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His hand dwarfed mine as he brought it to his mouth. As he rested his sharp fangs to the pulse point, I allowed him inside my mental shield to cloud the pain.

I almost wish I could do the same for him. He slipped through my defenses like silk, like Rurik. Offering my wrist gave me the advantage to watch.

With eyes closed, Tane gulped my blood as if quenching a dying thirst. The burns healed before my eyes. Blisters melted into his skin as the inflammation faded and became pale and smooth once more.

“Amazing.” I spoke my thought out loud.

Tane gazed at me under heavy lids, a lazy smile curled his lips before he kissed the wound on my wrist. “Thank you.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Sunset was only a few hours away and I had nothing else to do except lie in bed and wait for Rurik to wake. I’d had a quiet, uncomfortable lunch with Gwen on Tane’s deck, both of us doing our best to avoid talking about the morning’s activities.

My betrayal of Colby to the vampires sat heavy on my chest as I stared at the bedroom ceiling. It’s not as if we were friends who went out to lunch or exchanged Christmas gifts, but in theory he saved me. Colby introduced me to a whole new world where I could make a small difference and offered me a second chance, which led me away from drowning my sorrows.

Didn’t he deserve a second chance too?

When the hell did I develop a conscience? I glanced at my unmoving lover and blamed him.

Groaning as I rolled off the soft bed, I gave up on waiting and dressed in a yellow t-shirt and jean shorts, then went to find where they imprisoned my ex-boss. I needed to hear his side of the story before Tane and his brothers got their hands on him.

Colby had actually appeared shocked when I asked him why he tried to kill me.

Instead of running, he hesitated to ask me how?

Opening my bedroom door, I came face to shoulder with Gwen. She blocked my exit.

“Where are you going?” She placed her hands on her hips. All five-foot-eleven of her werewolf frame loomed over my six-inch shorter, frail human body. My brain got stuck in neutral as I gazed into her angry chocolate brown eyes.

“I—I—” I cleared my throat. “Don’t you ever sleep?”

“There’s no one to replace me. House security is busy watching the remaining guests, Tane’s personal guards are stuck at the hotel until sunset, and every time I leave you alone you cause trouble.” Dark circles marred her beautiful features and I was almost tempted to retreat in my room for her sake, but the image of her letting Colby go, of the split second intimate moment I’d witnessed between them, wouldn’t let me. She was my only hope and maybe Colby’s only salvation.

“Can you take me to see Colby?”

“Why?” Her eyebrows rose and she jerked her head back as if I’d slapped her.

I glanced in both directions down the hallway and gestured for her to come inside my room.

The door closed behind her as she came in.

“I’m not sure he’s guilty.”

“It doesn’t matter what you think. Tane will be judge, jury and executioner on this m—matter.” She closed her eyes and her shoulders slumped a bit. A tear slipped out.

“Gwen, what the hell is going on? Do you know Colby?”

She shook her head and stayed silent.

“You think he’s innocent too.”

Her facial expression went blank as if she applied a mask. “Doesn’t matter what I think or feel. My loyalty remains with the pack.” It sounded as if she tried to convince herself more than me. “I had a moment of personal weakness at the hotel and almost betrayed all my beliefs. It won’t happen again.” She turned to leave the room, but I grabbed her elbow.

“Doing something right is not weak, ignoring your instincts is.” I came around to watch her face. “What do they tell you?”

“They tell me confusing things and I can’t make heads or tails of them.” She hung her head.

“Sounds as if you have some questions of your own for Colby.”

She nodded. “My brother is guarding him.” She heaved a heavy sigh. “He’ll let us in.

Follow me.” Leading me out of the mansion, through the gardens and back into the wild jungle to the side of the mountain not far from where we’d found the body, Gwen brought me to a cave.

“You have got to be kidding me.” I peered into the dark entrance, imagining large spiders and slithering creepy crawlers.

“This place is very old. My father told me this was Tane’s original home.”

“Why am I not shocked?” My skin itched at the thought of going in there. “How deep do we have to go?”

Gwen lifted a flashlight from her belt and turned it on. “A ways.” Without waiting, she went inside, ducking to avoid the low ceiling.

For once, being short paid off. I fit better in these tight quarters than my werewolf guard.

She slowed her pace to allow me to catch up. “Stay close. The path is clear, but not marked. I don’t want you to make a wrong turn.”

Pressed to Gwen’s back, I whispered. “How many other secrets do you know?”

Glancing over her shoulder, she gave me a small smile. “Many. Now, be quiet.” Her cryptic statement only confirmed how little I knew about my new life with Rurik…and Tane.

One day would I be leading some naïve girl through these caves answering similar questions? My future held endless possibilities and loomed ahead like a map drawn by a blind man. It made no sense.

Gwen brought us to a metal door set into the stone and used a skeleton key to unlock it.

A furred monstrous head popped out.

A shrill, high-pitched scream split the still air in the cave until I ran out of breath. It echoed as I sucked in a lung of air.

Both the beast and Gwen stared at me as if I’d lost my mind.

It stepped through the doorway to crowd the cave as it stooped against the stone roof.

Long, sharp claws extended from its fingers and toes, which clicked on the floor. Brown thick fur covered its bipedal body. Leaning forward its blue eyes regarded me with intelligence.

Every muscle seized in terror and I couldn’t move.

“For something so small you sure can make a big noise.” The beast spoke clear English.

Gwen chuckled behind him and it was definitely a him. He didn’t wear any clothes to hide the fact. “You’re her first werewolf in beast form.”

“A virgin, my favorite kind of snack.” His tongue lolled to the side of his mouth as he gave a wolfish grin. “Is this Tane’s Rabbit?”

“Yes.” She smacked him on the haunch. “This scruffy dog is my brother, Kam. He’s guarding the prisoner.” Her smile faded as she regarded me. “You can stick your eyes back in their sockets now.”

Blood returned to my head and rushed to my cheeks. I couldn’t help my initial reaction. No one had prepared me.

Gwen faced her brother. “Who’s with you?”

“We’re spread pretty thin, sis. I’m by myself. Why do you think I’m in this form?

Heard he kicked your ass and almost killed Jacob.”

I found my voice, but it sounded a couple octaves too high. “Who’s Jacob?”

“The other guard set in your hotel room last night.” She petted Kam’s fur. “Why don’t you go stretch your legs, I’ll keep an eye on him.”

He glanced from her to me and back again. “I want him in the same condition when I get back. No missing appendages or anything.”

“Just a few questions.” She smiled sweetly.

“Did you notice he smells funny?” The werewolf stepped around me. My body still hadn’t recovered from the shock. It couldn’t move yet.