32 Cantacuzène, Revolutionary Days, 275.
33 Paléologue, 897; Chambrun, Lettres à Marie, 98.
34 See Paléologue, 898; Robien, 50.
35 Francis, 101, 102; ‘D. R. Francis Valet’, St Louis Post-Dispatch.
36 Fleurot, 151.
37 See Foglesong, ‘A Missouri Democrat’, 34.
38 Paléologue, 910; Robien, 48; Anet, 161; Brown, Doomsday, 102.
39 Rogers, 3:8, 73.
40 Philips Price, My Reminiscences of the Russian Revolution, 21.
41 Ibid.; Heald, 86.
42 Heald, 87, 88.
43 Anet, 163–4.
44 Ibid., 163.
45 Paléologue, 912.
46 Rogers, 3:8, 73, 81.
47 Fleurot, 153.
48 Anet, 166, 167.
49 Thompson, 167–8.
50 Ibid., 169, 170.
51 Dosch, 153; Cordasco (Woodhouse), online memoir.
52 Golder, War, Revolution and Peace in Russia, 65; Paléologue 917.
53 Lockhart, Memoirs of a British Agent, 175.
54 Steffens, ‘What Free Russia Asks of Her Allies’, 137; Heald, 89.
55 Farson, Way of a Transgressor, 199.
56 Ibid., 201.
57 Fleurot, 155–6.
58 Paléologue, 925, 930; Robien, 54.
59 Chambrun, Lettres à Marie, 142.
60 Hughes, Inside the Enigma, 97.
61 Ibid., 98. Henderson’s visit was also described in detail by Meriel Buchanan in Dissolution, 209–15, and in her Diplomacy and Foreign Courts, London: Hutchinson, 1928, 222–4.
62 See Dissolution, 211–12.
63 Hughes, Inside the Enigma, 99; see also Buchanan, Ambassador’s Daughter, 169, 172, and Mission, 144–7.
64 Pares, My Russian Memoirs, 471.
65 Gordon, Russian Year, 154–5.
66 Robien, 58–60; Heald, 92.
67 Robien, 62, 65; Hall, One Man’s War, 281.
68 Crosley, 60, 58.
69 Stinton Jones, ‘Czar Looked Over My Shoulder’, 102.
70 Marcosson, Before I Forget, 244.
71 Vandervelde, Three Aspects of the Russian Revolution, 31.
72 Ransome, letter 27 May 1917.
73 Dorr, Woman of Fifty, 332.
10 ‘The Greatest Thing in Hstory since Joan of Arc’
1 Mackenzie, Shoulder to Shoulder, 313.
2 Mitchell, Women on the Warpath, 65–6; Harper, 163.
3 Purvis, Emmeline Pankhurst, 292. See ibid., n.2, Chapter 20, 293.
4 Harper, 162.
5 Ibid., 163.
6 Kenney, ‘The Price of Liberty’, 12–13.
7 Ibid., 13.
8 Ibid., 19.
9 Ibid.
10 Rappaport, Women Social Reformers, vol. 2, Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, 2001, 635.
11 Kerby, ‘Bubbling Brook’, 22.
12 Rogers, 3:8, 84.
13 Harper, 252; Armour, ‘Recollections’, 7.
14 Rogers, 3:8, 85.
15 Beatty, 38.
16 Rogers, 3:8, 86; Beatty, 35.
17 Kennan, Russia Leaves the War, 22, 21.
18 Harper, 164, 162.
19 Kenney, ‘Price of Liberty’, 27.
20 Ibid.
21 Mackenzie, Shoulder to Shoulder, 313; see also Mitchell, Women on the Warpath, 67, 69.
22 Kenney, ‘Price of Liberty’, 42, 43.
23 See Botchkareva, Yashka, Chapter 6, ‘I Enlist by the Grace of the Tsar’.
24 Beatty, 93.
25 Dorr, ‘Maria Botchkareva Leader of Soldiers’, La Crosse Tribune and Leader-Press, 9 June 1918.
26 Botchkareva, Yashka, 162.
27 Vecchi, Tavern is My Drum, 79; see also Bochkareva’s ‘Deposition about the Women’s Battalion’, which describes how it was formed; in Rovin Bisha et al., Russian Women, 1698–1917, Experience & Expression, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002, 222–31.
28 Vecchi, Tavern is My Drum, 79.
29 See Botchkareva, Yashka, 165–8.
30 Russell, Unchained Russia, 210–11.
31 See also ‘Russia’s Women Soldiers’, Literary Digest, 29 September 1917, written by an Associated Press Correspondent; Long, Russian Revolution Aspects, 98.
32 Beatty, 100–1.
33 Thompson, 271; see also Dorr, Inside the Russian Revolution, 54–5.
34 Thompson, 272–3; Stites, Women’s Liberation Movement in Russia, 296; Beatty, 107.
35 Botchkareva, Yashka, 168.
36 Thompson’s coverage of the Women’s Death Battalion attracted considerable press notice in the USA. See Mould, ‘Russian Revolution’, n. 16, p. 9.
