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“What if the guards contact him to verify who you are?”

He smiled. “The shuttle is sending out a signal blocker. Their communications from this area aren’t getting to the colony.”


Cavas turned, slowly, walking to the stone chair that was more like a throne. She followed, trying to digest what he’d just told her. No sympathy rose in her for the criminal. “Why did he kill his slaves and kids?”

“To prevent them from testifying against him when he was captured. As if their still warm bodies weren’t enough for me to find him guilty. All of them showed signs of long-term abuse. Including his own children. He deserved death.”

She couldn’t argue with that.

There was a long, wide step at the bottom of the throne-like chair. He turned and took a seat, and she lowered herself at his feet, adjusting her skirt to keep her modesty. It wasn’t easy to do with so little material to work with. Her and Nara had managed to make a form of underwear, but it wasn’t much more than a scrap of material to cover her slit.

“Four guards are on the walkway that leads to the mountain entrance.”

She followed his gaze, keeping her head down. The pedestal-like box they were on sat higher, at the very top of the arena. It gave them an excellent view. The walkway on their level ran the entire circumference of the arena. Other luxury boxes were spaced out about thirty feet apart along the structure. The box to their left sat empty. Below, she could see a metal bridge that led from the arena to two massive open doors in the dark mountain. It had to be a good five hundred or so feet of distance from the arena to the doors. Four guards were patrolling the bridge—and they were heavily armed.

“That’s not good.”

“The level below must lead to that walkway to the mountain.”

She agreed. The bridge looked like it sat one level down. “How are we going to get across that without being shot or captured?”

“I’m working on forming a plan.”

She sealed her lips and turned her head. To their right was another box. That one wasn’t empty. A big green toad alien sat on the rock throne, and he had two slaves at his feet. One resembled some type of pink bird. The other was of the same toad-looking race. Clearly a female, since she had large bumps on her chest. Jill easily counted four, since the slave didn’t wear a top. Just a skirt at her rounded waist.

“Don’t stare,” Cavas whispered.

She dropped her gaze and faced his leg. Footsteps approached, and two new aliens came up the steps. They appeared male, and they resembled yellow humanoid lizards. They weren’t very big. Maybe five feet tall, thin bodied, and they had thick tails. One carried a huge tray of food and a tall mug. The other had a smaller tray.

She tensed as they approached but they didn’t touch her. One set down a tray next to her, the smaller one. The larger tray with food was placed on the opposite arm of Cavas’s chair. They hurried away, tails dragging behind them.

“More spectators and guards are filling the arena. They must have sent a lot of transports from the colony. I’m estimating at least five hundred aliens filling those seats.”

She darted a look. Cavas was right. The lower seats were being filled by various aliens and, as she lifted her gaze, she saw more masters arriving with female slaves to the other luxury boxes. Some guards stood on little platforms they used ladders to reach. All of them were armed with long weapons. It made her fear notch higher but none seemed to be paying them any attention.

“Eat your food,” she suggested.

“I’m not hungry. Are you? There’s plenty here.”

“Don’t you dare try to feed me,” she warned. “That’s a big no. Masters would never do that.” She glanced at the small tray of colored liquids. “I should probably rub your feet.”


She rolled her eyes. So much for Cavas playing along. She darted her gaze to the box next to them. The toad female was rubbing her master’s leg with her head, kind of nuzzling him. He patted her bald head. The poor female bird alien held the toad master’s foot in both hands and appeared to be licking his skin. Jill gagged a little but managed to muffle it, refusing to watch.

Cavas growled low, and she glanced up at him. He seemed to be staring at some of the other luxury boxes behind her, across the arena. She subtly tucked her head and peeked.

What she saw shocked her.

One gray rock-looking alien had a female blob thing giving him oral sex. The box next to them contained a furry rodent alien with another bird female. He had her on his lap, and from the way he was moving, they were definitely going at it.

She turned her head the other way and peeked again. It confirmed her suspicions. Most masters were having sex with their slaves. Some were screwing them, others were getting oral sex. Things had also heated up with toad alien and his two slaves. The toad female had her face buried in his lap. That wasn’t something Jill really wanted to get a better look at.

She grit her teeth and glanced back up at Cavas.

His mouth had set in a grim line, his expression angry.

She swallowed hard and checked out the guards. They’d drawn attention, probably because theirs was the only luxury box where action wasn’t taking place.

Panic filled her, and she rose to her feet, put her hands on Cavas’s stomach and began to rub him. His skin was hot, smooth, and firm. He reached for her hands.

“Don’t touch me.”

“Go with it, damn it,” she hissed. “The guards are watching us.”

He tensed, his gaze widening as she slid her hands toward the waist of his pants. She lifted higher, trying to use her body to block the sight of his crotch. He grabbed her wrists.


“All the masters in the boxes are having sex,” she whispered. “Are the guards still watching?”

He tore his gaze away from her and scanned around them stealthily, before grunting, “Yes.”

“Then act, damn it. I am not getting arrested and sold again because you’re a prude. We can totally fake getting it on.”

He scowled but eased his hold on her wrists. She fumbled with his pants, staring into his golden eyes to avoid seeing what he had down there. He grimaced slightly as she tugged the material down to free his alien junk—and something thick and hard brushed against the side of her hand.

She froze for a moment, realizing Cavas had grown aroused. Alien or not, she figured that would be universal. Guys got turned-on when women touched their privates. Especially if those women were mostly naked—and that currently described her. The only alien penis she’d seen had been bug guy’s, and that had been scary, strange, and a big hell no.

Cavas was much more attractive than bug alien in every way. Jill was tempted to take a peek to see what he was sporting down there. Instead, she lifted her leg and straddled his upper thighs, where material covered his skin. She trapped his freed cock between their bellies.

“What are you doing on my lap?” He ground out the words, looking enraged and dumbfounded at the same time. “I thought you’d just pretend to put your face close to me.”

“Faking that we’re fucking. Just go with it.” She couldn’t miss how his cock already felt larger and thicker against her bare belly, where she had their bodies pressed together to hide the fact he wasn’t inside her. Jill started to lift her hips slightly and bounce on his lap.

“Grab my ass, Cavas,” she softly urged. “Give them a show.”

His big hands slid down her hips to wrap around her ass.

Awareness of how good it felt to be touched that way—by Cavas—jolted her entire body.

Jill tried hard to ignore the intimacy currently building between them. He’d shown no interest in her before that moment. His body was just responding to her touching him. It would be a mistake to think it was more than just a physical reaction on his part. She continued moving against him as if he were inside her. That thick length of his cock hardened even more, felt even bigger. Jill couldn’t miss it.