walk ahead of me.

He ran his open palm over the broad leaves of the plants lining the path. As we approached the party, he plucked a large red flower and set it in my hair. “It brings more color to your cheeks.” He brushed some of my curls from my bare shoulders. “I’m summoning Luckard’s accomplices to sentence them for their betrayal. Can you stand next to me without incident?”

“Rurik asked me to.”

“I’m aware what Rurik wants,” he whispered. “But I need to believe you can do this without a ruckus. Can you bear their presence?” His intense dark gaze bore into mine and my heart took wing.

“What are you going to do?” My voice cracked and I cleared my throat. Funny how his kind gestures made me more nervous than his anger.

“Remind my people who I am and what I represent.” He offered his forearm like an old-fashioned British gentleman.

For all our sakes, I took a deep shaky breath, untied the knot in my gut and placed my hand on his wrist. “I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

He gave me a rare smile. “That’s my girl.”

Inside, with all the curtains tied back and the seats with cushions pushed to the walls, the room grew. Everyone gathered around a dais set in the center. No throne sat upon the bare stage, it remained empty until we climbed the steps and faced the crowd.

The hum of conversation quieted.

I stayed a step behind Tane. Sweat trickled down my back and I could sense the beads form on my forehead. All those eyes watching me made the knot in my stomach tighten again. I should have asked Rurik to do his Jedi-mind-trick so I’d remain calm.

He’d done it before, when Dragos forced me to dance with him at a party. However, that experience didn’t end in gunfire. My throat became as arid as a desert. I hoped the past wouldn’t repeat itself.