37 Mackenzie, Shoulder to Shoulder, 315; Kenney, ‘Price of Liberty’, 35.
38 See Botchkareva, Yashka, 189–91.
39 Dorr, ‘Marie Botchkareva, Leader of Soldiers’; Kenney, ‘Price of Liberty’, 49.
40 Harper, 170.
41 Dissolution, 217; Vecchi, Tavern is My Drum, 79; Harper, 172.
42 Mackenzie, Shoulder to Shoulder, 314.
43 Thompson, 274.
44 Poutiatine, War and Revolution in Russia, 73–4.
45 Patouillet, 1:147.
46 Shepherd, ‘The Soul That Stirs in “Battalions of Death”’, Delineator, XCII:3, March 1918, 5.
47 Harper, 173, 174; see Chapter X for the Women’s Death Battalion.
48 See Botchkareva, Yashka, 217.
49 Mackenzie, Shoulder to Shoulder; Britannia, 3 August 1917.
50 Kenney, ‘Price of Liberty’, 37. Pankhurst relayed Yusupov’s version of events to Rheta Childe Dorr, who was one of the first to publish this account from the horse’s mouth.
51 Kenney, ‘Price of Liberty’, 53, 54.
52 Mitchell, Women on the Warpath, 66.
53 Harper, 163, 165, 166.
54 Ibid., 180.
55 Ibid., 187, 183.
56 Ibid., 182, 192.
57 Ibid. 253, 185; Francis, 145.
58 Harper, 188, 189, 192.
59 Rogers, 3:8, 87.
60 Wright, 93.
61 Ibid., 91.
62 Gerda and Hermann Weber, Lenin, Life and Works, New York: Facts on File, 1980, 134.
63 Harper, 254.
11 ‘What Would the Colony Say if We Ran Away?’
1 See Figes, People’s Tragedy, 396.
2 Harper, 194–5.
3 Harper, 199; Ransome, quoted in Pitcher, Witnesses of the Russian Revolution, 120.
4 Harper, 202.
5 Thompson, 284, 283. Morgan Philips Price also visited in June and wrote a piece published in the Manchester Guardian on 17 July, see Pitcher, Witnesses of the Russian Revolution, 103–10.
6 Crosley, 79–80.
7 Pipes, Russian Revolution, 419; Figes, People’s Tragedy, 426–8.
8 Dorr, Inside the Russian Revolution, 25; Thompson, 288.
9 Dissolution, 219; Mission, 152; Robien, 82.
10 Dissolution, 220, and Petrograd, 134; Lady Georgina Buchanan, ‘From the Petrograd Embassy’, 20, letter of 22/9 July.
11 Robien, 83; Noulens, Mon Ambassade en Russie Soviétique, 65, has a drawing of de Buisseret’s motor car loaded down with heavily armed Bolsheviks. Thompson, 287.
12 Nellie Thornton, ‘Englishwoman’s Experiences during the Russian Revolution’, 2–4.
13 Garstin, ‘Denis Garstin and the Russian Revolution’, 593.
14 Patin, Journal d’une institutrice française, 48.
15 Stopford, 171; Poole, Dark People, 4, 5.
16 Crosley, 90–2.
17 Blunt, Lady Muriel, 109.
18 Stopford, 175.
19 The World, 19 July 1917, quoted in Hawkins, ‘Through War to Revolution with Dosch Fleurot’, 70–1.
20 Harold Williams, Shadow of Tyranny, 57.
21 New York Times despatch for 4/17 July in ibid., 57, 58–9.
22 Poole, Dark People, 5.
23 Poole, The Bridge, 276; Poole, Dark People, 8; see also Thompson, 296.
24 Robien, 83.
25 Beatty, 115.
26 Ibid., 118.
27 Robien, 83; Petrograd, 136.
28 Harold Williams, Shadow of Tyranny, 63.
29 Ibid.
30 Lady Georgina Buchanan, ‘From the Petrograd Embassy’, 21.
31 Petrograd, 136–7.
32 Dissolution, 222; Poole, The Bridge, 275.
33 Beatty, 119, 121.
34 Wright, 101.
35 Rogers, 3:8, 98.
36 Ibid., 3:8, 99–100.
37 Dissolution, 222–3.
38 Beatty, 122.
39 Bliss, ‘Philip Jordan’s Letters from Russia’, 143.
40 Francis, 137; Robien, 85.
41 Rogers, 3:8, 101; Williams, 88.
42 Francis, 138; See Chapter 6; P. N. Pereverzev, ‘Lenin, Ganetsy, I Ko. Shpiony!’, http://militera.lib.ru/research/sobolev_gl/06.html
43 Lady Georgina Buchanan, ‘From the Petrograd Embassy’, 21.