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His raised the point of his sword toward the statue’s chest, his voice coming out in an almost inaudible whisper. “The mark of the Summoner.”

Siban muttered a curse. His hand wrapped around Rell’s waist, pulling her close. She went freely and rested against him, needing his strength. The Summoners were supposed to have been imprisoned by King Harlin. Why would their statues be in the Shadow World?

Though she’d known this journey would be fraught with peril, the realization that they might be walking into a trap set by the most powerful of the Bringer groups nearly paralyzed Rell. It took all her strength to continue and not contemplate the possible loss of her soul again—or worse.

“This is not good news,” Gregory said, his gaze traveling over the group. “If these statues indicate that the Summoners have joined with the Bane, we are most definitely outmatched.” He exhaled. “What say you? Do we continue or turn back?”

Juna edged forward. “We continue. Until we confront Vile we will not know what we’re up against.”

Several of the Bringers nodded. Rell remained silent, unable to make a rational decision. She caught Jade’s wide-eyed stare. It seemed Rell was not the only one questioning the foolishness of their venture, but neither she nor her sister voiced their concerns. What Jade had said in her bedroom only a few days before came back to Rell… What’s happening between the Bringers and the Bane is so much bigger than the both of us… Rell drew strength from her sister’s words.

When nobody spoke up to dispute Juna, Gregory nodded. “So be it. We continue on.”

Again he took his spot at the front of the line and proceeded forward. Before moving, Rell looked back at the statue. The urge to crush the figurine to a fine powder surged through her. From the memories Magnus had showed their group, the Summoners had defied the Bringer law. No moral code bound them. The dark magic sect had made their own rules. If the Summoners were still alive, then it was not only the small group of Bringers who were in trouble, but the fate of two worlds.

The bite of the Bane clawed at Rell’s arms, which meant Bane were near. She released her Tell, letting it flow forward. Two dark voids rippled along Rell’s awareness. Juna had obviously felt them too. She grabbed Gregory’s arm and raised two fingers. At the end of the wide passage Gregory stopped and pressed his back against the wall, raising his sword. He flicked his head forward and made a circling motion overhead. Juna and Rell mimicked his stance.

With the ease that comes from training together, the Bringers who had accompanied Gregory through the Arch fell into two lines. They spanned the width of the corridor. The first line faced forward in the direction they’d been headed. The second line moved to the back and faced the direction in which they’d just come, ready to engage in an assault from behind. Rell, Siban, Luc, and Jade fell in behind the first line, facing forward, while Rhys, Ravyn, and Meran turned toward the back to form a second line of defense. Okee, Odette, and Trace took the very back, reinforcing the rear. Though they would be trapped if attacked from both directions, at least their positions would allow them to take out several Bane before being overpowered.

Gregory and Juna slipped around the corner. None of the others moved. The silence stretched like a tight band between them. Blood pounded in Rell’s ears and power danced along her skin, wanting to pool in her hands. She glanced behind her and noticed that Ravyn and Rhys each held fireballs in one hand and their weapons in the other.

A riot of emotions rolled through Rell. She refocused on the corner that Gregory and Juna had rounded and let the vibrating power pool in her hands. She sent her Tell forward. Two Bringers registered, their presences sending positive sensations along her awareness. Beyond them stood two dark voids—the Bane. Neither demon seemed to be aware of the approaching Bringers.

The impression emanating from both the Bane was like nothing Rell had ever experienced. It wasn’t dull, like the minions, but sharp and completely focused on their task of standing guard. What they watched over, she could only imagine. Rell tried to shake off the hollowness the mental touch caused and forced her Tell to remain to take in information. If and when Gregory and Juna needed them, she would be there with her sword.

Quivers of anticipation traveled back to her. Then she sensed Siban’s Tell, ghosting forward and absorbing some of Gregory and Juna’s apprehension. Though she couldn’t see the Bringers, Rell recognized Gregory’s intent to attack. A flash of emotion spun along her path at the same time the sounds of struggle erupted around the corner.

Then Brita and Magnus rushed forward with Rhys and Ravyn in their wake. Not waiting, Rell followed. As she rounded the corner, her gaze fell on two of the biggest demons she had ever seen. Not hulking like the malformed minions, but broad and muscle bound. Their skin was marbled with intricate tattoos.

One demon had Juna pinned against the wall by her throat. From her reddening face, he was effectively choking her. Magnus’s blade slid through the thick leather of the demon’s vest, burying it to the hilt.

The Bane released its hold on Juna. She dropped to the floor and clutched at her neck, gasping for breath. Without hesitation, Rell sprinted forward and hooked one arm under Juna’s shoulder, pulling her out of the reach of the demon. Magnus hauled his sword free and stepped back. The Bane turned, its piercing yellow eyes narrowing on him. Its body convulsed once but didn’t fall. Gregory impaled the second demon with his blade, piercing its chest until the tip protruded from its back.

He yanked on the sword in an attempt to pull it free but the weapon didn’t budge. The demon grabbed for him. Gregory narrowly dodged the big hands. Placing his foot on the demon’s stomach, he heaved backward, finally freeing his weapon.

Both Bane convulsed several times, their bodies jerking and their yellow eyes turning milky white.

“Run!” Gregory pushed Magnus in the direction they’d come. “Grab onto something.”

Siban raced forward and lifted Juna into his arms. “Come on.”

Having witnessed what an immortal weapon did to the Bane in the woods yesterday morning, Rell bolted around the corner with Siban and Juna on her heels. Seconds later a thunderous roar filled the passageway.

“Grab onto the rings!” Gregory lifted Juna from Siban’s arms and slid to the floor with her cradled in his lap.

Rell squatted and wrapped the chain around her wrist and up her arm before grabbing a ring. Siban and the others following suit.

The figurines within the alcoves began to vibrate. Rell yanked her foot in a second before the statue above her toppled off its perch and smashed on the ground. Shards of stone pelted her face, but she didn’t have time to react.

Tremors rippled down the middle of the passage, buckling the stone tiles. For a second, Rell thought the earth would open and swallow them whole. A blazing torrent of wind whipped along the corridor, flinging debris in every direction. Rell curled into a ball, shielding her face from the wind’s assault. The breath left her lungs, the wind growing in intensity and continuing to drive down the corridor.

Shrieks erupted in Rell’s head, the same screams she had heard yesterday morning after Gregory had impaled the Bane. Pain ripped through her skull and she cried out. Pulling her head upward, she looked around, squinting to see the other Bringers. Rhys held onto Ravyn and her hands were pressed against her ears in obvious distress.

The shrill howls escalated and Rell’s vision blurred. Sharp pain jabbed behind her eyes. She cried out, but the wind sucked the sound from her. Just when she thought she would die from the punishing screams, they stopped. The wind lessened, the last gust swirling down the corridor and around the corner. Air returned to the space and Rell drank in a deep breath. Little by little the searing spike behind her eyes eased until it was nothing but a dull ache.