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“Agreed.” Gregory looked between Rell and Jade. “I hate to ask, but would you mind leading again?”

“I will show you the way,” Rell said, cutting off any argument from her sister. “I’ll use my Tell to guide us. Hopefully we’ll be able to sense an attack before we’re caught off guard.”

“Very good. I’ll be directly behind you.” Gregory walked back to the passage. “All of us should scan constantly. Though the Tells’ abilities are stronger, we each have the capability to perceive demons.”

Rell joined Gregory near the door, once again taking her place at the front of the line. She released a heavy breath and sent up a prayer to the Sainted Ones.

Please deliver us all from the mouth of the beast.

Chapter Fourteen

The corridors were eerily quiet. Though the gnawing of the Banes’ presence had intensified somewhat, it was still not as strong as it should have been. A heavy chill weighed the air, making it more difficult to breathe. The smell of wet stone mingled with the taint of sulfur, stinging Rell’s nose. Her heartbeat quickened as she crept forward.

She stopped. A hidden crevice that was cut into the walls to her right could barely be seen. Once when she’d been following Icarus, she’d seen him disappear into the fissure and that was the only reason she knew the opening was there. Otherwise she would have passed by it completely unaware that it led to the upper level overlooking the war room.

When seeking Icarus’s help, she’d found him lurking above, listening to Vile and the succubus army plot against the Bringers. Though she had been hidden in shadows, Rell was almost sure the Demon King had known she was there.

Again she raised her hand to halt the group. Strategically they were not in a good position. The narrow corridor gave them no outlet for escape. But then again, they’d already established that until they found the Bringers who Vile held captive, retreat really wasn’t an option. She turned to Gregory and indicated the crack in the wall. His brow furrowed, obviously still not seeing the entrance in the dim light.

Without waiting for him, she slipped between the rocks, hoping the others would follow. The rough stone caught her hair and the rasp of the leather sliding against rock hissed along the narrow opening. Inch by inch she scooted farther into the gap until it opened onto a circular landing. Gregory emerged directly behind her. One by one the Bringers squeezed through the crevice and materialized into the cleared area at the base of the stairs.

With her sword, Rell pointed up the steps. Instead of letting her take the lead, Gregory motioned for Trace and Rhys to follow. The three men stole up the steps that had been carved into the rock with weapons ready. The quiet crunch of their footsteps sounded overly loud in the enclosed space.

Juna stood at the base of the stairs, staring up into the dark stairwell, like a dog that had been told to stay and now impatiently waited for its master’s call to join them. Nobody spoke. Ravyn had positioned herself at the entrance of the rocks. It seemed each Bringer was finding their place within the group. Besides Juna, the Shields naturally took up a position of defense, where as the Tells main talent seemed to be in sensing danger and the correct path.

Rell stared up the empty stone stairwell. From what she remembered, noise from the war room traveled down the steps. Just as easily any demon in the upper level of the war room would be alerted to their presence if they weren’t quiet.

Strained glances ricocheted between the Bringers as the minutes ticked by. Finally, the crunching of returning steps grew louder. The group backed up as far as possible, allowing the three men to reenter the circle.

Gregory remained on the bottom step and spoke quietly. “The war room is empty, though there are several drawings of Illuma Grand spread out on the table. We’ll deal with that information later.” He gave a little shake of his head. “I think we need to continue deeper.”

Every member of the party nodded in agreement, but didn’t speak. Without further discussion, Gregory took the lead and disappeared into the fissure. The Bringers fell into line, waiting their turn to slide through the opening. Once back in the corridor, he motioned them forward.

Where they traveled now was unknown to any Bringers and very few demons. A dark world where only the most dangerous Bane dwelled. Rell’s breath swirled around her in an icy cloud. She remembered this cold. The chill penetrated deep, burning its way into her bones. It had an unnatural feel, as if it emanated from the very heart of the world.

She rolled her shoulders, repressing the urge to shiver and glance back. Siban’s warm presence radiated behind her, solid and reassuring. Their path angled downward again and the gnawing bite of the Bane increased, grating more sharply than it had with the minions. Though they still hadn’t encountered any Bane, demons were definitely in the vicinity.

Tension rolled through the group, and Rell had to close the barriers of her mind so as to not be carried away by her companions’ anxiety and anticipation. Again their route leveled out. A narrow corridor to their right disappeared into darkness. Chunks of debris littered the floor, giving it an unused and unwelcoming quality.

To the left, an ornate arch ascended to thirty feet above them. Rell’s eyes followed the graceful curve of the entrance, surprised by the detail of the work. It was obvious that a master sculptor had created this, but whom? The Bane seemed incapable of creating anything but destruction and pain. Compared to the harsh and cold caverns of the Shadow World, this masterpiece stood in direct contrast to the Bane’s brutality.

Beyond lay a wide corridor, the walls smooth not by time, but by physical effort. Lavish braziers, equally as ornate as the arch, burned with cold blue flames, giving the passage a foreboding atmosphere. A foul breeze wafted from the finished hall. Rell stepped back, bumping into Siban. His hands steadied her and for the first time, his touch did not induce calm. His wariness enveloped her, indicating that he felt the threat as well.

Despite the suspected danger, Gregory stepped under the carved arch and inched forward down the passage. The Bringers spread out to stand two wide. Odette and Okee took their positions at the rear. Rell glanced back. The twins faced each other, moving forward with a side step, which kept their backs to the wall and their eyes behind the group in case of an attack.

Rell skirted a thick metal loop secured to the walls at ankle level. Chains of rusty iron hung over the ring and lay in a disorganized pile on the floor. Every few feet another loop and more chain had been attached, as if prisoners had once lay shackled there. Rell assessed the thickness of the chain. Or perhaps something far worse had been bound here, a creature they’d not yet encountered

Statues with their arms uplifted to the sky rested within deep niches’ cut into the walls. Rell halted, drawing closer to one of the figures. She’d seen something similar in the temples of the Order of the Saints. Leaning closer, she narrowed her gaze, trying to discern what was carved into the statue’s chest. A star with eight arrow-tipped points that emanated outward was engraved into the stone. She turned to Siban and pointed at the design with the tip of her sword. Brita stopped next to Rell, her eyes growing wide.

“The chaotic star.” The words rushed from her. The Tell’s expression sent a wave of alarm rushing through Rell. Normally Brita wore a look that instilled confidence. Now she seemed genuinely frightened. She lifted her eyes and quietly called down the corridor. “Magnus.”

Magnus skirted the group and moved toward them with Gregory following. As they approached a colorful curse slipped from Magnus. Gregory’s steps slowed, his eyes narrowed and his mouth tightened into a straight line. He looked at Magnus, a silent message passing between them. Gregory exhaled, his gaze traveling down the still empty corridor in the direction they’d been heading. Several of the Bringers gathered around him.