Just as well,Bashir thought.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” Nog said, possibly for the hundredth time. He gritted his teeth as Lieutenant Candlewood checked the dressings on the stump of his left leg and made a quick tricorder scan of the rapidly healing—though still raw—wound that lay beneath.
Nog’s voice was flat and devoid of emotion. “I really can’t believe this is happening.”
Neither could Bashir. But the subject of Nog’s incredulity wasn’t his primary concern at the moment.
Ezri is.
She lay on the biobed between Nog’s and the one located in the medical bay’s farthest corner, on which the last of the convalescing aliens slumbered. Ezri’s breathing was ragged and shallow, and her pallor had increased hourly while she had drifted in an out of consciousness, confused and terrified during her few brief intervals of wakefulness. At least she was asleep at the moment, Bashir thought, without the need for the delta wave inducer. He was thankful for that one small mercy.
Krissten stood on the far side of Ezri’s biobed. “Dr. Bashir,” she whispered. “You’ve been… hoveringfor hours. Why don’t you get some rest? I’ll call you the next time she comes to.”
The medical bay doors hissed open before he could reply. Rubbing a weary eye with the palm of his hand, he turned toward the sound.
Commander Vaughn strode deliberately into the room, his craggy features solemn. Shar was at his side, his expression even more unreadable than usual, if that was possible.
Vaughn was first to speak. “Trying to communicate with the aliens has kept us a bit busy for the past few hours, Doctor. Sorry I haven’t had a chance to get down here before now.”
Bashir felt slightly muddled for a moment. Aliens? Then a glance at the long, spindly figure curled awkwardly on the third biobed brought him to alertness.
“Yes, of course, the aliens,” Bashir said at length. Now that he had released all of them except one, gravity in the medical bay had been adjusted back to its customary one gee, except for the immediate vicinity of the corner biobed. Krissten had made no secret of her delight at the return of Earth-normal gravity.
“Has anyone managed to translate their, uh, language yet?” Bashir asked.
Shar’s white dreadlocks, stark against his sky-blue skin, twirled slightly as he shook his head. “It’s hard to tell. But with Lieutenant Bowers and Crewmen T’rb and Cassini assisting me, I think we will manage it eventually. The alien text you downloaded may prove helpful in that regard after all.”
“Any change down here?” Vaughn said, looking in Ezri’s direction.
Bashir gazed at Nog and decided that any discussion of Ezri’s prognosis ought not to occur within range of the chief engineer’s sensitive ears. There was nothing to be gained by stressing him with bad news. Bashir gestured toward his office as Shar excused himself to speak with Nog.
“Give me the bad news first, Doctor,” Vaughn said, once the office door had closed discreetly behind him and Bashir.
“Ezri’s slipping away from us,” Bashir said. From me.He felt exhaustion suddenly gaining on him, with despair coming up hard on its heels. He sank heavily into the chair behind his desk.
“How?” Vaughn said, standing on the other side of the desk.
“There’s massive peritoneal inflammation in and around the symbiont pouch. As well as progressive neurotransmitter and endocrine imbalances, including toxic levels of thorocrine production.”
“Bottom line?”
“Ezri’s body is rejecting the symbiont. It’s happening very slowly, but there’s no denying it. And apparently no stopping it either. Her neurotransmitter production has fallen to critical levels, and her body is even rejecting direct isoboramine injections.”
“Isoboramine?” Vaughn said.
“It’s a neurotransmitter unique to Trills. Without a sufficient isoboramine concentration, the neural link between host and symbiont collapses, and the symbiont has to be removed in order to keep it alive.”
“Any clue as to what’s causing it?” Vaughn said, folding his arms.
Bashir shook his head. “All I can tell at this point is what’s probably notcausing it. I can find no trace of any unusual virus or prion anywhere in her body. I tried a course of metraprovoline, lethozine, and metrazene, which will knock certain retroviruses out cold, even if we’d failed to detect them. No response. And I got the same results with the full spectrum of general antirejection drugs, the sort we ordinarily use on organ transplant patients. Neurogenics, for stimulating neurotransmitter production and uptake, have also proved to be a dead end. I even tried bethanamine.”
“Another neurotransmitter?”
“An inhibitor, actually. Bethanamine is a little-known Trill drug set which has been used occasionally to safely separate symbiont from host. But it failed to work on Ezri, for no reason I can fathom. In fact, nothing I’ve tried as yet has made very much difference at all. It’s as though her body is a computer running a program that can’t be altered once it’s started.”
“Could the Sagan’s encounter with the alien artifact have anything to do with this?”
“I still can’t say for certain. All I know for sure is that Ezri’s isoboramine levels are still falling and the critical neuro-umbilical pathways between her and Dax are degrading. Net result: Her body is continuing to reject the symbiont. And I can’t stop it.” Bashir slammed his fist on the desk in frustration and then lapsed into silence.
From the back corridors of his memory, he heard the words of encouragement he had spoken to Jadzia after Verad had briefly taken possession of the Dax symbiont. You’re not going to die. Do you hear me? I’m not going to let you die.He tried not to dwell on his ultimate failure to deliver on his promise to Jadzia, a mere four years later. Or the fact that another such failure now appeared all but inevitable.
Vaughn’s impatient prodding brought him out of his reverie. “I said, ‘What’s next?’ Surely you’re not giving up, Doctor.”
Bashir shook his head, though he already felt utterly and completely defeated. “The symbiont appears to be exhibiting signs of incipient ischemic necrosis. As Ezri’s body continues to weaken, the symbiont is losing more and more of its vascular support. I’m afraid I’m running out of options.”
What I need is a miracle.
Vaughn seemed to turn that information over in his mind for several moments before speaking again. “How long does she have?”
“At the rate she’s producing rejection toxins, she might last a few more hours at the outside. That goes for the Dax symbiont, too, unless we remove it.”
Vaughn clearly was not ready to concede defeat. “All right. There are no other Trills on board, so transplanting the Dax symbiont is out of the question. Unless…”
“What about placing her in stasis, symbiont and all?”
“A stasis field wouldn’t slow down the ongoing neural collapse. It might even hasten it.”
“All right.” Bashir could still hear a note of hope in Vaughn’s voice. “Trill symbionts have been implanted in humans from time to time, correct?”
Bashir nodded cautiously. “But only on a verytemporary basis. Even if we’d started heading for Trill yesterday at maximum warp, the journey would still take weeks too long. And no Trill–human symbiosis could last long enough to keep the symbiont alive long enough.”
“Couldn’t we transfer the symbiont briefly into a series of different human hosts?”
“The hosts could probably tolerate that. But there’s no way the symbiont could. A series of marginal transplants like that would place far too much strain on it, without allowing for a sufficient refractory period. If the Dax symbiont is going to have any chance at all, it has to be returned to the Caves of Mak’ala on Trill, or the nearest equivalent, within a few hours of its removal from the host.”