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Steveni, William Barnes, Petrograd Past and Present, London: Grant Richards, 1915.

Stites, Richard, Women’s Liberation Movement in Russia: Feminism, Nihilism and Bolshevism, 1860–1930, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1978.

Swann, Herbert, Home on the Neva: A Life of a British Family in Tsarist St Petersburg, and After the Revolution, London: Gollancz, 1968.

Thurstan, Violetta, Field Hospital and Flying Column, Being the Journal of an English Nursing Sister in Belgium and Russia, London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1915.

—— The People Who Run, Being the Tragedy of the Refugees in Russia, London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1916.

Tyrkova-Williams, Ariadna, From Liberty to Brest-Litovsk, London: Macmillan & Co., 1919.

—— Cheerful Giver: The Life of Harold Williams, London: P. Davies, 1935.

Walpole, Hugh, The Secret City, Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 1997 [1919].

Wilcox, E. H., Russia’s Ruin, New York: Scribner’s, 1919.

Williams, Harold, Russia of the Russians, London: Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1920.

Windt, Harry de, Russia as I Know It, London: Chapman & Hall, 1917.

Winter, Ella and Hicks, Granville, Letters of Lincoln Steffens, vol. 1: 1889–1919, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1938.

Newspaper & magazine articles

‘The Anglo-Russian Hospital’, British Journal of Nursing, 9 October 1915, 293–4.

Barnes, Harper, ‘Russian Rhapsody: A Small City North of Moscow Opens a Museum to Honor a Former St Louis Mayor’, St Louis Post-Dispatch, 24 August 1997.

Birkmyre, Robert, ‘The Anglo-Russian Bureau in Petrograd’, Review of Reviews, 55, 1917, 262–3.

‘Bolsheviki at Russia’s Throat’, Literary Digest, 55, October–December 1917, 9–11.

Britannia [formerly The Suffragette], June–November 1917.

Bullard, Arthur, ‘The Russian Revolution in a Police Station’, Harper’s Magazine, CXXXVI, 1918, 335–40.

Chatterjee, Choi, ‘Odds and Ends of the Russian Revolution, 1917–1920’, Journal of Women’s History 20:4, Winter 2008, 10–33.

Colton, Ethan, ‘With the YMCA in Revolutionary Russia’, Russian Review, 2: XXIV, April 1955, 128–39.

Corse, Frederick, ‘An American’s Escape from Russia. Parleying with the Reds and the Whites’, The World’s Work, 36:5, 1918, 553–60.

Cross, Antony, ‘Forgotten British Places in Petrograd’, Europa Orientalis, 5:1, 2004, 135–47.

Feist, Joe Michael, ‘Railways and Politics: The Russian Diary of George Gibbs 1917’, Wisconsin Magazine of History, 62:3, Spring 1979, 178–99.

Hunter, T. Murray, ‘Sir George Bury and the Russian Revolution’, Rapports annuels de la Société historique du Canada, 44:1, 1965, 58–70.

Jansen, Marc, ‘L.H. Grondijs and Russia: The acts and opinions of a Dutch White Guard’, Revolutionary Russia, 7:1, 1994, 20–33.

Jones, R. Jeffreys, ‘W. Somerset Maugham, Anglo-American Agent in Revolutionary Russia’, American Quarterly, 28:1, 1976, 90–106.

Karpovich, M., ‘The Russian Revolution of 1917’, Journal of Modern History, 2:2, 1930, 258–80.

‘Lady Georgina Buchanan’, obituary, The Times, 26 April 1922.

McGlashan, Z. B., ‘Women Witness the Russian Revolution: Analysing Ways of Seeing’, Journalism History, 12:2, 1995, 54–61.

Mason, Gregory, ‘Russia’s Refugees’, Outlook, 112, 19 January 1916, 141–4.

Mohrenschildt, Dimitri von, ‘The Early American Observers of the Russian Revolution’, Russian Review 3(1), Autumn 1943, 64–74.

Mohrenschildt is also author of ‘Lincoln Steffens and the Russian Bolshevik Revolution’, Russian Review, 5:1, 1945, 31–41.

