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“We need information,” Juna said. “Do you know if more of your people have gone missing?”

Beatrice nodded vigorously. “Yes, three in the past month, plus the two you rescued today.”

“Damn.” Jade placed a fist on her hip and rubbed her forehead with her other hand. “And what has your uncle done about it?”

A sneer curled Beatrice’s full lips. “Nothing. He keeps saying they’ve run away, but nobody believes that. Especially after today.”

“I think it’s time Illuma Grand stands up to their noble leader,” Rell said.

“I agree.” Jade took her friend’s hand in hers. “Are you up for a little revolt?”

A spark of defiance gleamed in Beatrice’s eyes. “I’ve been waiting for the chance.”

“Then gather all those willing to fight the Bane, but do it quietly. We don’t want Fromme to catch wind of what’s transpiring under his nose,” Juna said. “Wait for word from one of us before you act. No sense in putting yourself in harm’s way before we know what we’re dealing with exactly.”

“Whatever you do, don’t underestimate your uncle,” Ravyn said. “And if at any time you feel unsafe, go to Jacob Le Daun’s manor. Do you know where it is?”

“Yes. I’ve been there before.” Beatrice looked at Rell. “And Marcus?”

“Saint’s willing, he’ll be home soon.” Rell lowered her hand. “And a few more Bane will be suffering in the Abyss.”

“Cheery thought, sister.” Jade placed a hand on Rell’s shoulder and squeezed. “You’ve got a bit of a mean streak in you.”

“Yes I do, but I had that before I was turned Bane.”

Beatrice’s eyes widened and she shook her head. “Nothing surprises me with you lot anymore.” She pointed to Rell’s chin. “I want that.”

Rell touched the skin just below her lip. “What?”

“To be brought to full power.” The woman looked at Juna, as if sensing her rank. “I’m ready to take my place in the fight.”

A smile curled Juna’s lip and Rell could almost sense the Tell’s desire to call the troops to arms. “Successfully muster an army and I will personally guarantee that you’re brought to full power.”

Beatrice’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll hold you to that.”

Chapter Twelve

The doors to Fromme Bagita’s office opened and the Bringer party filed out. Rell and the three women stopped at the end of the hall and waited for the group to join them.

“What’s going on?” Ravyn asked.

“Fromme is being his usual charming self.” Rhys scowled down at her. “Uncooperative.”

Gregory halted in front of the women and the other Bringers moved in, enclosing them in a circle no person would dare breach. “Did you find anything?”

“This is all that’s left.” Juna took the weapons from Rell and held them out to Gregory. “We’ve hidden a few daggers in our boots as well.”

He took the swords from her grasp and passed them around the group. His expression turned dark. “Were they in the Council Chamber?”

Juna nodded. “As was a Splinter.”

His hand froze, his gaze sliding back to her. “Explain.”

“It seems Vile and Sha-hera have coerced at least one Splinter into helping them search the Council Chamber.” Juna gripped the hilt of her sword. The way her thumb rubbed against the ornate handle belied her nervousness. “She said she entered Illuma Grand under the guise of dancing for Lord Bagita—at his invitation, of course.”

“Of course.” Gregory rubbed a hand over his chin and exhaled. “More and more he becomes a liability. Now he’s being manipulated like a puppet and doesn’t even realize that Vile controls the strings.”

“What should we do?” Luc asked.

“Beatrice is gathering those who are willing to stand against Fromme and fight the Bane,” Jade said. “Her fiancé is one of the men being held in the Shadow World.”

“We don’t have time to deal with Fromme right now.” Gregory sighed. “Hopefully, while we are gone, Bagita can’t do more harm than he’s already done. I say we finish this mission first and deal with him upon our return.”

The group nodded, bowing to his leadership.

“Let’s go.” Gregory pushed through the group. “We’ve got Bringers to rescue.”

The party fell into step, two wide, Siban taking his place next to Rell. She glanced at him. His face was expressionless, but she could feel his relief at being safely rejoined with her. She said nothing and focused forward. As they marched from the building, Rell couldn’t help but feel proud that she was part of this group—thankful she had a mission to complete—proud that she’d found her place amongst her kind.

Though he didn’t know exactly what had happened in the Council Chamber, Siban could see that Rell was happy about what the four women had accomplished. No doubt she had played a hand in finding the weapons. Now that Rell was armed with an immortal sword, he relaxed a bit. At least she’d have some protection against the Bane—and Icarus if need be, though he doubted Rell would use it against that demon. Now if he could get through her thick, stubborn skull that she needed to be more cautious, he’d be able to sleep at night.

The group strode through Illuma Grand as if they owned it. People skittered out of their way and once outside, Gregory called for their horses. Within minutes the party was on their way and Siban was once again refocused on the quest to rescue the Bringers from the Shadow World.

When they reached the property boundaries, Gregory slowed their pace. They thinned their line to ride single file again. Nobody spoke. There would be time for talk once they stopped for the midday meal.

Siban’s gaze rested on Rell’s back, the rhythmic step of his horse rocking away the pent up anxiety he’d been holding onto since the encounter with the Bane. The miles passed and by noon his stomach was protesting loudly.

At a stream, Gregory stopped them. “Go to the river two at a time and stay alert.” He dismounted. “We’ll be here just long enough to refresh ourselves.”

Rell slid from her horse and straightened, giving a little groan. Siban dismounted and walked to her. “Sore?”

She turned to face him, grimacing unconvincingly. “Not at all.”

Her sister on the other hand did not suffer her pains in silence. She hobbled past them. “I think I’d rather ride that bloody dragon again.”

“That bloody dragon would be me.” Luc stopped beside them. “The woman complains more than a fishwife.”

“But you love her just the same.” Rell leveled her glare at him. “Don’t you?”

Luc rounded his eyes and gave her a sickeningly sweet smile. “More than life itself.”

Siban smiled and took the reins from her. “Come on, let’s water the horses.”

They made their way toward the bank and stopped, waiting for Meran and Trace to finish at the river. An uncomfortable silence stretched between them. Rell appeared unwilling to be the first to broach the subject of their conflict but Siban didn’t want to continue their trek with the bad feelings between them.

“You scared me this morning when you confronted the Bane. You can’t continue to be so reckless.” He kept his eyes on the water and struggled for the right words. “Other lives depend on your actions.”

She bit her lower lip, her eyes trained on the two people at the river. “I know.”

He wasn’t sure she understood the danger she’d put them in, but her admission of guilt was a start to breaking down the tension between them. “And I won’t say anything to the rest of the group about you freeing Icarus.”

She was quiet for a few seconds. “But you still don’t believe we can convert him to our side?”