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Cavas was hung.

She made the mistake of staring into his eyes. The predatory look she’d seen before had returned. It was a reminder that he was probably dangerous as hell as he glared at her in a way that promised payback. His lips parted, and he flashed some sharp teeth when he bit his bottom lip.

She kept moving, more afraid of the guards than him.

“Stop!” he groaned, his hands tightening.

He was strong, and his hold on her became bruising. She had to stop moving or risk him clawing her ass when his sharp fingernails dug into her skin. He was breathing heavily.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m going to spill my seed all over us both if you don’t hold still,” he hissed, his teeth clenched.

She felt his cock twitch between them. “We were faking, remember? Pretending?”

“You climbed on me and rubbed against my dick with your bare skin,” he pointed out wryly.

She felt his cock twitch again between their bodies. His his alien penis felt like a pipe. A hot and fleshy one, but still as hard and big as a steel pipe.

“Can you, um, make it go soft?”

A muscle in his jaw clenched as he ground his teeth, then his mouth parted and he took some deep breaths. “Just lean back, and I’ll put myself away. You shouldn’t have taken my dick out of my pants, Jill.”

“I had to flash you at first to make it look real.”

He released her ass and slid his hands between them. She was forced to lean back to give him room. He arched under her, easily lifting her entire body with his, and tucked that big boy away inside his pants. Then he shifted again, holding her in place as he seemed to adjust the angle of his hard-on into a more comfortable position.

She carefully eased off his lap—that’s when she became aware of her own little issues.

Jill had been so busy acting, terrified that the guards would become suspicious of them, that she hadn’t noticed how much she was responding to the feel of his hands on her ass, the friction of their bodies rubbing together. Her nipples ached, and there was a deep throbbing between her legs.

She inwardly cursed herself—but she would never admit Cavas had affected her so strongly. He was an alien. A lion man twice her size. She didn’t even think he liked her. His body had simply responded to stimulus. It wasn’t personal…but the way she was turned-on made her feel oddly guilty.

“The guards aren’t staring at us anymore,” he softly said.

“Good. My plan worked.” She refused to look up at him as she spoke.

Chapter Six

Cavas shoved food into his mouth and chewed, a sad attempt to fill one need with another. He also tried to ignore the female at his feet. His dick pulsed, still filled with blood, and he began mentally replaying some of the most gruesome battles he’d ever fought.

It helped kill his lust for the human.

He couldn’t even stay angry at Jill. The guards had taken notice of the two of them when males in the other boxes had begun to make use of their female slaves. It had angered him—until Jill had climbed onto his lap.

Then there had only been her.

She smelled good, her skin noticeably soft, and his body had responded despite him trying to ignore the silky skin caressing his dick.

He’d always seen the attractiveness of humans, but they were too frail and dainty to satisfy a Tryleskian male in bed.

His brother had fallen in love with Nara while in heat. Once his heart had been captured by her, he’d been left with no choice but to life-lock to the female. He’d partially pitied Cathian, certain that the sex would be dull. At least, he’d been a firm believer of that until Jill had practically attacked him.

The way she’d held on to him, vigorously grinding her hips, and the feel of her flesh against his dick had him reconsidering his previous stance.

His dick twitched again, and he quickly stopped thinking about Jill. It would be best if he tried hard to forget what she’d done. And how she’d made him feel. They were on a mission. It wasn’t the time to be having those types of thoughts.

He focused on his surroundings and how to get inside the mountain. Retrieving Crath was his mission.

The spectators began to rumble, calling out loudly in different languages. He straightened in his seat, glad that his dick had finally softened. It made sitting easier.

Below, a large green beast stalked into view. A roar of rage came from the male. Cavas was certain it was the same alien from the cells under the bar.

He growled low, irritated that the male hadn’t gotten away from his captors.

“What is it?”

“He was locked up where you were, inside the cells under the bar. It appears he wasn’t able to escape if he’s here…or they recaptured him.”

A Kret came out next. Those aliens were a large race with bodies covered in thick scales and sharp appendages. It would be tough for the furry green beast to best one in battle, but not impossible.

He couldn’t wait to have Yorlian Trevis arrested for his crimes. The two aliens in the arena were about to fight to the death to amuse onlookers.

“Get ready,” he hissed. “We’re going to wait for the fight to begin, and then head for the walkway. All attention will be focused on the battle.”

“I think I should make a run for it, and you can chase me.”

“No. I won’t risk you.”

“The guards are armed. Those weapons they’re carrying can reach us from a distance if they shoot, right?”


“Right. That’s bad. I still think it would look less suspicious if your slave made a run for it, and you had to chase me. It will get us close to that bridge. They’ll be focused on me, not you. Then you can take them down.”

“We’ll move slow. They will probably believe I wanted to stretch my legs if they even notice we’ve left this box. The guards will wish to help me capture you if they think you’re attempting an escape. I won’t risk you getting hurt by them.”

He glanced at Jill. Her delicate features were scrunched, and she didn’t appear happy. Another roar gained his attention, and he stared down onto the arena floor. The green beast went after the Kret. The vicious alien dropped on all fours, presenting the thicker scales along its back, and rushed forward to meet the advancing green beast. They collided violently. The crowd cheered.

He darted a look at the guards. The fight kept their full attention, just as he assumed.

“Now,” he urged, getting to his feet and grabbing her arm.

He pulled Jill up, dragging her toward the stairs. The small female kept up. If anyone noticed them on the move, he wasn’t aware of it. A quick check on the guards had them still immersed in the battle taking place below.

The crowd yelled louder, seeming to chant for their favorite fighter. The green alien seemed to be winning.

They reached the lower platform, entering a covered corridor of sorts, and he moved faster, keeping hold of Jill’s arm. A quick glance at the guards proved him right. They were all staring at the fight.

She stumbled a few times, her smaller body bumping into his at his side, where he kept her tucked against him, but he made sure she didn’t trip. It was tempting to just toss her over his shoulder but she might get hurt if he had to drop her fast to free both arms to fight.

The space opened, and he saw the walkway and two of the guards to the right. There was a short hallway there that went under one of the luxury boxes. They both stiffened at the sight of him, turning their backs to the arena, where the noise had increased even more.

He released Jill’s arm and dropped the stupid leash.

Cavas lunged forward, grabbing both guards by their throats. He lifted, using his momentum to propel him forward into the hallway, with both males until they hit the railing on the walkway on the other side, where it extended behind the arena. Cavas hoisted them higher and gave a mighty shove, throwing them toward the edge. As soon as their own weight began to pull them over, he released them.