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She hoped her disgust didn’t show. Jill analyzed everything he’d said, carefully going over the details. “Are you about to go into heat?”

“No. This has nothing to do with my heat cycle. I’ve never agreed with how life-locks are chosen, or the timing of them. Cathian went into heat early, and his crew found Nara to feed him. Our father also sent Tryleskian breeding candidates he’d personally selected for my brother to meet him before his cycle ended. Cathian didn’t want any of them. Just Nara.

“They didn’t even realize until after his cycle ended that Nara had been implanted with a birth-control device. It’s why she didn’t get pregnant. He life-locked to her despite her not carrying his litter. Because she captured his heart. That device has since been removed. She will carry his litter next time he goes into heat. Our best scientists have determined how to make certain that happens.”

One thing he’d just said really had her curious. “Nara fed Cathian? You can’t lift your own spoon or fork to eat while in heat? Are you paralyzed or something? Or is it like a traditional thing for a woman to feed a man?”

He chuckled and got more comfortable on the couch. “Neither. We need to ingest female hormones to make our seed fertile. Nara and I discussed this, too. We are not something you call a ‘vampire’ on Earth. We go down on females to perform oral sex many times, gaining those needed hormones by arousing a female and getting her to climax.”

That flat-out shocked her.

“For days,” he added, grinning. “Nara enjoyed Cathian’s heat immensely. You will enjoy mine when it happens.”

Jill felt her cheeks heat, pretty sure she was blushing.

“I choose you, Jill. I hope you will consider becoming my life-lock. I plan to stay on The Vorge. This is my future. I’d like you to move into my cabin, or I could share yours. I believe we’d make an excellent match. It’s a simple, painless medical procedure to become life-locked.”

“What about love?” she blurted out. “What kind of medical procedure? What are you talking about?”

“I’m overwhelming you. I understand. How about if we start with our physical attraction? It’s strong on both our parts. Come to bed with me. Let me show you what we could have together. Nara said your women like to test before marrying someone. That means having sex first to make certain he’s a pleasing lover? Do I have that saying right? Let me show you that I’ll pass that test.”

Her mouth hung open again. Cavas was excellent at shocking her.

He chuckled. “Have I been too forthcoming?”

She sealed her mouth and swallowed hard. “Maybe a little.”

He leaned closer. “I’ll show you what a feeding is…”

Her heart pounded inside her chest. “Now?” Her voice came out a bit squeaky. “Here?”


She didn’t know what to say.

Cavas inched even closer and reached out, cupping her face. “Don’t panic, Jill. We’ll take things slow.”


In the next instant, he kissed her.

So much for slow, she thought, before his tongue delved into her mouth. She could have shoved him away…but she didn’t. Curiosity had her meeting his tongue with her own.

He was good at kissing. Too good.

She quickly lost the ability to think, instead just feeling. There was nothing but Cavas. His warm, strange-but-sexy textured tongue making love to hers.

His big hands were suddenly on her ribs, and he easily lifted her. Then she was reclining on the couch, leaning her elbows on the plush cushions beneath them, Cavas coming down over her.

He nudged her thighs with his leg, and she parted them. Cavas didn’t hesitate to move his hips closer until she felt the hard, thick press of his trapped cock right against the seam of her pants. He slowly began to rock, causing her to moan. It felt incredible as he rubbed against her clit.

A growl came from him. Where before it was scary, now it was sexy. His kisses became even more passionate, like he couldn’t get enough of her.

Jill totally understood. No one had ever made her as hot as he did. Maybe it was the danger factor that he was an alien. Or because he was so handsome. He also looked part animal, and there was a wildness to the way he touched her.

She clawed at his shirt, hating the feel of the material, wanting to touch his skin instead. Cavas kept kissing her, his mouth fused to hers, and increased the pressure and speed of his hips rocking between her thighs. She wrapped her legs around his waist and fell flatter onto her back, but she didn’t even care if they ended up on the floor as long as he kept doing what he was doing.

She ground her pelvis against that hard, thick length, wishing they were naked. The need to come had her aching. He moved against her as if he were just as desperate to make it happen.

Things were happening too fast, they were still dressed, but Jill was lost to how he made her feel. She’d never been so turned on. What he was doing felt too good.

Then she was crying out, her body seizing, as the climax tore through her.

Cavas snarled when she stopped kissing him and tore his mouth from hers. Jill was panting, her body trembling, trying desperately to breathe.

Then her eyes flew open when he lifted off her, quickly scooped her into his arms, and rushed toward the bed. He put her down before tearing at her clothing.

She didn’t protest as material ripped in his rush to get her naked. Part of her expected him to scratch her skin, but nothing hurt. He bared her easily, since she didn’t have underclothing on.

Jill caught her breath…almost…until he yanked his shirt over his head, throwing it to the side.

He had an amazing body. All that golden skin, and so many muscles.

He reached for the front of his pants next. “I’m going to feed from you first before I’m inside you,” he warned as he bent, shoving down his pants.

His voice came out more snarl than not. It should have scared her. Fear didn’t surface. She felt too good after he’d made her come, too lethargic as she recovered.

He dropped to his knees next to the bed before she could get a look at him naked from the waist down.

Cavas gripped her knees and he yanked her closer to the edge of the mattress and his body. Jill gasped at his strength, but before she could say or do anything, he parted her thighs and buried his face against her sex.

His hot mouth latched onto her clit, and she moaned loudly as his tongue lashed at the already oversensitive bud.

“Oh fuck,” she cried out, her hands instantly going to his head. Her fingers speared into his thick mane of hair, the urge to hold on to something strong. She’d never had a guy go down on her before. “Cavas,” she gasped. “I need to…”

He snarled against her clit, creating vibrations. He went at her aggressively, his tongue merciless in its speed and that strange, wonderful texture. Jill was lost to the pleasure. It was near painful, too, but it hurt too good to ask him to stop.

She didn’t even think it was possible to come twice in a row, but it happened.

The world seemed to explode inside her head as pleasure splintered through her body. She barely noticed when he pulled his mouth away, but she felt his weight press down as he moved on top of her. She managed to open her eyes, locking gazes with him.

He was beautiful. His eyes were golden, predatory again, and so sexy. She glanced at his mouth. It looked fuller than normal, a little swollen from what he’d just done, and he licked them with that tongue of his that she now knew could do such amazing things.