Neilson, K., ‘“Joy Rides?” British Intelligence and Propaganda in Russia 1914–1917’, Historical Journal, 24:4, 1981, 885–906.

Sokoloff, Jean, ‘The Dissolution of Petrograd’, Atlantic Monthly, 128, 1921, 843–50.

Urquhart, Leslie, ‘Some Russian Realities’, Littell’s Living Age, 296, 1918, 137–44.

Varley, Martin, ‘The Thornton Woollen Mill, St Petersburg’, History Today, 44:12, December 1994, 62.

Walpole, Hugh, ‘Pen Portrait of Somerset Maugham’, Vanity Fair, 13:4, 1920, 47–9.

Williams, Harold, ‘Petrograd’, Slavonic Review, 2:4, June 1923, 14–35.

Wynn, Marion, ‘Romanov connections with the Anglo-Russian Hospital in Petrograd’, Royalty Digest, 139, January 2003, 214–19.


The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.


Academy of Art, Petrograd

accommodation shortages

Admiralty Gardens, Petrograd

African Americans


Alexander II

Alexander III

Alexander Nevsky Monastery, Petrograd

Alexander Palace, Tsarskoe Selo

Alexandra Feodorovna

Alexandra, Queen

Alexandrinsky Theatre, Petrograd

Alexandrovsky Military Academy Petrograd

Alexey Nikolaevich, Tsarevich

Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

All Russian Congress of Soviets

American Church, Petrograd

American Colony Hospital, Petrograd

American International Corporation


Andrews, Louisette

Anet, Claude

Anglican Church, Petrograd

Anglo-Russian Hospital, Petrograd

Anglo-Russian Propaganda Bureau

Anichkov Bridge, Petrograd



Arbenina, Stella (Baroness Meyedorff)

Archangel, Russia

Armour, Norman

Army and Navy Hall, Petrograd

‘Around the World in Wartime’

Arsenal, Petrograd

Artillery Department, Petrograd

Ashenden (Maugham)

Associated Press

Astor family

Astoria, see Hotel Astoria

Astrakhan, Russia

astrakhan hats




Axelbank, Hermann



Baku, Azerbaijan

Bakunin, Mikhail Alexandrovich


Balfour, Arthur


Baltic fleet, see under Russian Navy

Baltic Station, Petrograd

Baring, John, 2nd Baron Revelstoke


Bastille, Paris

Bathurst family

Battle of Mons (1914)

Battle of the Somme (1916)

Battle of Verdun (1916)


Beatty, Bessie

Beatty, Warren



Bell syndicate

Beloostrov, Petrograd

Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace, Petrograd, see also Anglo-Russian Hospital

Beringer, Guy

Berkman, Alexander

Bicycle Battalion

Blanqui, Louis Auguste

Bliss, Clinton A.

BloodStained Russia (Thompson)

Bloody Sunday (1905)

Bochkareva, Maria

Bologoe, Russia


Boris Godunov (Mussorgsky)

Boris Vladimirovich, Grand Duke

Boston Red Sox

Boston Sunday Globe


Bowerman, Elsie

bread, bread protests

Brest-Litovsk Treaty (1918)


bridge (game)

Brisac, Auguste

Britain, British embassy

1910 Buchanan becomes ambassador to Russia

1916 opening of Anglo-Russian Hospital; Buchanan visits Tsar at Tsarskoe Selo

1917 New Year diplomatic reception at Catherine Palace, Allied conference in Petrograd, Buchanan visits Pokrovsky, Buchanan refuses Freedericksz family refuge, recognition of Russian Provisional Government, Labour Party representatives visit Petrograd, Henderson sent to Petrograd, Pankhurst visits Petrograd, British Colony Hospital offers refuge to expat community, expats begin fleeing Petrograd, Maugham sent to Petrograd for SIS, Buchanans prepare to leave Petrograd, Knox negotiates with Bolsheviks over Women’s Battalion, cadets smuggled out of Petrograd, Trotsky refuse exit permits for expats, assassination threats against Buchanan, Christmas celebrations; farewell for Buchanans, Buchanans leave Petrograd