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Zheludov, Victor M., ‘Favurit russiski [Russian favourite]’, ‘Pero istorii soyedinilo ikh [History’s pen has written them]’, ‘Serdtse knyazya Potemkina [Potemkin’s heart]’, ‘Zdes rodilsia Potemkin [Here Potemkin was born]’ and ‘Tsarski kolodets [The Tsarina’s well]’, all published in Rayonnay Gazeta of the Dukhovshchina Region of Smolensk Oblast, 6 May 1996, 14 December 1995, 12 October 1993, 6 August 1992 respectively

Ziegler, Philip, The Duchess of Dino, London 1962

Zotov, V., Cagliostro: His Life and Visit to Russia, RS (1875)

(Zubov, P. A.,) Knyaz Platon Alexandrovich Zubov 1767–1822, RS 16 and 17

Zuev, V., Travel Notes, Istoricheskiy i geographicheskiy mesyazeslov, St Petersburg 1782–3

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