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“So you’ll keep me from him forever. Trapped in this bond, yet unable to fulfill my desires?” He echoed my earlier worries and it stunned me.

Could I be so cruel? I shrugged. Sure.

Standing in a smooth motion, he spun and left in a furl of red silk. At the door, he stopped and faced me. His robe loosened, exposing his well-muscled bare chest. “If he comes to me of his own free will, I won’t refuse him.”

I ground my teeth. “If he does then you can keep him.”

A twang rang through the air from behind me. Something whistled through the air and made the curls by my right cheek flutter.

Red bloomed from Tane’s left shoulder, like a great amaryllis flower with a stick as a stem. Time slowed.

I squinted at the image and frowned, Tane had an arrow sticking out of him. A wooden shaft worked just as well as a stake He wobbled on his feet, staring wide eyed at the injury.

I steadied him before I even realized I’d run over to help. Growing up on the streets taught me the ability to scream like a banshee when needed. It sometimes scared trouble away or better, attracted help. I screeched with everything I had and it echoed against the mansion.

The French doors flung open and guards poured out as another twang sounded.

Tane shouted. “No.” He grabbed my elbows and twisted me around so we exchanged positions. A shudder ran through him as another red spot bloomed from an arrow point protruding through his chest next to the first wound as he took an arrow meant for me.

A splatter of blood landed on my face, its salty flavor in my mouth.

Tane dropped to his knees and dragged me with him.

Gwen knelt next to us, gun drawn, as more guards flooded the deck and surged into the jungle. I could have sworn I saw a flash of fur as some ran by, but most of my concentration lay with Tane.

He saved me.

Gwen reached for the arrow point that faced me and stabilized the shaft sticking out his back. “I need to pull these out before you heal around them, Master.”

“Do it.” Tane’s grip on my arms tightened.

I tried to give Gwen better access, but he held me firm.

She didn’t hesitate like I would have. With a snap of her wrist, she broke the point off and pulled the shaft out. “We should bring you inside before the shooter tries again.”

“No.” Tane shook his head. “Did you send for my brothers?”

“Of course.” Gwen grabbed, snapped, and removed the other shaft from his shoulder.

“Only two remain. The others have left for their own territories.”

“I know.” Tane’s wounds didn’t knit together.

“You’re not healing, what does that mean?” I touched the edges of the wound on his chest. It didn’t bleed anymore. I glanced from him to Gwen.

He released me and stood, dropping the robe from his shoulders. “It means I’m a vampire that just got stabbed with wood.” He turned his attention to the door as two Nosferatu stepped onto the deck. “Take her inside, Gwen.” Without a word, the three of them leaped into the jungle.

“What are they doing?” I grasped Gwen’s hand as she led me to the narrow corridor entrance.

“Joining the pack in the hunt for the assassin, as it has been for centuries.”

Chapter Sixteen

In stunned silence, I followed Gwen to my room. Tane saved me. This thought kept going round and round in my head.

Why would he do that? If the arrow killed me then I’d be out of the picture. Rurik would be unattached, and Tane would be free of the blood bond. My death wouldn’t affect him, things would be better for him.

I stood at the entrance to a tidy room and stared perplexed. The luggage had disappeared. “Where’s our stuff?”

Gwen peaked over my shoulder. “Housekeeping must have put your things away.”

Scurrying across the room, I pulled open the closest drawer. My clothes lay neatly folded inside. “Nice. Thank them for me.”

“For what? Doing their job?” She snorted and placed her hands on her hips. “Do you need anything before I leave?”

“Where are you going?” The fear in my voice made me cringe. I cleared my throat and gathered what courage I still owned.

“Don’t worry, you won’t be alone. Rurik is on his way.” She tapped the radio at her hip. “I have to help coordinate the hunt. I’d hate for one of the Nosferatu to mistake a guest for an assassin.”

“Colby!” I gasped his name, forgetting he’d come to the estate to examine the body we’d found in the jungle.

“He left two hours ago.” She gave me a wiry smile. “Otherwise, he’d be on top of my suspect list.” With that comment, she exited.

“Yeah,” I whispered to an empty room. The party made it impossible to meet with Colby and Red. Inviting a couple of slayers to a vampire celebration would have been tasteless to say the least. Should I inform them of what happened?

Torn between old loyalties and new ones, I stuck my thumbnail in my mouth and chewed. I hated having a foot in both human and vampire worlds. Life seemed so much simpler two years ago when I thought all vampires evil. A shiver ran through my limbs.

The door banged open and Rurik stormed in.

I startled at the sudden noise.

He surveyed me head to toe and spun me around to run his hand down my back, all the while speaking. “I heard the news. Are you injured?”

“Not yet, but if you keep manhandling me like a prize turkey you might break something.” Another shiver hit me. “Did someone turn down the freaking AC?” I rubbed my arms.

He brushed his palms over my goose-pocked skin. “You’re freezing.”

My teeth began to chatter.

“I think you’re in shock.” Rurik tore the blanket off the bed and wrapped me in it then carried me to the sofa. “I’ll go fill the tub.”

Too tired to argue, I allowed Rurik to care for me. Shock? After the past two days, my abused body decided to call the shots. The sound of running water came from the bathroom. A hot bath would feel great. All the muscles in my back ached from the tension I carried and my ass still throbbed.

Rurik returned and gathered me in his arms as we waited for the tub to fill. Lines of worry marred his handsome face. He pressed his cheek into my hair and squeezed me tight. The comfort and care he offered brought tears to my eyes. How could I ever doubt his love? “You were supposed to be sleeping. What were you doing outside?” He stroked my curls.

“I needed some air.”

“Open a window next time. How the hell did you and Tane meet again?”

My shivers continued. “H—he wanted to apologize.” I kept our argument to myself.

Rurik went still. “Really?”

“I know. It surprised me too. Maybe that’s why I’m in shock.”

Hugging me tighter, he chuckled and kissed the top of my head. “I love you.”

“Do you think it was Luckard who shot those arrows?” I leaned into Rurik’s chest.

“Probably. He must have balls the size of watermelons to step onto Tane’s estate with other Nosferatu still present.”

“Tane calls them brothers. Are they related?”

“No, the clan is a brotherhood, no women. For some reason females can’t complete the transformation. They’re a very close knit group, but not all of them came to support Tane.”

“Not a surprise. Tane always seems to be on the fence, waiting to see who wins.